"Oh: Oh.. Then you, you can think about it, just fine..." Wen

Shao was frightened by Luo Geng's appearance, looking at his serious look, making Wen Shao a little afraid

, this and the Luo Geng he knows, it is simply two people, completely different

, it doesn't look like he looks perfunctory, nor does it look like lying,

but how can he let go so simply? Did something happen to him?

"So, did Qi Qianru say something to you? Brother, if you have anything, don't hold back, talk to me.

"In Wen Shao's opinion, Luo Geng can give up so quickly,

is it Qi Qianru who directly has a showdown with Luo Geng?

Or did he go to confess and then be rejected?

Luo Geng looked at Wen Shao like this, a little moved, thinking that whether it was in his past life and this life, Wen Shao was still his good brother.

So he smiled slightly and said:

"It's really nothing, don't worry, oh yes, are you free after school?" Accompany me to the barbershop, right? "

When Luo Geng returned to high school, the first thing he did was to tidy up his appearance.

He didn't know if he was ugly before, because he was now, wearing a big glasses, in fact, he was not myopic at all, and this glasses did not have a prescription

, followed by his hair, very messy, and he didn't pay attention to his hairstyle before


after all, the money for his haircut at home was bought by himself for Qi Qianru.

The hair is long and scruffy.

Such a person, in high school, is almost impossible to be interested

, but after graduation, Luo Geng took off his glasses and cut his hair, and in the third-rate university he was admitted to, he was unexpectedly very popular.

There were many girls who confessed to him, but they were all rejected by him.

It was then that he realized how stupid he used to look.

Luo Geng belongs to the appearance that has been sealed, so as long as he cleans up a little, it is simply the same as changing a person.


Luo Geng's words, in Wen Shao's head, understood - "Luo Geng,

this is to... Shaving to become a monk?!!

"He really suffered a big blow, and now he doesn't look at feelings at all, but at life, right?!"

Wen Shao's eyes widened, his face was full of horror, and he overreacted with a frightened overreaction

, and then quickly grabbed Luo Geng's shoulder and said:

"Luo Geng, think twice, there are still many good girls in the world!"

"Eh... What are you talking about..."

After Luo Geng repeatedly explained to him that he did not want to become a monk

, but simply wanted to get a haircut,

Wen Shao agreed and agreed to go to the barbershop with him after school.

Luo Geng looked at the books

, those questions will be themselves

, in his previous life, after his college entrance examination scores were extremely low, frustrated, family changes

, almost collapsed, he devoted himself to learning

, and made up for all the knowledge of high school,

but what is the use? After all, the college entrance examination has passed, and I just found a way to distract myself.

But now it's different, I have been reborn

, I can go through the college entrance examination again, then the knowledge I learned can be used!

This time he must take the exam well and go to a good university.

In addition

, in order to distract himself, Luo Geng also learned a lot of interests, musical instruments, painting, sports and so on.

Finally, relying on this, I came out of the shadows

, and then I put myself into more focused work, and finally I was tired and collapsed.

"And again... It's just..."

Luo Geng thought of the hairpin he held in his hand before he died....

He wanted to find the man, the man who had been crying silently in the ward holding his hand before he died.

Because he wanted to ask clearly, what was she crying about? Why do you cry for yourself?

Is there anything to do with the card she gave me?

Soon, classes will begin.

Qi Qianru walked in from outside the classroom and was about to return to her seat

, she was at Luo Geng's front table

, so before sitting down, she still smiled at Luo Geng.

In the past, just this smile could make Luo Geng silly all day.

But now, he only felt that this smile was very evil,

it was a greedy smile!

The second class started, Luo Geng listened carefully

, although he knows all this knowledge, but he must always consolidate it, and he can't be too confident.

Now he is particularly seeking stability.


At this time, a note was thrown from the front and

thrown on Luo Geng's table, it was obvious that Qi Qianru threw it over.

Luo Geng's eyebrows furrowed slightly, and the note read: Do you want to eat together at noon?

Luo Geng picked up the note and gently patted Qi Qianru's shoulder.

The corners of Qi Qianru's mouth rose imperceptibly, then turned her head and whispered,

"What's wrong?" You promised? The

result was a note she had just thrown over.

"Trouble you, please throw your own garbage in your own garbage bag."

"Garbage... Garbage?

Qi Qianru was stunned, wondering if her ears had misheard?

This is the little note I handed him!

Give you a small note in class yourself, and you actually say it's rubbish?!

All this was seen by Wen Shao, and he couldn't help but admire Luo Geng in his heart

, but he didn't expect that he really looked away, put it down, and directly turned into a hedgehog to protect himself.

Qi Qianru took the note with some embarrassment, and then threw it into her garbage bag.

"What do you mean... Did he take the wrong medicine today? Why this attitude towards me?

Qi Qianru didn't understand very much, thinking that Luo Geng was still a follower yesterday,

how did he become such an attitude today?

"Oh... I know... Luo Geng, do you want to get away with it? You're underestimating me, aren't you?

She quickly found a reasonable explanation for

Luo Geng's behavior, because she didn't think that Luo Geng would be uninterested in herself,

he must be pretending!

Was it deliberately treating me like this and then bringing me one step closer?

In fact, my heart is almost impatient, right?

"Well, don't you just want to make me feel uncomfortable and get closer to you? Then I'll play with you.

Qi Qianru hooked the corners of her mouth and smiled proudly

, as if she had completely seen through Luo Geng's inner thoughts, and all of them were expected by her.

It was noon for a long time

, all the students went to the cafeteria to

eat, Qi Qianru also quickly seized the opportunity, turned around

, looked at Luo Geng and said: "Luo Geng, let's go together..." As a result, before her words were finished

, Luo Geng looked at Wen Shao and said, "Let's go, go

to eat." "

Hmm." Wen Shao glanced at Qi Qianru, then nodded, stood up and left the classroom with Luo Geng.

Luo Geng didn't look at Qi Qianru the whole time, making her directly stunned in place.

This scene made many students in the class see it

, "Eh, are Luo Geng and Qi Qianru angry?" How do you feel that Luo Geng ignored Qi Qianru? "

Pull it down, it's only possible that Qi Qianru ignores Luo Geng, how can it be the other way around?" I'm afraid it's not that you're mistaken.

"But look at it now.... Qi Qianru's face doesn't seem to be very good-looking..."

Some students were whispering in the direction of Qi Qianru's side.

At this time, a girl stood behind Qi Qianru and said, "Ruru, let's go eat too." "

That girl has a duck egg face, handsome eyes and eyebrows, black hair like a waterfall

, although not as good as Qi Qianru, but it is also a very good-looking type.

"Ahhh... Bai Yi: All right. Qi

Qianru saw the girl behind her, she was her good friend in the class, her academic performance was very good, she was the first in the class, and she was also the class leader, while Qi Qianru was the second in the class.

Bai Yi looked at Qi Qianru's face, as if she wanted to say something, but the words came to her lips and couldn't say

it, she also saw the scene just now, and she saw it clearly.

Just as the two were about to leave

, Deng Yuxuan acted, he saw that Qi Qianru did not go to the cafeteria with Luo Geng

, plus the incident that happened in the corridor, now he was sure that

his opportunity had come!

"Qi... Ahem, well... Ruru, do you want to go together?

He said behind Qi Qianru, and learned Bai Yi to use an affectionate name.

He has a smile on his face that he thinks is sunny and handsome.

As a result

, they didn't turn their heads, pretended not to hear, and left directly.

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