"Whew-" The

sunlight shone into the room through the corner of the curtain, and the person at the table frowned, blocked the light with his hand, frowned and opened his misty eyes, his mind paused for two seconds, and then all the cells in his body were crying out for soreness.

Luo Geng fell asleep on the table, which was the line drawing he had drawn last night.

"Ha——, what's going on, Lao Jia urged the manuscript?"

Luo Geng stretched and yawned, not knowing what he was muttering.

But after 2.5 seconds, he suddenly realized something!

"Rub! I forgot I was born again, what time is it?

Luo Geng looked at the small alarm clock on the side and couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"It's too late!"

Luo Geng directly took the bag and snatched the door out, his face was not washed, he rushed out directly

, and even the hair on his head was pouted a little

, but Luo Geng didn't have time to care about those things

, he said that he would go to school with Chi Xiaoyu, fortunately, he set a second bus

with her, if he agreed with her for the first shift, it would be to release her pigeons.

Luo Geng did everything he could and ran to the station with all his strength!

Finally saw the girl standing in the station!


Luo Geng hurriedly ran over, panting, his physical strength was still as bad as ever.

And Chi Xiaoyu heard the movement and saw Luo Geng running over, and the

loneliness in his original eyes instantly appeared a touch of joy.

"Whew——, good morning... I, a little overslept..."

Luo Geng ran to Chi Xiaoyu, greeted her, bent down and gasped.

"Hmm... Good morning..." Chi

Xiaoyu nodded lightly and responded in a low voice.

However, Luo Geng suddenly thought of something, stood up, and said, "By the way, happy birthday!" "

Ahhh... Thank you.."

Chi Xiaoyu's cheeks on both sides flushed a faint blush, and he said in a thoughtful manner.

Luo Geng's eyes looked at her face and found that her shocking side face could be seen today

, because on her hair, wearing the hairpin he bought for her, she tied her hair up.

If yesterday she was a gentle temperament with loose hair like that, today is a heroic and sassy temperament

, no matter which one, it makes Luo Geng a little surprised,

why did he only find out how amazing she is now? This is not inferior to Qi Qianru's appearance at all, how can the school flower not be her?

Moreover, Luo Geng didn't remember that she had such a look in junior high school, otherwise Luo Geng wouldn't have remembered, and she would definitely remember it well.

It's really a female eighteen changes.

When the car arrived, Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu got on the bus together, after all, it was the starting station, and this time was for school, so in this car, there were very few people, Chi

Xiaoyu sat in the back by the window,

and Luo Geng

also naturally sat next to Chi Xiaoyu.

Just when Luo Geng just sat down

, Chi Xiaoyu's body couldn't help shaking, probably feeling too close, Chi Xiaoyu moved to the side again

, and because her hair couldn't block her face, she almost twisted her whole head to the window.

Luo Geng saw that in her hand, she was still holding a lunch box and wrapped it in something insulated.

"Did you bring your own lunch?" But you came to the cafeteria yesterday to eat.

Luo Geng talked to her and chatted, after all, there are a lot of good things in the school cafeteria, and there are very few people who bring their own lunches

, most of them are ethnic minorities, and some cannot be eaten, so they must bring their own.

"Hmm... I woke up late yesterday and didn't have time to do it..."

Did you do it yourself? So awesome, and then you still take the first bus? Wouldn't that be, you're going to get up early? Too hard, right? Luo

Geng calculated that the earliest bus was 6 o'clock, so if he had to cook, he would have to get up at about four o'clock in the morning."

And high school students now have little time to sleep, immediately approaching the college entrance examination, studying very tightly

, can sleep at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, it is already a very fast progress

, such a routine, she insisted on it for three years ??

Luo Geng looked at Chi Xiaoyu's face and showed an expression of admiration, obviously he was just a student, so he fought like this.

Chi Xiaoyu's head swayed, looking a little tired

, Luo Geng thought and knew that even if her willpower was strong, her body would not lie.

"You can sleep, when I call you, don't worry."

Luo Geng whispered in Chi Xiaoyu's ear.

She was already sleepy and tired at this time, and to be honest, she didn't sleep at all last night, she couldn't sleep at all.

Now after getting in the car, sleepiness immediately rushed up.

So, she didn't think about anything, let out a faint "hmm", and fell asleep on the seat.

"What an impressive."

After Luo Geng watched her fall asleep, he couldn't help but sigh.

People who have already won numbness in appearance, and still work so hard, they can obviously eat by their faces, but they have to rely on strength.

People who are a hundred times better than themselves still work so hard, while they are wasting time to be licking dogs.


Just as Luo Geng was reflecting on himself, his shoulder was suddenly leaned on by Chi Xiaoyu!


Luo Geng gasped, his handsome face flushed to the root of his ears!

Don't look at him living for so many years, and there is no reaction to normal communication with Chi Xiaoyu

, but after all, he is the type who has never interacted with a girl at all

, in this life plus in his previous life, he has not even held a girl's small hand, and now he is directly leaned on the shoulder by such a beautiful woman, this

sense of suffocation!

No less than he was taking oxygen in the ward!

Luo Geng's body was very stiff, rolled his eyes, looked at Chi Xiaoyu on his shoulder

, and found that she was sleeping soundly, just now the car turned upside down, only to turn her to his side, now

Luo Geng just wants to give the driver a thumbs up.

"That..." Luo

Geng didn't want to take advantage of people's danger, wanted to wake up Chi Xiaoyu

, but when he thought of her hard work, Luo Geng couldn't bear

it, this time should be her most relaxed

, he chose to go to school with her, isn't it to protect her,

then let her sleep in the car during this period of time is her duty.

So, Luo Geng did not wake Chi Xiaoyu,

but let her lean on his shoulder and fall asleep.


As more and more students arrived at the station to get on the bus,

their eyes naturally noticed the situation on Luo Geng's side.

"Eh! Look at you, that shouldn't be Chi Xiaoyu?!

"Really! How did she get on this bus? And who is that next to her? Boyfriend?

"I don't know, it should be boyfriends, they look intimate, wearing school uniforms, do we have such handsome guys in school?" Never seen it?

"It really shocked me all year, but I wouldn't believe it, absolutely impossible, it must be just her brother or something!"

Luo Geng's current feelings were as if he had been stabbed by all the eyes with knives.

Almost all the students on the bus looked over, and they were all talking.

Those eyes that wanted to slaughter themselves, Luo Geng could simply see it clearly, listening

to their discussion, Luo Geng was also nervous to death.

After cutting their hair and taking off their glasses, they didn't recognize who they were

, some people felt that they and Chi Xiaoyu were in a romantic relationship, but most people didn't believe it

, after all, Chi Xiaoyu's personality, even friends are few, and feel very cold and lonely.

How is it possible for such a person to fall in love?

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