Back downstairs, in front of the stairs upstairs, Luo Yongfu stopped Luo Geng and said:

"Son, you go play, I'll try to go upstairs myself."

Luo Yongfu grabbed the railing with one hand, raised his feet, and went upstairs step by step

, Luo Geng smiled lightly, crossed his waist and said: "That's okay, then you be careful, don't fall, at home too, don't be in a hurry, remember to call me in time if you have something..."

Really..." Luo Yongfu waved his hand, in an impatient tone.

But Luo Geng knew that he was not really impatient, he

was so nagging, maybe he was just in the hospital, he was affected....

And Luo Yongfu also knows what he thinks in his heart, and uses this sentence to tell himself, don't worry about it.

Luo Geng knew very well in his heart that his father's way of expressing tenderness was so special.

"Okay, then I'll go."

Luo Geng was also unambiguous, nodded, and turned to leave

, after all, he was also anxious to see Chi Xiaoyu, it was more than two o'clock in the afternoon.

Walking around the corner of the street, Luo Geng took out his mobile phone and contacted Chi Xiaoyu.

But hesitated, did not call directly, but sent a text message -

[I'm back, where are you?] Want to come out?

After Luo Geng sent the text message, he only waited for a minute or so before receiving a reply.

【Yes! I'm at home, I'll go out right away! 【

Then I'll go downstairs at your house and wait for you.】

Luo Geng turned off his mobile phone, and then rushed downstairs to Chi Xiaoyu's house.

Why didn't I feel this way before, but after they dating, Luo Geng always felt that a day was gone.

"After the identification, I am definitely a big love brain..."

Luo Geng muttered, using words that were not popular in this era, it is estimated that Chi Xiaoyu could not understand it.

However, Luo Geng is not the only one who has this idea.

After Chi Xiaoyu woke up in the morning, he kept holding his mobile phone and waiting for Luo Geng to come with news.

The college entrance examination is over, there is no need to study, and Ren Lan is often at home, so there is no need to do so much housework, so

Chi Xiaoyu's time is suddenly abundant!

She slept well last night, and now she is very energetic, and her fever and illness have completely healed.

After waiting all morning, I didn't wait for Luo Geng's news

, and I wanted to do something to distract myself, but I walked to the table and found that it was all about learning, not even the extracurricular books that I instinctively read.

After the college entrance examination is over, I still take those high school knowledge books to study again, and I am expected to be scolded for neuropathy when I am seen by others....

So she began to match her clothes and tidy up her appearance.

But this was also discovered by Ren Lan....

Ren Lan leaned next to the bathroom door, smiled mysteriously, and asked jokingly: "Xiaoyu, are you going to go out with Luo Geng later?" "

Ah! Mom... Don't scare me. Chi Xiaoyu was startled and took a step back.

"Oh, come here, mom put makeup on you!"

Ren Lan grabbed Chi Xiaoyu's wrist and was about to drag her out, Chi Xiaoyu was

startled and exclaimed: "Huh? Change... Makeup? "

She grew so big, she has never put on makeup, the girls around her, some junior

high school began to wear makeup, high school students put on a lot of makeup, when they go out to play, girls almost all wear makeup

, but Chi Xiaoyu has never been, or in other words, there is no concept of this at all, I don't know what the meaning of makeup is....

Generally, girls wear makeup, hoping to highlight their beauty, hoping to get praise from others, and their hearts that love beauty are restless.

Chi Xiaoyu had never been in such a mood, so he didn't quite understand.

"yes! My daughter looks so good, and with makeup, that's definitely the icing on the cake!

Ren Lan looked as if she had found a new toy, looking more excited

, and after a while, Ren Lan pressed Chi Xiaoyu on her dresser, and then sat in front of her and began to show her strength.

Chi Xiaoyu was so at the mercy of Ren Lan, closing his eyes and not daring to move.


Luogeng waited downstairs at Chi Xiaoyu's house, and his heart was a little nervous.

"Previous walks... It's friends walking together... But this is a walk after the first relationship, so it is, dating, right?

"Sloppy, do I have to hold a bunch of roses?" Isn't it a little bad to come empty-handed like this..."

Luo Geng sat on the steps downstairs, propped his hands on his chin and thought, his legs shaking unconsciously.

"Waited for a long time..."

Suddenly, Chi Xiaoyu's soft voice came from behind Luo Geng, and Luo Geng quickly ejected and turned to look behind him.

But at this look, he couldn't take his eyes off....

The girl in front of her is wearing a simple and stylish black dress, this dress is perfect for dating occasions, the material and texture of the skirt is very soft, and the comfort is impeccable.

As a girl's dating outfit, it exudes a sexy atmosphere that is not conspicuous, but the kind of cuteness and gentleness that makes people smile.

She tugged at the dress a little to make the fabric fit her body better, showing her curvy figure, and the black skirt subtly outlined her slender legs.

But what made Luo Geng unable to open his eyes was her face

, her big eyes, which appeared brighter and more attentive under the faint eyeshadow modification.

With the gentle movement of her soft eyelashes, it was as if she could hear her inner voice whispering.

The whole person exudes a feminine atmosphere, elegant and noble.

Her thin and graceful lips, which are perfect cherry red, are reminiscent of romantic seasons and, in short, make people feel happy.

Luo Geng only had one feeling, that is, she was more eye-catching at this moment than the gorgeous jewelry.

Chi Xiaoyu saw that Luo Geng did not speak, but kept staring at himself, and suddenly felt a little shy.

"Don't keep staring at me..."

Luo Geng slowed down, scratched his head and said, "Ah, sorry, I didn't pay attention... Fascinated... You today... It's so beautiful..."

Luo Geng's soft praise, maybe he himself felt nothing,

but Chi Xiaoyu's heart was instantly as sweet as eating honey.

The cheering emotions also immediately surged up and appeared on

her face, an already perfect face involuntarily hung two red halos, and her mouth was gently pursed.

She originally thought about what she would do if

Luo Geng didn't like it, but now, she was relieved, and at the same time secretly thought: "Luo Geng seems to like it... Do I want it later... I wear makeup a lot..."

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