It was already seven or eight o'clock in the evening, and the sky was a thick black, almost desperate color, without moonlight and starlight, as if dark clouds covered the sky.

Deng Yuxuan stood at the door, leaning decadently against the wall on the side, looking at the sky, not knowing what he was thinking.


At this time, the door opened, and Qi Qianru walked out

, not looking in the direction of Deng Yuxuan, but quietly looking at the sky, as if waiting for Deng Yuxuan to speak.

"Qi Qianru..."

Deng Yuxuan took a step forward, but his body was a little shaky, and this step was a little embarrassing.

"You will definitely regret it the next morning, and the decision you make after drinking in the evening will generally be regretted the next day."

Qi Qianru did not turn her head, but glanced at him.

"Regret? To regret, not to regret now, but to regret ... A very long time ago..."

Deng Yuxuan didn't know when she started liking Qi Qianru, when she

introduced herself lively and cheerfully on the first day of school? Was she rated as the school flower by the boys?

Still is... When did she and herself take the initiative to speak?

Those, it doesn't matter, Deng Yuxuan is very clear about his mood.

He walked to Qi Qianru's side, and Qi Qianru also turned around and looked at him head-on, with no emotion in his eyes.

Deng Yuxuan swallowed a mouthful of saliva nervously, his nervous heartbeat, the sound of even breathing, in this quiet atmosphere, was extremely clear.

He reached into his pocket and took out the gift he had prepared

, he slowly raised his hand, ready to open the small box in front of Qi Qianru

, and then said the sentence "I like you, associate with me."

"I... Hi..."


Suddenly, Qi Qianru stretched out her hand and stopped Deng Yuxuan before she could open the box, holding

it down to prevent him from opening it.

"Deng Yuxuan, I want to ask you, do you know what it feels like to like someone?"

Deng Yuxuan was stunned for a moment, slowly lowered his hand, and after a moment of silence, said:

"This... I should have been paying attention to her all the time, and I always wanted to know her news..." Qi

Qianru took a step forward, nodded slightly, and said:

"What you said is also right... When you like someone very much, you will hope that she can participate in your life, you will hope that all your emotions, she can respond to you, she responds a little slowly, or she suddenly does not care much about you, you will be afraid of losing her, even a little wind, will not be able to stand it.

Then, Qi Qianru turned her head and looked at Deng Yuxuan with a slight smile

, strangely, it was clear that the corners of her mouth were smiling, but a tear overflowed from the corner of her eyes and slid across her cheeks.

"This... It was Luo Geng who taught me the truth, I understand it now, but... It's late. "

How she wants to go back to the past, start

again, face her heart again, this time she will definitely not put herself in such a high position, put on a proud posture, she

will open her heart and accept Luo Geng's feelings for herself.

Qi Qianru said again: "Then you know... What is the manifestation of a person not liking you? "

I don't know..."

Deng Yuxuan was completely numb at the moment, and put the gift he bought back into his pocket,

Qi Qianru at this time didn't seem to be replying to herself, but she seemed to have been replying to herself....

"She no longer shares her life with you, no longer responds to any of your emotions, and gradually withdraws from your life until, in your life, she will never appear again."

Qi Qianru squatted down and buried her head, and several clear sobs came out.

"Like... Is Luo Geng like that?

Deng Yuxuan also squatted down, trying to find the same emotions as Qi Qianru

, but he couldn't feel it, he couldn't feel the emotion of really liking someone who was rejected and not responded!

He began to doubt,

doubting himself, whether he really liked Qi Qianru, whether it was true, and hoped that she would participate in his life.

Qi Qianru did not speak, but almost gave an affirmative answer.

"You, in order not to make me regret it the next day, let yourself do something that I will regret?"

Deng Yuxuan was no longer paralyzed by alcohol at this time, he was much sober

, in this dark night, the breeze blew, blowing the hair of the two, the temperature on the summer night was not low, but the gust of wind was very cool.

"Don't say stupid things, what makes me regret, that one, that's enough."

Qi Qianru raised her head, her eyes and nose were red, and tears soaked her sleeves.

Deng Yuxuan stood up, I don't know if it was a jerk or alcohol

, he almost didn't stand firmly, took a step back, shook his head, and was much more energetic.

He stared at the glowing restaurant behind him, and then at the dark road in front of him, as if there were two extremes.

Deng Yuxuan looked at Qi Qianru on the side, his face was serious, and he said seriously:

"I already understand, then ask you for the last thing?" I won't confess to you anymore, in the future... No, so, can you officially become friends with me?

"Well, no problem."

Qi Qianru also stood up, wiped her tears, and then squeezed out a smile.

Deng Yuxuan finally showed a smile, and then walked into the hotel without saying a word

, and just when Qi Qianru thought that it was over and could go back, Deng Yuxuan walked out again.

He looked at Qi Qianru, slowly spoke, and said: "I have already settled the account, can I trouble you to explain after you go back, I will leave first?" "

Are you going to go first?"

"Well, please help me bring a word, just say..." Deng Yuxuan's lips moved

slightly, Qi Qianru was stunned at first, and then nodded slightly,

"I see."

Then passed by him, ready to go inside, and

when she was about to enter the hotel, Deng Yuxuan stopped her -

"Qi Qianru."


Qi Qianru turned his head and looked at Deng Yuxuan behind him, he did not look back,

but took a step and walked towards the dark road ahead.

"Come on."

These were his last words, after which he disappeared into the night.

"Ah, you too."

Qi Qianru closed her eyes for a moment, responded softly,

and then walked into the hotel and closed the door.

The dazzling lights in the house were blocked in front of the darkness.

Qi Qianru paused at the door of the private room, listened to the sound of laughter and play inside

, sorted out her expression, and replaced it with a bright smile.


She opened the door and walked in, the voices of the four people in the room stopped abruptly, and they all looked at her.

His eyes searched behind Qi Qianru, looking for the figure of the man who went out together.

Qi Qianru sat down, drank the half glass of white wine, and said:

"He left, let me bring you a word - I wish you a lover who will eventually become a family, and will be later... There is a period..."

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