Scholar's Cultivation System Panel

Chapter 296 Even the physics world is alarmed

The Riemann Hypothesis, the Everest problem of the century in mathematics, has been proven. This news has touched the hearts of all mathematicians, and also made masters and PhD students who have not been exposed to mathematics for a long time extremely excited.

Even if you have not studied the Riemann hypothesis before, you should appreciate this authoritative paper.

This led to the International Congress of Mathematicians, which had already shrunk significantly in value, to end hastily in desperation. Even the one-hour and forty-five-minute reports, known as the classic sessions, could not proceed smoothly.

The process that was originally scheduled to take several days ended with just awarding the Fields Medal.

It has been evaluated by many media as the International Congress of Mathematicians with the smallest number of participants and the shortest time.

On the other hand, at the Institute for Advanced Mathematics at Peking University, the mathematicians on site were attracted by the process of proving the Riemann hypothesis and had no intention of leaving.

For this reason, the High Court had no choice but to increase the time for the exchange meeting, and Xu Yun continued the report meeting on the certification process.

Fortunately, it was summer vacation and there were few students in the school. Otherwise, holding such a large-scale mathematics event for a long time would inevitably cause inconvenience.

Also worth mentioning.

A few days later, the proof paper of the Riemann hypothesis was officially published in the Annual Journal of Mathematics.

This paper made more people in the mathematics community see this paper.

And gave it a very high rating.

Even Perelman, the prover of the Poincaré conjecture who had not appeared in the mathematical community for a long time, appeared online for this purpose.

In addition to highly praising the content of the paper, he also congratulated Xu Yun.

He even expressed the intention of having the opportunity to discuss mathematics in person.

As soon as this news came out, it immediately attracted the attention of all media, and they spent a lot of space on the report.

After all, there is very little news about Perreman in the academic world. In everyone's mind, he is a very mysterious and lonely mathematician. In addition, he is also the first person to prove the world's seven major mathematical problems and refuse the Clay Mathematics Institute's scholarship. It is full of curiosity and topics in itself.

Now he suddenly appeared on the Internet and openly communicated with Xu Yun to express his affection.

On the contrary, it further proves the value of this paper.

At least the prover of the Poincaré conjecture gave its approval.

You must know that after the news of the proof of the Riemann hypothesis spread, causing a huge earthquake in the mathematical world, there were also many people working hard to verify and try to overturn Xu Yun's proof process.

Xu Yun proved the Riemann hypothesis and was highly praised by the academic community. If anyone can overturn it at this time, it will definitely gain greater attention and popularity in the mathematics community and even around the world.

In particular, Smith, who is the Secretary-General of the International Mathematical Union, is even more unwilling.

After he returned to the alliance headquarters, he immediately found a way to organize professors from the mathematics departments of Oxford and Harvard universities to set up special project groups to analyze and verify Xu Yun's proof process.

They even used supercomputers to assist in the calculation.

I have to say that if it is a general proof process in mathematics, it is really easy to be overturned under this level of verification.

Even if a very small problem is found, it is enough to mark the proof as false.

At least it can weaken Xu Yun's influence in the mathematics community.

Ever since Xu Yun showed his talent by solving Hodge's conjecture and Goldbach's conjecture respectively in his twenties, he has been called the son of mathematics by academic circles and the hope of the future.

This time, after returning to mathematics after a few years, the Riemann hypothesis was proved, which made everyone become fanatical.

Xu Yun is almost regarded as the emperor of mathematics.

Both the older generation of well-known mathematicians and the new generation of future backbones in the mathematical community have indescribable respect for Xu Yun.

This undoubtedly significantly reduces the authority of the International Mathematical Union.

It is no exaggeration to say that Xu Yun is almost as good as the International Mathematical Union by himself.

From the perspective of the Secretary-General of the International Mathematical Union, Smith certainly does not want this to happen.

It's a pity that he didn't know that Xu Yun's process of proving the Riemann hypothesis was not researched in just a few months.

In fact, it is a very mature and reasonable proof.

Let alone using a supercomputer to verify it, even building a quantum computer would be useless.

On the contrary, it will further prove that the Riemann hypothesis is truly solved.

On this day at the headquarters of the International Mathematical Union, Smith was sitting in the office leaning back on his chair. Although his eyes were slightly closed, he could not hide the solemn look on his face.

After the International Congress of Mathematicians ended hastily, his previous practice of banning Xu Yun from participating in the conference caused dissatisfaction among many people in the alliance.

It is believed that his actions have damaged the authority of the alliance and lost the possibility of attracting a talented mathematician like Xu Yun.

It was decided to convene an internal meeting of the alliance to remove him from the position of secretary-general.

Even if he accepted the security building's request.

In this situation, the only thing he could count on was the research groups organized by the mathematics departments of major universities.

As long as Xu Yun's proof process or falsification of the Riemann hypothesis can be overturned, he will have a chance to stabilize his identity.

Otherwise, if I am really forced to leave the Mathematics Alliance, I am afraid it will be difficult to survive in the mathematics community in the future.

After all, he offended many well-known mathematicians in the mathematics community that day in the lecture hall of Jingzhou University.

Among them are Delnie Witten and others.

Just as he was thinking about this, his thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a knock on the door from outside.

"Come in."

Smith opened his eyes, sat upright, and shouted in the direction of the door.

The female assistant opened the door and came in, walked straight to the desk and stopped.

Just as the other party was about to answer, Smith had already taken the lead and asked: "Is there any new news from Oxford Harvard?"

"According to the replies from Professor Leicester and Professor Ruiz, they both stated that there is no problem with the proof of the Riemann Hypothesis, and as of today, it has been verified through multiple verifications."

Faced with Smith's anxious attitude, the female assistant naturally did not dare to hesitate.

Report the situation to him immediately.

It's just that there was obvious hesitation when he said the last sentence.

It was obvious that she knew what this result meant to the Secretary-General.

Sure enough, after hearing these words, Smith's strength, which he had finally raised up, wilted again like an eggplant beaten by frost.

The whole person completely collapsed on the chair.

He murmured repeatedly in his mouth.

"Passed the calculation?"

"How could this be true?"

He really couldn't imagine how Xu Yun, who had not spent a lot of time studying before, could complete the proof in a short time.

If he was present in the lecture hall that day, it can be said that he did not find the loopholes in the proof because of time issues.

However, in the face of the research group organized by the mathematics department of the university, it can still successfully pass the verification.

This shows that Xu Yun's proof process is definitely very mature.

Maybe the Riemann Hypothesis really has been proven.

Although this result was difficult for him to accept.

If it is impossible for Xu Yun to solve the Riemann hypothesis in a short time, then there is only one possibility left.

Perhaps Xu Yun had already proved the Riemann hypothesis before he entered chemical materials.

No matter how bad it is, most of it is done.

It's just that it has been kept in a dusty state and not enabled.

It is conceivable that even though you have a huge treasure in your body, you can resolutely throw it away to study a new field and start from scratch.

This is definitely not something ordinary scientists can do.

With this thought emerging in his mind, the more Smith thought about it, the more terrifying he felt about Xu Yun.

I even began to regret why I had obeyed the orders from the security building to ban Xu Yun from attending the International Congress of Mathematicians.

Otherwise, the situation would never be what it is now.

You must know that when Xu Yun proved Goldbach's conjecture at the International Congress of Mathematicians a few years ago, he went on stage to personally congratulate him and punished the neon mathematics community.

Now it seems that he single-handedly destroyed the original good situation.

However, there is no regret medicine in the world. No matter how bad the situation is, he must face it.

"He is truly an admirable and fearful person. He has solved the Riemann hypothesis long ago but has hidden it until now. Perhaps he can really lead human civilization into deep space in the future."

Smith relaxed a lot when his thoughts stayed here, and he whispered in a daze.

When the words reached the ears of the female assistant in front of him, she was also very surprised.

I couldn't help but ask: "Secretary-General, you said that Xu Yun has already proved the Riemann hypothesis?"

"if not."

Smith had already controlled his emotions. Hearing this, he raised his eyes and expressed his judgment.

"The current results have explained everything. If the Riemann hypothesis had not been proved long ago, how could we have such a mature proof process."

“Even Oxford and Harvard couldn’t find a loophole that could overturn the proof.”

"It's hard to imagine that such a genius exists in the world of mathematics." The female assistant nodded with deep understanding and sighed.

Just as the two were talking about this, they saw a young man wearing a pair of glasses push the door open and walk in. He walked to the desk and stopped before saying a word to Smith.


"The directors of the alliance have decided to hold a meeting tomorrow. I hope you will attend on time."

After speaking, before Smith could speak, he turned around and left.

It can be said that it did not give Smith any face.

Although the female assistant in front of him was very angry, Smith's face was unusually calm.

It was as if he had anticipated the current situation.

In the eyes of others, he may still be the Secretary-General of the Mathematics Union, but he knows very well in his heart that he is afraid that he will no longer be the Secretary-General of the Union when the meeting ends tomorrow.

In the end, as the other party's figure gradually disappeared from sight, he could only sigh deeply.

The popularity of the Riemann Hypothesis itself and the attention brought by this incident.

It is destined that this cannot be just a grand event in the world of mathematics.

In addition to mathematicians, there are many scholars in other fields who have studied Xu Yun's paper.

The largest number of them undoubtedly belongs to the physics community.

As everyone knows.

Before Xu Yun solved the Riemann Hypothesis, the academic community believed that to prove the Riemann Hypothesis, we needed to start with quantum mechanics.

Now that the Riemann hypothesis has been proven and recognized by so many authoritative experts, many physicists in the quantum field will naturally study it to see if they can get any new inspiration.

"Come and take a look at this paper, I swear it will give you a big surprise."

In an office in California, Professor Kruger, who was born in Applied Mathematics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, handed a paper journal from the Annual Journal of Mathematics to Puskore.

Krueger seemed to be very optimistic about the content in this journal, and he spoke with confidence.

As an outstanding mathematician and computer scientist at MIT, he created a famous algorithm that can be used in quantum computers to efficiently decompose large integers.

It is even enough to threaten the existing public key encryption system.

Therefore, he has also done a lot of research in the quantum field. After seeing this most popular paper in the academic world recently, he did not pay too much attention to the proof process of the Riemann hypothesis.

Instead, I was attracted by the research part of quantum mechanics, which seemed to open a new door in the quantum field.

Excited, he immediately found Pskore.

Compared with his main research in the fields of mathematics and computers, Puskore is a veritable physicist and quantum information scientist.

He made important contributions to quantum computing and quantum entanglement theory.

He also proposed the concepts of quantum Hall effect and topological quantum computing, creating the world-famous word quantum hegemony.

When it comes to research in the quantum field, Krueger considers himself inferior.

At this time Puskore saw the journal handed over by Kruger, and lost interest after noticing that the name of the journal was the Annals of Mathematics.

"It's just a paper in the Annual Journal of Mathematics. I don't think it can bring me any surprises."

Krueger obviously knew Puskore's temper well, and he was not angry at this answer.

Instead, he said rather mysteriously: "This is a paper that proves the Riemann hypothesis, a century-old problem in mathematics, and it also mentions quantum mechanics."

"Riemann Hypothesis?"

"Is he the genius mathematician who is less than thirty years old?"

Rao is Puskore, who has devoted himself to research, and has heard of Xu Yun's name to some extent.

After learning that it was the process of proving the Riemann hypothesis and that it involved the quantum field, I couldn't help but lower my eyes.

Speaking of which, he himself was very curious about Xu Yun and could not imagine that such a genius would be born in the world.

It only took a few years to go from becoming famous in the mathematics community to having his legend spread all over the world.

This was an achievement that even he thought he could not achieve.

It's simply a miracle.

That is to say, the other party has not set foot in the quantum field, otherwise his position in this field may not be guaranteed.


"You can take a look at the quantum part of this paper first." Kruger admitted without being too pretentious.

Having said this, Puskore became more and more excited, and immediately picked up the journal and looked at it carefully.

Seeing this scene, Kruger had a satisfied smile on his face and sat beside him, waiting patiently.

He wondered what Pskore would say.

Puskore apparently only read the quantum part of the paper. His expression first changed from calmness to surprise, and then his face was full of shock, as if his eyes had dropped to the journal.

There are no shortage of discoveries.

Just like this, dozens of minutes passed before I saw Puskore reluctantly putting down the journal.

There was a glint in his eyes.

"I didn't expect that this young genius in mathematics would have such in-depth research in the quantum field."

"No wonder he was able to prove the Riemann hypothesis."

Puskore raised his gaze and spoke to Kruger, his words not concealing his admiration for Xu Yun.

Krueger was most concerned about the value of the quantum field content in the paper. After hearing this, he immediately asked: "Will this paper be helpful to us?"

"In this paper, the other party mentioned a brand new theory, which may be able to speed up the research of quantum computing. I am afraid that it will not be long before the world begins a new round of competition for quantum supremacy." Puskore had no choice in this matter Concealing Kruger, even if he told his analysis.

But after these words reached Kruger's ears, he seemed extremely shocked.

Almost subconsciously, he exclaimed: "Are you saying that quantum computing research is likely to be greatly improved?"

Kruger had just felt that the paper that could prove the Riemann hypothesis was definitely not too general, so he came to Puskore to confirm the situation. After all, his areas of expertise were applied mathematics and computers.

But he never expected that Puskore would directly give him such a big surprise.

In recent years, various countries have been conducting research on quantum computing, hoping to build a real quantum computer to achieve quantum hegemony.

After all, quantum computing has terrifying computing power that supercomputers cannot match.

If applied to scientific development, then what is gained is time.

It may take years or decades for others to calculate a certain problem, but quantum computing is instantaneous.

The most intuitive result of this time lead is that it can bring about a technological explosion.

Let the development of human civilization take a fast track.

However, although quantum computers researched by various parties have achieved results in recent years, they cannot be truly used for calculations.

It simply cannot achieve the effect of the so-called real quantum computer.

Now because of Xu Yun's paper, it is very likely that the development of quantum computers will achieve a breakthrough, which is indeed shocking.

"At the moment, it just brings a direction to the research of quantum computing. Whether it can achieve a substantial improvement still needs to be verified concretely."

"I'm afraid the other party's purpose is not limited to proving the Riemann hypothesis. Maybe we will soon face a terrifying opponent."

Puskore could not hold back his excitement for a long time and was eager to carry out experiments for quantum verification.

So after leaving these words, he stood up and walked outside.

Kruger was left standing there, still digesting the information he had just received.

Kruger and Puskore were definitely not the only ones to discover this situation. Soon, the content of the paper on the quantum field completely caused a shock in the entire physics world.

Everyone knows what quantum computing means in the future, and you can imagine the heat it caused when the news came out.

The key is to enhance everyone's confidence in quantum research.

For this reason, many quantum laboratories have announced increased investment, vowing to win in this new competition for quantum supremacy.

However, at this time, there are not many domestic discussions about new developments in the quantum field.

The reason is attributed to the fact that after entering late July, the Academy of Sciences officially announced the list of new academicians.

It was also announced that the academician certificate awarding ceremony and symposium will be held at the end of the month.

There are more than 60 newly promoted academicians this time, the oldest of whom is 68 years old.

At first, he was less than thirty years old.


The youngest academician since the establishment of the Academy of Sciences is Xu Yun.

In the past, the first person on the list of new academicians would have been at least in their forties, but because of Xu Yun's presence this time, the list of new academicians was suddenly lowered.

But it has to be said that even though Xu Yun is the youngest among everyone, even the photos look out of place with the others.

But no one questioned it.

Everyone knows that even if others are not qualified, Xu Yun truly deserves the title.

From solving two major problems in mathematics, to synthesizing new photoresists and developing shaping fluorocarbon polymer coating materials, and relying on the designed door frame robot armor to enhance military industry strength.

Coupled with the realization of an independent high-end chip manufacturing industry chain, it also proves the Riemann Hypothesis of the problem of the century.

It is no exaggeration to say that he has long been qualified to be an academician.

Just go through the process.

Others who want to be selected as academicians need to go through multiple rounds of screening and evaluation in addition to applying in advance from their institutions and universities.

And the first nomination could not be approved.

It's not like he was hired directly by the Academy of Sciences on his own initiative, and the current president Hou Shengchang personally facilitated it.

With such a thing worthy of celebration, everyone was naturally happy for Xu Yun from the bottom of their hearts.

Especially those fans who have followed Xu Yun's account for a long time, when they see their favorite people going from master's degree and doctorate to professor and academician, they can't help but feel like they are playing a development game.

This one thing alone occupies the top hot searches on major websites.

"Xu Yun was elected as an academician"

"List of New Academicians of the Academy of Sciences"

"The youngest academician"

Just click on a topic, and the number of messages in the comment area can reach tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands.

The key point is that even if I look through the entire comment section, I can't find a single negative comment.

The entire comment section was filled with harmonious excitement.

"As a young fan of Professor Xu, I have finally waited for this day to arrive."

"I will call you Academician Xu from now on."

"This is the youngest academician of the Academy of Sciences. I'm afraid no one will be able to break this record in the future. If you really set a record, you will be the record holder forever."

"I can't imagine what someone more powerful than Academician Xu would be like. I can only say that it is absolutely impossible."

"I can only say that I am well-deserved. I look forward to Academician Xu bringing us all more surprises in the future."

"Congratulations to Academician Xu, I am so happy today."

When the news that Xu Yun was elected as an academician aroused widespread discussion and was reported by major media, Deepin Technology also specially distributed a special benefit to its employees.

This is to celebrate my boss's election as an academician.

In addition, Pingzhou No. 3 Middle School must be happy. As a non-key high school in Pingzhou City, it has cultivated an academician and broke the record of the youngest academician. Regardless of the principal or each subject, The teachers were undoubtedly very happy and proud.

In this case, the principal immediately made arrangements and produced brand new banners and posters to be posted on campus.

It just so happens that we can take advantage of this opportunity to recruit students.

Naturally, No. 1 Middle School and No. 2 Middle School were envious of this move, but because they didn't train academicians, they could only stare and envy the good luck of No. 3 Middle School.

In the end, even the junior high school and even elementary school where Xu Yun attended, reporters came to interview him.

It can be seen that Xu Yun's successful selection as an academician this time has almost caused a sensation among the people.

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