A moment later, Luo Geng and Qi Qianru sat in a café, Luo Geng

looked at the time on his watch, calculating that he couldn't talk for too long

, but if he didn't make it clear with her, I was afraid that he would delay more time.

Qi Qianru looked like she was interrogating the prisoner, her eyes were sharp, as if from her eyes, no one could lie.

People around have looked at their side

, mainly because Qi Qianru is indeed more eye-catching, wearing a school uniform at school is good enough, and wearing casual and fashionable clothing outside is more eye-catching.

If this were Luo Geng before, he would have followed her to go shopping

, not to mention following behind to get things, even if it was a wallet, it would be no problem.

"So what exactly do you want to say, trouble quickly, I don't have time to talk with you for a long time."

Luo Geng's painted sword brows furrowed tightly, staring at Qi Qianru's eyes.

Qi Qianru stretched out a finger and said, "Oh? Okay, so the first question, why have you deliberately distanced yourself from me lately? You hate me?


Geng super wanted to say: Yes, I hate you.

But she will definitely ask why, she can't always say that she has experienced it again, and that she will return to the present to change the future.

"I don't hate you, but don't delay me to keep my distance from you, right? Boys and girls are meant to keep a certain distance, right? "

Roar? You and Chi Xiaoyu can not keep their distance, and I must keep your distance? What fallacy? Oh, you treat me as a girl, but not Chi Xiaoyu as a girl, right?

Qi Qianru folded her arms around her chest and showed a bad smile, as if waiting for Luo Geng to say something.

"What kind of distance do people know how to maintain when getting along, unlike you, too much, let others misunderstand that we are in love?"

"So what? Isn't it good? You don't want to?

"Of course I don't want to!"

Luo Geng slapped the table, a little emotional

, he kept his distance from her, isn't it to avoid such a thing

, now that she has done it, why is she still unforgiving?

Normally, isn't it long past time to ignore yourself? Why is she so persistent?

Qi Qianru looked at Luo Geng's appearance, and after being silent for a few seconds, she slowly spoke:

"You are... Don't want to be mistaken by others, do you?

Luo Geng thought she understood, so she nodded and said, "Well, that's what it means."

"That... Are you trying to... Make it not a misunderstanding... Is it really dating me? "

Bah! Why are your brain circuits so novel? How did you come up with this kind of thing? Luo

Geng's blood pressure had just dropped, "Poof! "It's rising again.

"I just want to be an ordinary classmate with you, just like the kind of classmate relationship where you can't even remember your name and haven't spoken at all, it's just that simple!"

Luo Geng said seriously.

"But... Why?! We had a good relationship before, are you a good friend of mine? What the hell did I do wrong, and you're going to distance yourself from me now? Please, will you tell me? You confused me like this, I don't understand anything! Qi

Qianru was also very serious, she had to figure out today why Luo Geng suddenly became like this.

"Are you still thinking I don't know anything? You yourself know very well in your heart, do you want me to break it? "

Ah! You say! What do you know?

Qi Qianru bit her lip, thinking of countless possibilities in her mind, as well as those things that she didn't want Luo Geng to know, the

worst should be that one.

"The trash can downstairs in your house should have my name written on it, right? After all, it's all my stuff inside. "


"You... What are you talking about, what do you mean...

"Qi Qianru's heart "Oh! "Suddenly, this is the worst thing that I didn't want Luo Geng to know!

However, she also knew that this was the least likely thing to be discovered, after all, Luo Geng didn't even know where her home was.

But now.... Why do you talk about such a thing?

Luo Geng sneered and continued,

"What do you mean? Does this still have to help you explain what makes you die? Are you still lucky, thinking I'm lying to you? My Valentine's Day gift, Christmas gift, your birthday gift.... And the countless love letters I've written to you in the past two years, didn't they all end up in that trash can..."

Just... There is no such thing!

Qi Qianru's cold sweat flowed, because what he said was true

, but she still didn't admit it, because she didn't understand how Luo Geng knew.

Only he knows about this matter, even Bai Yi has not told

him, Luo Geng does not know where his home is, it is impossible to see, is it

seen in the garbage factory? It can't be.

Luo Geng looked at Qi Qianru's still hard mouth, and shook his head helplessly.

Of course, these are Qi Qianru's own words.

In her previous life, she was hung after confessing, and when she finally graduated, Qi Qianru told this crushing truth.

That was the last straw that overwhelmed Luo Geng, and since then, he has only hatred for Qi Qianru.

Hate him for ruthlessly abandoning his feelings for three years, even if she formally rejects herself, give herself a pain

, hang herself for three years, throw all her feelings into the trash, and finally say those heartbreaking words.

"It doesn't matter if you don't admit it now, I said it all, I know it, and you know in your own heart, if there is nothing wrong, I will go first, trouble you, please keep your distance from me, the farther away the better."

Luo Geng stood up, took his clothes and left.

He had already said everything that needed to be said, so that she should have no reason to pester herself, and he had already explained her mind thoroughly.

"Don't... Don't leave! "

Snap—" Tears

flowed like spring water from Qi Qianru's frozen eyes and dripped onto the table.

When Luo Geng passed by her, she moved!

She stretched out her hand and grabbed Luo Geng's wrist, Luo Geng's

eyebrows locked, stopped, and looked at Qi Qianru impatiently.

She has already said so clearly, what else is she going to do?

"I know... It's all my fault... I already know it's wrong... Can you, can you give me another chance... By the way, I accept those feelings of yours, I also accept those love letters you wrote me, it should still count, get involved with me, okay?

Qi Qianru raised her head, her black eyes full of tears, like wild grapes hanging with dew, flashing with a frightened look.

Luo Geng was silent for a few seconds, and said lightly: "Okay."

"Really... It's true?!

"Ah, if you can be reborn, or have the opportunity to travel back in time, you will change your past when you first met me, and associate with me who didn't understand anything at that time and was fascinated by you, in another time and space."

After Luo Geng said this, he took Qi Qianru's hand away with his hand, and then left the café without looking back.

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