Chi Xiaoyu and Bai Yi have not seen each other for a long time, and now that they have the opportunity to meet, of course she does not want to miss it, and it is impossible to change her mind because of a Qi Qianru.

Moreover, she didn't hate Qi Qianru very much, needless to say that she didn't come to find herself maliciously, even if she came to find fault on purpose, she couldn't retreat, then she had to go even more to see what was going on.

"Okay, then we'll wait for you here."

Hung up the phone, Chi Xiaoyu continued to move towards the agreed restaurant, on the way she was also thinking about why Qi Qianru wanted to find

herself, what was the matter with herself, the only connection between them was Luo Geng, so she thought that this time she came to find herself and had something to do with Luo Geng.

A moment later, Chi Xiaoyu found the restaurant where they were, and from a distance, she could see the most conspicuous person in the restaurant.

Compared with the other guests next to her, it was like the difference between green leaves and flowers, but it was originally that unique, and after Chi Xiaoyu arrived, she was not that unique.

"Xiaoyu, here!"

Bai Yi saw Chi Xiaoyu, who had not been seen for a long time, the smile on his lips gradually grew, and even the corners of his eyes and eyebrows could not suppress a smile, and he quickly stood up and beckoned her over.

Chi Xiaoyu waved at her with a faint smile at the corner of her mouth, and then looked at Qi Qianru, who was sitting quietly on the side, waiting for her to pass.

Chi Xiaoyu walked over and sat opposite Bai Yi and Qi Qianru, she looked flat, smiled calmly, looked at Qi Qianru and said: "Do I need to act surprised?"

"If you can, don't do that." The corners of Qi Qianru's eyes curved slightly, and she seemed to be laughing.

Chi Xiaoyu nodded, and then she stretched out her hand and said softly: "Long time no see."

Qi Qianru was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect Chi Xiaoyu to say this to her, but she thought about it carefully, after so many years, even if there were any contradictions before, now she is so busy, she must have forgotten about it.

So she also stretched out her hand, shook Chi Xiaoyu, and said, "Well, long time no see."

The hands of the two were almost touched, and Chi Xiaoyu seemed to be polite, and soon changed his demeanor, and asked lightly: "What is the matter with me?"

She knew that Bai Yi definitely wanted to come and chat with her for dinner, but she couldn't believe that Qi Qianru was also like this, she must have some purpose, a purpose related to Luo Geng.

Qi Qianru nodded, and then, she took out something from under the table, put it on the table

, and pushed it in front of Chi Xiaoyu, Chi Xiaoyu fixed her eyes, it was a gift box, about the size of a palm, she was a little puzzled, there was a trace of doubt in her eyes, and she frowned slightly.

"This is?"

Qi Qianru said softly: "The wedding gift, for you, is just a pair of jewelry with a more blessing meaning."

Chi Xiaoyu glanced at the gift box, then nodded and said, "Yes, then thank you."

She accepted the gift and did not open it immediately, and she did not believe that Qi Qianru came here just to give a gift.

"Uh... Xiaoyu, my wedding gift, next time for you ha, this time in a hurry..." When

Bai Yi saw the wedding gift sent by Qi Qianru, she realized that she had forgotten something, she seemed to have forgotten to prepare a wedding gift, she was still Chi Xiaoyu's Hou Pengyuan, but she didn't prepare, but Qi Qianru was prepared,

so she was embarrassed.

"It's okay, this thing means something, it's not that important."

Chi Xiaoyu also smiled and gave her a step, she really didn't value these things, because no matter what kind of gift, Luo Geng almost bought it for her.

Qi Qianru continued: "And there is... I want to explain to you one thing, that is, I went to Cheng'an University in college, but don't misunderstand, I didn't go to Luo Geng.

She wanted to explain this matter to Chi Xiaoyu, otherwise if she knew about it one day, she would also misunderstand herself

, Qi Qianru chose to say this kind of thing at this time, but also thought that Chi Xiaoyu no longer cared about these things.

Who knew that Chi Xiaoyu was silent for a while, and said softly: "I know." "

You... You know?

Qi Qianru was stunned and looked at Bai Yi on the side suspiciously, and Bai Yi quickly shook her head, which meant that she was telling Qi Qianru that it was not what she said.

Chi Xiaoyu nodded and continued, "Yes, I know, I know since you first entered school. Qi

Qianru and Bai Yi both widened their eyes, looking at Chi Xiaoyu in disbelief, Qi

Qianru felt even more afraid, she didn't expect that she worked hard to avoid them, but Chi Xiaoyu always knew?

They all underestimated Chi Xiaoyu's alertness, a school flower-level girl suddenly appeared in the school, even if Luo Geng didn't care at all, Chi Xiaoyu couldn't not pay attention at

all, after all, what if a girl who suddenly appeared better looking than herself and snatched Luo Geng away, she knew that her thoughts might be unfounded, but she still couldn't ignore it

When she learned that this person was Qi Qianru, she did have doubts, thinking that Qi Qianru was coming for Luo Geng, but after a period of observation, she did not have this idea, because she also saw that Qi Qianru was deliberately avoiding them, which was exactly what she wanted.


" Qi Qianru couldn't help swallowing, and then, she lowered her head and whispered, "That... I still have to apologize to you, not only for the previous incident, but, in fact, when I arrived at Cheng'an University, I really thought about it in my head... It will be very happy to see Luo Geng..." She

said that her family wanted her to apply for Cheng'an University, and she was forced to go, but how could she not have any selfishness, if it was not for that little selfishness, how could she be afraid

, if there was no crooked mind, she would go to school generously, who could treat her?

She knew that her careful thinking could not be hidden in front of Chi Xiaoyu, so she was so afraid of bumping into them, so that she had just learned that Chi Xiaoyu had actually known that she was there, and she broke out in a cold sweat.


Bai Yi couldn't believe it, Qi Qianru actually directly said this kind of thought, this kind of thought was known by Chi Xiaoyu on the other side, it was an extremely terrible thing.

Bai Yidu could already imagine what kind of Asura field it could turn into in a while, and she, a mortal, would definitely suffer on the side.

After Chi Xiaoyu heard this, he nodded and said:

"Well, I know, but please pay attention next time, I don't allow a next time."

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