"Are you going to... Confess tonight? "

Hmm." Deng Yuxuan nodded and acknowledged Luo Geng's words.

"What about you?" Deng Yuxuan turned his head to look at Luo Geng and asked.

"I should... Will be tomorrow. "

In fact, Luo Geng also plans to confess tonight, but there are so many people, he is a little embarrassed

, and he collided with Deng Yuxuan like that, he confessed with Chi Xiaoyu, Deng Yuxuan confessed to Qi Qianru

, the atmosphere is here, then Wen Shao confessed with Bai Yi?

"Okay, two, please see that these are all suitable jewelry for girls, and the price is also very favorable..." The

salesman took out several gold jewelry, bracelets, necklaces, rings, bracelets, earrings...

The price varies, and it seems that there are several differences, at least the earrings are relatively cheaper.

"Hmm... That's it for me.

Deng Yuxuan hardly thought about it, and directly chose

the ring, the ring looks more suitable for ladies to wear, there are no bells and whistles, but the smooth gold surface, shining with a light light.

"Isn't it a little sloppy, confess and give a ring..." Luo

Geng looked at Deng Yuxuan, a little surprised, he was a little guilty of difficulty in choosing, how did he feel that his thinking was clear.

Deng Yuxuan glanced at Luo Geng and said lightly: "Why, don't you even dare to expose this bit of ambition?"


Luo Geng shook his head, and then chose a necklace, the style is not so conspicuous, there is a low-key beauty, making people's eyes shine

, "We sell this very well, let the lady wear it will appear that the neck is more slender, it will not be so eye-catching, it is more connotative, the price is relatively expensive."

The salesman showed the price sign, and Luo Geng took a look at it and knew.

A thousand pieces smaller, for now, is more expensive.

However, Luo Geng doesn't care about the price, and he doesn't have this money.

Subsequently, both settled the bill, and the jewelry was delicately packaged and taken by the two.

The two of them were very tacit, and they threw away the packaging bag when they went out, and put the small box in their pockets

, after all, if they were carried back directly, they would not be discovered.

"I wish you success."

"You too."

The two shook hands, and although they had both had opinions about each other before and were not so friendly

, now, it was as if they had become real friends.

"Jingle bell-"

At this time, Luo Geng's phone rang, since the last time, he had saved Chi Xiaoyu's phone number

, and the real name of the note, seeing that it was Chi Xiaoyu calling, Luo Geng quickly answered.


"Luo Geng... Where have you been..."

Chi Xiaoyu's somewhat choked voice came from the other side of the phone, that kind of voice seemed to cry out

, she stood in place, there was a feeling of abandonment, just now found that Luo Geng was missing, she immediately panicked

, and as a result, she couldn't find his figure no matter how she looked for him.

"I... I went shopping with my friends for a while, don't worry, I'll go back right away.

Luo Geng's pace quickened, and even ran, he heard Chi Xiaoyu's voice, and he couldn't wait to rush back now.

Shuttling through the crowd, Luo Geng finally saw Chi Xiaoyu's figure

, she was like a helpless child, standing in place waiting for an adult to pick her up.

And Luo Geng quickly ran in front of Chi Xiaoyu and gasped: "Whew... Call... I'm sorry, I shouldn't... Call... I shouldn't have told you in advance..."

After Chi Xiaoyu saw Luo Geng, the worry and fear on his face slowly disappeared, shook his head, and said, "It's okay... As long as you're still there... "

I'll be in... I will... All the time.."

Luo Geng wiped the sweat from his forehead, raised his eyebrows slightly, and smiled.

"Uh: Oh... I.. I.. Me too.."

Chi Xiaoyu nodded and turned his head over, not daring to look directly into Luo Geng's eyes.

"Shhh! Luo Geng looks so handsome... What to do, don't dare to look at him..." Chi

Xiaoyu bit her lips, and a faint blush appeared on her cheeks.

"Hey, Luo Geng..."

At this time, Wen Shao also came over, and Deng Yuxuan was also among them.

"It's already past five o'clock, let's go to the restaurant, or try not to go home too late, after all, Luo Geng's home is far away."

Wen Shao looked at his watch, it was already past five o'clock in the evening, and he had also entered the meal time one after another.

"Well, good."

A few people walked out of the mall and prepared to eat at the restaurant.

Wen Shao booked a private room for a home-cooked restaurant, so they didn't spend a long time and went directly to the restaurant.

There was a large table in the private room, and the six of them were seated.

Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu sat down, while Qi Qianru naturally sat on the other side of Luo Geng.

Chi Xiaoyu was unhappy with the flash in his eyes, but it was fleeting and unnoticed.

Deng Yuxuan, on the other hand, sat down next to Qi Qianru.

Wen Shao ordered the dish, and asked the waiter for wine

, "Luo Geng, accompany me to drink a little, it's okay?"

Wen Shao asked Luo Geng's opinion, after all, they have all finished the college entrance examination, and the family has also let go

, as long as they don't break the law now, the family won't care.


Although Luo Geng didn't want to drink either, he still agreed to Wen Shao so as not to be discouraged.

After a while, a bottle of white wine was brought by the waiter.

Luo Geng looked at the bottle of liquor, which is still famous decades later, but he didn't expect to have this brand of wine so early.

Luo Geng even wondered if he should buy more and collect it now, and in twenty years, it would also be a valuable collectible.

Chi Xiaoyu looked at Luo Geng and asked worriedly, "Can you drink?" "

It's okay, happy..." Luo

Geng asked Chi Xiaoyu and their girls for drinks, Luo Geng and Wen Shao drank to be happy, Deng Yuxuan also drank, I don't know why,

maybe to bolster courage...

"Pour me a little bit of trouble too."

Qi Qianru picked up the wine glass and looked at Wen Shao and said.

"Ruru, do you want to drink?" Bai Yi was a little surprised, she had known Qi Qianru for so long, and she didn't know that she would drink.

"Well, after all, everyone is about to separate, and I also want to join this lively atmosphere."

Qi Qianru had an understated smile on her face, and it was not clear at all that she wanted to join this atmosphere.

However, Wen Shao still poured her a glass of wine.

Then, Wen Shao raised his glass, stood up, and said: "Everyone has worked hard, thank you for your three years of companionship, I wish you all a bright future, I have done it."

He drank all the white wine in the cup in one sip, and Bai Yi on the side pursed his mouth, watching the spicy white wine into his throat, Wen Shao's face turned red, and her eyes were a little distressed.

And Deng Yuxuan also followed closely and said softly: "Thank you."

So he drank the liquor in one gulp, and compared to Wen Shao, he didn't react, as if this degree was a pediatric for him.

The corner of Luo Geng's mouth twitched, looking at the wine glass in his hand, full of white wine.

"The atmosphere is all over here.... I also want to... Did it dry? "

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