Scholar's Cultivation System Panel

Chapter 99: The Goals Set by Professor Tang

"It's not convenient to answer the phone in the library. Hasn't the problem over there been solved?" Xu Yun received Qian Yudong's call and hurried back to the dormitory without saying a word. The things in it immediately asked.

"The post bar issue has indeed been resolved."

"I read the news from the department group that the seniors of the School of Engineering used the owner's authority to delete posts and seal accounts."

"And specially sent a statement to your platform in the bar."

When Qian Yudong talked about the Post Bar, he suddenly became excited, and said in a very mysterious whisper: "I also heard that the person who posted the rhythm was found out this morning. He is a sophomore in the School of Engineering. Now The leaders of the Design Institute are probably discussing how to deal with it."

"Senior sophomore?" Xu Yun was a little surprised.

"Maybe it's because you've won the thesis award, and you feel unbalanced." Qian Yudong thought for a while and wanted to give a guess.

"The latest news has been confirmed now. At least that senior will be punished." Zhao Yuefeng stood up and took the conversation, without hiding the joy on his face.

Xu Yun didn't care much about the ending of that senior, after all, people always have to pay the price for what they do.

Seeing that the topic started to deviate from the main thing again, I had to repeat the question.

"You haven't said what's the matter with bringing me back?"


"I almost forgot." As soon as Xu Yun reminded him, Qian Yudong slapped his forehead and said hastily.

But just as he was organizing his words to explain the situation, Zhou Qi, who was sitting next to him in front of the computer, waved his hand.

"I've already opened the video, you can just come and watch it."


"What video?"

Xu Yun had some doubts about Zhou Qi's words, but there was no hesitation on his legs.

Immediately walked behind Zhou Qi.

At the same time, Qian Yudong and Zhao Yuefeng also surrounded them.

Looking at the screen, Xu Yun noticed that this was a Weibo video posted two hours ago.

The subject of the account is

The video began to play, and its content was enlarged and widened screenshots of Jingzhou University's announcement list, and some posts with rhythm were deleted from the post bar. With a few paragraphs of text information and background music, it became news.

The video did not explicitly question his publication of the paper.

However, those specially marked freshmen in the Department of Mathematics, International Journal of Network Neurology and Learning Systems, etc., are all guiding public opinion.

After watching the video, Xu Yun's expression was unavoidably dull, but he didn't expect this matter to spread on the Internet.

"I checked it for you just now. The word-of-mouth of is not very good. Usually, it often publishes some fake news without evidence to arouse public sentiment and gain traffic."

"The number of fans of the main account exceeds one million."

"Based on the speed of views and comments, I'm afraid this video will be on the hot search list."

When Xu Yun was watching the video, Zhou Qi slightly raised his eyes and said with a serious face, it could be seen that he was really worried about Xu Yun's situation.

Unlike yesterday, which was only discussed in the post bar, the traffic of hot searches on Weibo is much larger.

It is easy to attract the attention of the public.

You must know that the biggest shortcoming of netizens is that they are not very good at admitting their mistakes. Even if they know that they have made mistakes, the most likely thing to do is to delete comments and start a new life on the Internet.

Because the video forms a preconceived notion, even clarifying public opinion later will have little effect.

What's more, after Xu Yun took the mouse and clicked on the comments, he found that many people were already swearing about their own judgments.

A completely subjective judgment with no factual basis.

"Don't talk about publishing SCI papers in the first area of ​​the Academy of Sciences across majors. I don't believe even if a freshman publishes a paper in his own major. If you think it's a flyer, you can send it out if you want."

"My undergraduate degree is Qinghua, and I tried to publish the paper at that time, but after several revisions, it was successfully submitted to the third district."

"Does this freshman have any background that makes the professor willing to give up his thesis?"

"He has a very deep background, and all the posts in the post bar have been deleted long ago."

"This kind of situation that is problematic at first glance, doesn't it mean that Jingzhou University doesn't care about it? Some time ago, Jingzhou City restarted the investigation of backlog cases. I quite like this city. As a result, such disgusting things appeared in colleges and universities so quickly. things."


"The usual job of these self-media account editors is to search for hot news everywhere. When encountering a gimmicky topic like Brother Yun, it is similar to a mouse stealing food."

"I won't let go until I squeeze all the heat out."

Zhao Yuefeng was probably worried that Xu Yun would be angry because of this incident, so he took the initiative to say something beside him.

Qian Yudong was also not to be outdone, and complained for Xu Yun: "This kind of unscrupulous media should be blocked."

But it is definitely useless to say these now, the key is how to deal with this matter.

Minimize the impact on yourself.

There was a short silence in the dormitory, Zhou Qi hesitated but couldn't help interjecting.

"Xu Yun."

"Why don't you find Professor Tang first, it's best to let the school come forward to help solve it as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, I know what to do."

Xu Yun knew that several people cared about him, but if he simply asked the school to put pressure on the other party to delete the video, it might have the opposite effect and not solve the problem.

Originally, he didn't want to affect himself because of these trivial matters and delay the study plan he had made.

So there is no intention to reach out to control the remarks of the post bar.

But now.

He had to take the initiative to do something.

The outside public, who don't know the truth, questioned him for publishing a paper in the first area of ​​the Academy of Sciences in his freshman year, simply because he didn't believe his level.

But you must know that his thesis is not just talking on paper, and image restoration tools are the best support.

So what if the other party's self-media account has millions of followers?

During this period of time, with the continuous increase in the number of registered users of image restoration tools and the cooperation with Huya Live, Deepin Technology’s official accounts on major platforms have accumulated millions of fans. Now that the boss is in trouble, it is time for them to contribute.

Said that he could not write such a high-quality academic paper, and even the image restoration tool was developed by him alone.

After comforting Zhou Qi, Qian Yudong and the others, Xu Yun was just about to contact Meng Songyan to let him run the matter, when the phone rang suddenly.

He raised his hand and lowered his eyes to look at the screen. It was Tang Yanshan who was calling.

He quickly connected and responded with a few words, and then a slightly embarrassed expression appeared on his face.

"Xu Yun, what did Professor Tang say?"

Qian Yudong waited until Xu Yun hung up the phone, and immediately voiced his concern.

"Professor Tang asked me to come over, and said that the dean is also there." Xu Yun did not hide anything, and truthfully told Qian Yudong the situation.

And this sentence made the other people temporarily relieved.

"The situation will be much better if the courtyard comes forward, so there is no need to worry."


"Then I'll go first."

Xu Yun nodded to Zhou Qi, and then without hesitation, he put his things on the desk and left alone with his mobile phone.



Not long after, Xu Yun came to Tang Yanshan's office.

Seeing that the door was closed, he stopped and raised his hand to tap twice.

Immediately, a familiar voice came from inside.

"Come in."

Xu Yun pushed the door and walked in, and as the scene inside came into view, he suddenly felt a very subtle atmosphere.

Because in the office, apart from Tang Yanshan and Qin Xiangxin, the dean of the Department of Mathematics whom he had seen at the opening ceremony, Zhou Zhi from the School of Economics and Engineering was also sitting on the sofa.

Thinking that Tang Yanshan already knew about his dissertation, the expression on his face looked very embarrassed.

After all, according to the normal situation, if he wanted to publish a paper, he should ask Tang Yanshan for advice.

But this is also something that can't be helped, who made him not have any good ideas in the field of mathematics to write a thesis.

Only basic image restoration fields can be selected.

Taking a deep breath and walking closer, Xu Yun slowly raised his eyes and said hello to each other.

"Dean Qin."

"Professor Tang."

"Professor Zhou."

As soon as he finished speaking, Tang Yanshan said with a stern face: "You are really amazing, you actually published an SCI paper in the first district of the Academy of Sciences without making a sound. When will you publish one in the Annual Journal of Mathematics?" It seems to be blaming, but in fact, he is more and more satisfied with himself as a student.

Although the paper published this time is in the computer field, at least it proves that Xu Yun has this ability.

It is not impossible to submit papers to the Annals of Mathematics in the future.

Xu Yun was taken aback when he heard Tang Yanshan's words. As the top four in the mathematics world, Mathematics Annals is much more difficult to publish a paper than in the first division of the ordinary Academy of Sciences.

But in order to satisfy Tang Yanshan, he finally bit the bullet and answered.

"I'll do my best for that."

"I'm asking you whether you wanted to write this thesis yourself, or was Xiao Zhou behind it." Tang Yanshan was satisfied with Xu Yun's answer, but the conversation changed to Zhou Zhi.

He was depressed when he mentioned this matter. The students he summoned were targeted by the professors of the School of Economics and Economics, but now they contributed a valuable paper to the Institute of Economics and Economics.

If you don't say a few words, I feel really uncomfortable.

"Old Tang."

"As long as you are a student of our school, if you come to me with a paper, I will help you revise it."

Seeing that he was called by name, Zhou Zhi quickly explained a sentence.

Hearing this, Xu Yun didn't dare to delay too much, and quickly replied: "Professor Tang, I have to write the thesis myself, because I don't know the format very well, so I asked Professor Zhou to help revise it."

"In any case, Xu Yun is a student of our Beijing University. It is a good thing to publish a paper to win honor for the school." Qin Xiangxin stood at the back of the office. Seeing this situation, he could only speak to ease the atmosphere. With a smile on his face.

Xu Yun was called here to solve online problems, and the topic was all about arguing about the thesis.

Of course, Tang Yanshan wasn't really angry, he immediately relaxed after hearing Qin Xiangxin's words.

But there is no shortage of requirements for Xu Yun.

"I won't force you to publish papers in the Annual Journal of Mathematics, but next year you must come back with a Higher Education Club Cup for me."

Knowing that Tang Yanshan was talking about the National Mathematical Contest in Modeling, Xu Yun thought that he had never had any competition experience, so he agreed decisively after thinking about it.

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