Wen Shao was opposite Luo Geng and gave Luo Geng a thumbs up in his heart.

It seems that he didn't just talk about it, but he really came out of the quagmire by himself, and did not sink deeper and deeper.

Deng Yuxuan walked into the cafeteria with a lost soul, and the invitation to Qi Qianru just now was ignored, which made him extremely sad.

As a result, as soon as I entered the door, I saw that Qi Qianru and Luo Geng were sitting at the same table.

"Gee! Luo Geng that guy, what to say to keep a distance, isn't this still a fart running to Qi Qianru? Co-authored Are you playing me?

Deng Yuxuan was so angry that he gritted his teeth and itched with anger, he thought that Luo Geng had already distanced himself from Qi Qianru,

why was he eating together again now?

And that table can only seat four people, and now I have gone by myself, and there is no place to sit.

Suddenly, Deng Yuxuan's eyes lit up,

"Eh! Luo Geng, they are leaving?!

He saw that Luo Geng and Wen Shao had finished eating, picked up the dinner plate, stood up and prepared to leave.

He knew that his opportunity was coming, so he immediately went to cook and prepared to sit next to Luo Geng's position, Qi Qianru!


, when he walked to the table with the dinner plate, he

found that Qi Qianru and they had also left...

When you turn around, the person is gone.

"Damn it! How can the relationship between Luo Geng and Qi Qianru be frozen? Deng

Yuxuan felt a fire in his heart, and now he couldn't hold back the desire to have a showdown with Luo Geng

, admitting that he didn't treat him as a friend at all, just

a dog, but now he is not as good as a dog!

Luo Geng and Wen Shao were about to leave the cafeteria, and halfway saw Chi Xiaoyu alone at a table, eating quietly, there

was very little food on the plate, this portion was not as good as half of Luo Geng's.

When Luo Geng passed by the table, she glanced at Chi Xiaoyu,

and she just looked up and collided with Luo Geng's line of sight!

Luo Geng only saw her eyes for a second! She immediately turned her head away!

"Uh... It's still the same old way.."

Luo Geng shook his head helplessly

, originally he planned to say hello, after all, they all knew each other, they were also classmates

, Luo Geng, who was reborn, wanted to make up for the feelings he owed to others before,

but this Chi Xiaoyu didn't give himself a chance to talk at all....

So Luo Geng could only sigh helplessly and leave the cafeteria with Wen Shao.

Qi Qianru and Bai Yi followed closely behind, but they were far away from Luo Geng.

"I was angry, I decided to ignore Luo Geng, I won't pay attention to him when he takes the initiative to talk to me!"

Qi Qianru's eyebrows were tangled, and her tone revealed a hint of irritation

, she wanted to play with Luo Geng, who knew that he was so excessive, the scene just now really embarrassed herself enough

, if not for Bai Yi was also there, she was really directly petrified.

"I think you're right to think so."

Bai Yi sighed and nodded in approval

, now she could see it, as if Luo Geng was not like Qi Qianru said, playing something to get rid of, as if she

really deliberately distanced herself from Qi Qianru.

Could it be that he already saw it? Did he realize that he was just being played by Qi Qianru?

"Anyway, he will regret it then, regret his attitude towards me today!"

"I will never forgive him unless he cries and begs me in front of everyone!"

Qi Qianru's eyes were like a cold wind sweeping through, making Bai Yi's heart feel cold.

However, her thoughts made Bai Yi have a sense of foreboding....

"That... Ruru, shouldn't you care about Luo Geng?

"Care? Follow behind you like a little henchman, obey you, give a little benefit and be silly all day, do I care about this kind of person? I can find a lot of these people if I want.

Bai Yi coughed to hide his embarrassment, and said in a low voice:

"Ah... Then you'd better find someone else, just leave

Luo Geng alone..." In the afternoon class, Luo Geng was very serious and listened very quietly

, maybe he had never had such an experience, and put his attention on the class.

It feels very fulfilling, and I really don't understand what my previous self was doing silly in front of the back of the head.

However, Luo Geng was very attentive, but some people were not attentive.

Qi Qianru said that she would no longer pay attention to Luo Geng, but she herself couldn't help but want to see what Luo Geng was doing.

So she often opened her small mirror and looked at Luo Geng's expression behind the mirror

, and no matter how many times, she saw Luo Geng staring at the blackboard and listening carefully, and she couldn't see him peeking at herself.

"Whatever he does, it's good that he doesn't bother me, just because I'm a little tired of playing, it's time to change my taste."

Qi Qianru knocked on the mirror and muttered gamblingly.

The more I thought about it, the more angry I became, and I always felt that I couldn't hold my breath.

"Okay, any of you who can answer this question, come to the blackboard."

Lao Yan knocked on the blackboard, pointed to the questions on the blackboard, and looked at the students below

, but almost everyone lowered their heads, completely in a state of "can't see me, can't see me".

Some people even began to touch their desks, and the look in their eyes seemed to tell others: I C, this table is too table.

"Teacher Yan! Luo Geng seems to be!

At this time, Qi Qianru suddenly raised her hand and pointed to Luo Geng behind her and said.

At this moment, all eyes were focused on this side.

A smile rose slightly at the corner of Qi Qianru's lips, and a hint of smug emotion flashed in her eyes.

Luo Geng narrowed his eyes even more and stared at Qi Qianru with a solemn expression.

"Luo Geng, will you?" Lao Yan looked at Luo Geng and asked suspiciously.

In fact, he felt that Luo Geng could not do it

, but this was also intentional, after all, Luo Geng and Qi Qianru's affairs, he knew everything

, who in the class liked whom, who was close to whom, he knew something.

So when Qi Qianru teased Luo Geng, he chose to deliberately lead to Luo Geng, wanting him to retreat in spite of the difficulties and remind him to be sober.

"I can try."

Who knew that in the next second, Luo Geng stood up and walked to the blackboard directly in the surprised expression of the class.

Qi Qianru was really stunned, blinked her eyes, and stared at Luo Geng in surprise.

He try?

This is stubbornness, right? It's better to just say no,

wouldn't it be more faceless if you can't do it?

"Oh~, he wants to prove himself in front of me? Heck, it's really still that silly Luo Geng.

Qi Qianru chuckled, as if she saw through Luo Geng's thoughts.

In her eyes, this is just trying to be stubborn in front of herself,

and in the end she still lifts a rock and shoots herself in the foot.

Lao Yan didn't quite believe that

Luo Geng could make it, after all, his grades belonged to the middle and lower reaches of the class

, and then, Luo Geng picked up the chalk and began to write the blackboard.

There was no hesitation, no thinking, not even a pause.

Old Yan's expression became solemn, and he realized that something was wrong.

The other students were even more speechless, and even some people who couldn't understand thought that Luo Geng was writing blindly.

"Won't it..." The

most shocked was Qi Qianru, she didn't expect that Luo Geng really would?

She has to think about this question for a while, but Luo Geng will write it?

"Did he happen to come across the topic of the meeting?"

She didn't think that this was Luo Geng's strength, most likely Luo Geng came prepared.

But this is Lao Yan's own question on the blackboard, how did Luo Geng know in advance?

"Well, almost."

Luo Geng's last stroke fell, nodded, checked it, put the chalk back and returned to his seat.

"Brother, awesome!"

Wen Shao unabashedly praised Luo Geng, just now he was still worried about what Luo Geng should do,

but he didn't expect him to really know ah.

"Hmm..." Lao

Yan glanced at it, thoughtfully, and sometimes showed a look of surprise.

"Very good, this question Luo Geng did exactly right."


For a while, the class exclaimed one after another, and

everyone looked at Luo Geng with admiring eyes.

However, there are exceptions

, Qi Qianru's face is more ugly, originally she wanted to tease Luo Geng, but as a result, he pretended to be there!

And Deng Yuxuan's expression is even more ugly, from the beginning of watching lively, to watching and watching the expression freeze, and then to the final gritted teeth, the mood is really up and down....

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