In the morning, the whole world is cool, the sun shines gently on everything through the light mist, the morning breeze blows slightly, the crystal dew drops on the grass, shining like silver.

The weather seemed to know how important this day was, and the sky was clear.

"What games do you say they will think of to torture us?"

"I don't know, but when we ate together last night, I was a little uneasy when I saw them whispering and snickering..."

"It's okay, it's nothing more than rock-paper-scissors, blowing up balloons, guessing riddles or something, when the door is blocked, you can rest assured that you will leave it to me, and I will take the lead in charging."

Fan Junzhe, Hou Pengyuan and Wen Shao stood downstairs, looking at the building with the word "囍" in front of them, chatting about the sky

, they were wearing neat suits and white shirts, and they were particularly handsome, but it can still be seen that they are not today's protagonists.

"Brothers, will this dress make me look a little fat?"

In the luxury car behind, Luo Geng slowly walked down from the car, his shirt and tie suit, lined with his well-dressed, noble and dashing, flat shoulders are more avant-garde, and his personality is elegant.

He holds a bouquet in his hand, and the overall temperament can not only see who is today's protagonist, but also completely crush the other three into green leaves.

Wen Shao looked him up and down, and said with a smile: "Not fat, too handsome, I want to marry you directly."

"Go, you want to marry me or don't want to marry." Luo Geng smiled and gave him a blank look, he looked at the building in front of him, and when he thought that he was about to pick up the bride, he was very excited, and

he couldn't help but get excited when he thought of seeing Chi Xiaoyu's most beautiful moment.

Fan Junzhe looked at his watch and said, "It's almost time, go upstairs to pick up the bride."

"Let's go, brothers, help me!"

Luo Geng took a step of resolute and did not look back, and rushed in with the momentum of the three

, as the elevator slowly rose, Luo Geng took a deep breath and adjusted his state, although he said that because he was too excited last night, he didn't sleep well, but he is not sleepy at all now, and his spirit is terrible.

After arriving at the designated floor, Luo Geng and they got off the elevator and looked at the door in front of them open, as if waiting for Luo Geng to arrive.

"Open the door to greet us, is there no trap in this sense?"

Wen Shao felt as if there was a fraud inside, so he poked his head

out and looked at the situation inside, only to meet the eyes of a group of relatives inside, and looked at each other awkwardly for a few seconds.

"Uh..." Luo

Geng walked in and greeted everyone, these are Chi Xiaoyu's mother's family, there are not many relatives, but Luo Geng has only seen a few, because before, after Chi Xiaoyu's father died, there

was not much contact with those relatives of her father's generation.

After saying hello, he didn't see where the bride he was picking up was, so he looked in the direction of the bedroom and asked,

"What about the bedroom?"

The relatives just smiled meaningfully, then nodded, and did not say anything

, Luo Geng they came to the bedroom door, he stretched out his hand, knocked on the door, and shouted: "Wife! I'm coming to pick you up!

But after waiting for a few seconds, he did not hear Chi Xiaoyu's response.

"Didn't move?"

Wen Shao immediately understood, stepped forward directly, and said:

"Okay brothers, listen to my password, I count three, two, one, and then I rush directly up, you push me, we break through their defense line in one fell swoop!"

Luo Geng was silent for a moment, then frowned and thought, and muttered: "Can this work, I don't know who is blocking the door inside, what if it is broken again."

According to what he saw now, he hadn't seen Luo Yongfu and Ren Lan outside

, what if behind this door was his own father, what if this bump knocked over his father.

"No, let's just remind the people inside before rushing in?"

Wen Shao shook his head and said, then he turned around, looked at the door in front of him, and shouted inside:

"We're going to rush in!"

"All right, brothers, push!"

Wen Shao's eyes froze, and then his body quickly rushed out, facing the door in front of him, without any intention of retreating, the momentum was like a broken bamboo! It's like it's going to smash it in the next second!


" Suddenly, the door in front of me was directly opened

, "Don't block the door, don't break this door."

Luo Yongfu's voice came from inside, he directly pulled the door open, and then quickly hid aside,

"Huh?!" Wen Shao's eyes widened, the inertia of his body had already made him unable to stop, not to mention that there were several people pushing him behind!

"I wipe!"


Wen Shao's whole person fell directly to the ground, fell a dog to gnaw mud, the floor was particularly slippery, and the fabric of his clothes was also particularly slippery, so after falling on the ground, he slipped forward for a distance, and finally pulled down his legs and lay motionless on the ground.


Luo Geng and the others hurriedly rushed in, seeing that it was quiet inside, they scratched their heads awkwardly, good guys they were ready to break down the door, who knew that there was no blocking at all.

But after they walked in, they saw the scene in front of them, and they were completely stunned in place

, only to see that on the big bed in front of them, there were four brides in red wedding dresses, each with a red hood on their heads, sitting there neatly and quietly, and many people were quite scary at first glance.

"Daddy, this... What does that mean?

Luo Geng pointed to the four people on the opposite side, looked at his father with a puzzled face, and saw that Luo Yongfu also shrugged his shoulders and pouted, as if it had nothing to do with him, sitting directly on the chair on the side ready to watch a good show

, Luo Geng looked at Ren Lan on the side, only to see her smile calmly and said:

"Come on,

see if you can choose your bride among these four people."


Wen Shao stood up directly, looked at Hou Pengyuan and Fan Junzhe, gasped

, no wonder they felt that they would definitely be tortured, and the rest of the game was settled, how should this game be played?

Let's not say how to guess, the four people in front of you are not much different in size, and you can't see the specific height while sitting, if you guess wrong, then it is estimated that it is inevitable to be a crime.

The three of them looked at Luo Geng with sympathy, the three of them were okay, at most they would be blamed if they guessed wrong, if this Luo Geng chose the wrong one, it was estimated that there was no good fruit to eat.

"This is... Tang Bohu ordered the modern version of Qiuxiang, and Luo Geng ordered Chi Xiaoyu? "

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