"Like? I ask you, what do you like about me? When did you start liking me?

Luo Geng snorted coldly, no matter what Qi Qianru said, he couldn't think back to the days when he was lost and lost his mind, and only the scene of her cruelty to herself appeared in her mind.

In the previous life, even if she knew, those things were thrown away by Qi Qianru, and her heart was ruined

, but at that time, if she really said that she liked herself, then she would not hesitate to forgive her, but


It couldn't happen again, my heart had been filled with that girl....

Qi Qianru was stunned for a moment, and said softly: "I... I really realized that I liked you, it should be the last time in the café, after you left, I faced the reality, but to say when I liked you, maybe earlier

..." "As for what, what do I like about you..."

"Jingle bell-"

At this time, Luo Geng's phone rang, interrupting Qi Qianru's words, Luo Geng

took out his mobile phone and saw that it was Chi Xiaoyu calling....

But now in this situation, how do you take it?

If I answered the phone myself, and Qi Qianru deliberately made a voice here to let Chi Xiaoyu know that I was with her, wouldn't it be over?

"Please let go of me quickly, and give me the things."

Luo Geng did not answer the phone, but muted, he wanted to get out of the situation quickly, and then call Chi Xiaoyu back after going out.

"Why! I know it's wrong, why wouldn't you give me a chance, I don't even know about those things... How the hell do you know, since that day, the whole person has changed, obviously it was fine before! You know my heart..." Qi

Qianru buried her head in Luo Geng's back, her tears welling up like water that had been stored for a long time.

"If I hadn't changed, it had always been the way I was before, would you still be like this now? I'm afraid not, you and Bai Yi usually talk about me, and you don't need me to say anything, right? What did you think before? Think I don't know? "


Luo Geng forcibly broke free from Qi Qianru's embrace, then turned around and looked directly at her

, now even if he stared at Qi Qianru, he still wouldn't make waves.

"You spoiled my heart, this is a fact, you can completely reject me directly, I write so many love letters, even if you reply to one and tell me, no drama, our relationship will not become like this!" Your mind, I don't know?

"What I used to like, not you who looked good, not you who studied well, but who would laugh and play with me, become a part of my life, will... You who care about me, although those are all you lied to me, but I am indeed because of those who like you.

"But after I knew those things, I understood that everything was my own fantasy, do you think it is possible for me to forgive you?"

When Luo Geng spoke, his face was expressionless, and these words that would make him burst into tears when he said it, now Luo Geng can say it lightly.

Because it really can't have any effect on his state of mind.


Qi Qianru knelt on the ground, covering her eyes, tears welling up from her fingers.

With her sobs, she choked up and said,

"Not because of my looks... Learn... It's because I'll care about you.... What I like... That's you! "

If Qi Qianru said where she liked Luo Geng just now, she might not be able to say

it, but after Luo Geng's words came out, Qi Qianru was clear about what she liked about Luo Geng, there were many boys who pursued her, whether it was rich

, handsome, and top in learning, but Qi Qianru

was very indifferent, and she was interested in Luo Geng

, which is to put aside all the aura on her body, Just like their own care, like their own attention to this, is what Qi Qianru really likes about Luo Geng.

He did not regard her as a school flower, but in his heart, he identified the special person who only belonged to him.

After all, people who like their own appearance, meet people who look better than themselves, will also raise their interest, and they are no longer special.

It was as if it was Deng Yuxuan, who knew that he was not that special person in her heart.

She had been the one who really had this pure affection, who had been his special person, but now, she was no longer.

At this time, her tears could not be stopped at all, and her heart seemed to be torn apart, which was particularly painful.


, Luo Geng in front of him still did not change, and the feelings in his eyes did not change, just quietly looking at Qi Qianru.

"If you have the opportunity, go back to three years ago and cherish me at that time, but it should be unlikely, now, can you give me something?"

Luo Geng stretched out his hand and asked Qi Qianru for his own things.

"Hmm..." Qi

Qianru stood up and took out the small box from her drawer.

She looked at the necklace inside last night, she was so envious, but in her mind, she just couldn't see the picture she wore, no matter how she thought about it, she could only think of the picture that Chi Xiaoyu put on....

Perhaps, not their own, no matter how you imagine it, it is just wishful thinking.

Luo Geng took the small box and put it in his pocket, and then turned around to leave here.

"I wish you success... And she was able to... Happiness..."

Qi Qianru said this sentence softly

, Luo Geng paused, stood in place

, but did not look back, but replied lightly: "Thank you." Then

he left the place and closed the door shut.

After Luo Geng left, Qi Qianru could no longer control her uncontrollable emotions, sat on the bed, hugged her legs, and cried loudly.

The heart-rending cry was muffled by the sound of rain falling outside....


"Didn't answer..."

"Luo Geng... Where did it go..." Chi

Xiaoyu listened to the voice of the temporary unanswered mobile phone, a little lost in concentration, put the phone down

, she pinched her body, Luo Geng's coat, looked out the window

, at this time the drizzle outside, has become a little bigger, and bigger and bigger

, she is very worried, I don't know where Luo Geng went.

"Light rain! Light rain!

At this time, the door of Chi Xiaoyu's room was suddenly opened, and Ren Lan hurriedly ran in.

"How... What's wrong? Mom..."

Chi Xiaoyu was startled and looked at Ren Lan suspiciously.

"You... Your Uncle Luo just told me to go out, come here, but it's been twenty minutes, it hasn't arrived, and I haven't answered the phone, and now it's raining so hard outside, shouldn't something happen?" Ren

Lan stomped his foot anxiously, and his face was anxious.

"Mom, don't worry, let's go outside and find Uncle Luo..."

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