"Speaking of which, Xiaoyu, how did you spend your weekends? Hanging out with friends?

Luo Geng looked at Chi Xiaoyu on the side, and suddenly became interested in her weekend.

After Chi Xiaoyu heard it, he was silent for a few seconds, and then silently lowered his head and whispered: "No, I won't go out." "

For her, the rest day is an important time, and because she has to go to school, she sacrifices her sleep time to do what she should do.

And the rest day, the most important point for her is that she can get a good night's sleep, followed by that she can have time to study, do housework, etc

., so how can she go out to play, or in other words, there are no friends who can go out

together, not without friends in school, but also just a nod of friends, the kind of chat, but not good enough to play together.

There are also friends in junior high school, but Chi Xiaoyu found that

when she was in junior high school, it was because Luo Geng connected in the middle and helped her make friends, and without Luo Geng's

help after going to high school, it was simply impossible to maintain friendship by herself.

"Oh... yes... So since that's the case..."

Luo Geng's words came to his lips, but for some reason, he couldn't say anything

, he really wanted to invite Chi Xiaoyu to come out and play together, but I don't know what kind of identity to use,

are they considered friends? Are you friends who can go out and play with?

Not necessarily.

And tomorrow I myself will have something to do during the day.

However, Luo Geng wanted to go one step closer, at least, to become official friends with

her, the kind of relationship that could greet her normally at school and not be regarded as a weirdo

, so Luo Geng clenched his fists, grabbed his legs, and said:

"Tomorrow.... Do you want to go out together at night... Take a walk? "


Chi Xiaoyu's heart was suddenly startled, and his shoulders trembled thoughtfully.

Her face that lowered her head flushed faintly.

"Luo Geng actually... Invite me out for a walk...! What to do... Do I want to agree

to it immediately, but the rest day is not enough for her, sacrificing study time to let her go out for a walk, that guilt makes her a little uncomfortable

, so Chi Xiaoyu made a decision, that is, to sacrifice her sleep time.

Just sleep a few hours less.


Chi Xiaoyu responded softly and agreed.

The stone hanging in Luo Geng's heart landed on the ground, and he breathed a sigh of relief, he was already thinking about how to alleviate the embarrassment if he was rejected.

"Well, tomorrow at five o'clock in the afternoon, let's meet

at the station..." "Hmm..." The

two got off the train, separated at the station, and went home separately

, on the way, Luo Geng clenched his fists and cheered himself up,

"Tomorrow, strive to become official friends with Chi Xiaoyu."

And Chi Xiaoyu, on the way home, the corners of his upward mouth never slowed down.

"Tomorrow... For... Look into Luo Geng's eyes... Belch... 3 seconds: 3 seconds is fine..."

Chi Xiaoyu muttered in his mouth, walking alone on the street home, but a figure appeared in front of him.


Chi Xiaoyu raised his head and looked at the black shadow in front of him, walking strangely, and...

"Three legs?!"

Chi Xiaoyu's eyes widened, his face was full of horror, and he reacted with a frightened overreaction

, and the figure in the dark, walking on three legs, was approaching her little by little!

Chi Xiaoyu hid behind the telephone pole, covering her mouth

, it was the first time she had seen such a monster, she had never seen it for so many years by walking at night.

"Hmph, go back and talk to that smelly boy, get him some money tomorrow to let him go out to eat at night."

At this time, a voice came from that black shadow

, and Chi Xiaoyu frowned, startled when he heard this voice.

"Spoken? Be... Is it human? "


Suddenly, there was a crisp sound, and at the same time there was a sound of falling!


And a cry of pain made Chi Xiaoyu tremble,

and she cautiously poked her head out and looked at the situation over there.

The black shadow just walked under the street lamp and saw the figure clearly.

Luo Yongfu's crutches pressed against a stone, and then he fell like that.

One ass sat on the ground, both crutches fell to the side

, with his strength, it is difficult to stand up alone.

"Ahhh... It

turned out..." Chi Xiaoyu realized that he had misunderstood something, and besides, how could he encounter some three-legged monster

, it turned out to be just a disabled man, on crutches.

And looking at the way he struggled to get up, it seemed that he needed help.

"That..." Chi

Xiaoyu walked out from behind the telephone pole, and then walked to Luo Yongfu's side.

"Need help?"

Luo Yongfu raised his head and looked at Chi Xiaoyu in front of him, and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"Oh, girl, thank you, I'll be fine."

Luo Yongfu chuckled, then held his crutch in both hands and stood up hard.

And Chi Xiaoyu picked up his other crutch and handed it to Luo Yongfu.

"Thank you Ha girl, this girl is so handsome."

"Nope: It's okay, I didn't help either. Chi

Xiaoyu was a little embarrassed to be praised.

And Luo Yongfu also left here and disappeared in the darkness.

Chi Xiaoyu looked at his back, couldn't help sighing, and muttered, "Everyone is trying to live." Chi

Xiaoyu returned

home, just entered the door, saw the shoes at the door, and she knew that her mother was home again today.

"Xiaoyu, you're back."

Ren Lan came out of the kitchen and wiped her wet hands with her apron.

Looking at Chi Xiaoyu's face, he also showed a smile, but this smile made the wrinkles more obvious.

"Well, you're free to go home again today."

Chi Xiaoyu nodded, she was very happy that Ren Lan could go

home, after all, she was so tired outside, she could rest well at home, even so, she still had to cook for herself.

"yes, the work these days... Belch... It's done quickly, so it's a little more relaxed..."

Ren Lan said with a smile that rose slightly at the corner of his lips.

And as a daughter, Chi Xiaoyu directly noticed

that her mother was wrong, and always felt that compared with before, her mood was a little more relaxed?

"What's wrong, it feels like you're in a good mood, what's going on?"

Chi Xiaoyu asked suspiciously, because she has rarely seen her mother smile so easily over the years

, she used to smile to herself, feeling that she was laughing in order not to worry herself

, and in the past, when she came

home, she was very tired and tired, but today she feels very relaxed when she goes home, as if she really didn't do any work.

"This kid... Of course I am... It's a joy to see you come home. "

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