Chi Xiaoyu and Luo Geng sat on the bench, she was still sobbing, holding a tissue in her hand to wipe her tears.

"Makeup: It all spent..." Chi

Xiaoyu pursed her mouth, muttering with some grievances, she finally put on good-looking makeup and got Luo Geng's praise

, but she didn't expect to be crying like this, she was almost crying.

"It's okay, you look good in everything... Rather, I would rather ... You don't wear makeup..."

Luo Geng helped Chi Xiaoyu wipe the tears from the corners of his eyes and said softly to her.

"For... Why..."

Chi Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment, a little puzzled, obviously when he first came out, he said that he looked good in makeup,

why don't he want to make up himself now....

"Because... It's so pretty... Everyone else is staring at you... I.. A little jealous, I don't hide it, I'm also very selfish... I hope you look so good, just show me alone..." Luo

Geng was also more embarrassed to say this sentence, in fact, he didn't intend to say it

, but when he thought that Chi Xiaoyu had said those things about himself, then what else was he pretentious?

Since you all know that Chi Xiaoyu likes himself so much, what else does he think of himself?

No one is perfect, and now he knows that Chi Xiaoyu is not as perfect as he imagined, and he will have the same emotions as him

, but rather, her emotions that she thinks are negative are qualities that he can't ask for.

And of course, he is not such a perfect person, the influence of his past life, emotional failure, and family conditions are not good, all of which make him lack self-confidence.

Knowing that Chi Xiaoyu has these feelings, he is much more at ease.

"Only give... You look alone..."

Chi Xiaoyu muttered, his eyes suddenly flashed with panic and surprise, and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated!

"Well... I listen to you..." Chi Xiaoyu blushed and looked down at his toes.

Although the voice is small, don't mention how happy she is!

If it wasn't a little exaggerated, she would want to cry out with joy.

From the heaven just now, I fell into hell in an instant, thinking that everything was doomed, but who would have thought that this was actually the way to a better heaven!

"Ah, sorry, I'll go make a call."

Luo Geng suddenly stood up, took out his mobile phone and shook it, looked at Chi Xiaoyu and said.

And Chi Xiaoyu didn't think much about it, so he nodded and said "good".

Luo Geng took the mobile phone and went to a quiet place

, although she didn't know who he was talking to, but Chi Xiaoyu wouldn't bother, although she actually wanted to know it...

After a few minutes, Luo Geng returned, sat back next to Chi Xiaoyu, and said, "Okay, wait a long time."

"It's okay..." said Chi Xiaoyu with a shake of his head.

"Uh... By the

way, do you have a university you want to go to..." Luo Geng thought, when the college entrance examination results come out, he will have to report the university he wants to go to, then there is a problem, whether he can go to the same university with Chi Xiaoyu, if their grades are relatively different, there is no way to be in the same university

, then Luo Geng will have to make an action, it doesn't matter if he goes to college or not, the main thing is to get closer to Chi Xiaoyu

Even if it's a stall near her university! As long as it's close!

Anyway, draw your own manga and work anywhere.


university you want to go to..." Chi Xiaoyu hesitated, and then in the next second, the two spoke at the same time—

"I want to go to the same university as you!"

The two spoke in unison, and after speaking, they looked into each other's eyes and saw the surprise and joy in each other's eyes.

"Uh-huh. Then, let's wait for the results to come out

..." "Hmm..." The

two lowered their heads, and Luo Geng coughed twice in embarrassment.

He didn't expect that in just one day, he seemed to have a much closer relationship with Chi Xiaoyu...

What a qualitative leap!

I don't know if it's my own illusion, I always feel that Chi Xiaoyu didn't hide his emotions for himself at all after saying those words.

This is also what he hoped for, the scene he dreamed of, but he didn't expect that now his dream has come true.

Subsequently, Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu sat on the bench and talked about a lot of things,

about how Chi Xiaoyu secretly paid attention to him for so many years and how he silently guarded him.

After listening, Luo Geng knew that the Muggan himself missed a lot!

So many opportunities were placed in front of him, just because of his damn lack of confidence, all of them slipped away in vain!

After so many detours, we have come to this point!

Chatting and chatting, the mood of the two became better and better, Chi Xiaoyu said more, let go

, Luo Geng was also very happy, very gratified, smiling faces often hung on his face.

"Shhh, why hasn't it come yet..."

Luo Geng looked at the time on his watch and muttered softly.

"What?" Chi Xiaoyu didn't hear it clearly, and asked suspiciously.

"Ah, it's okay, it's okay."

Luo Geng looked left and right, looked on both sides

of the street, until at the end of the street, he saw a taxi and parked there.

From the car, a person walked down, holding a large handful of brightly colored roses in his hand!


Seeing that person, Luo Geng frowned slightly, smacked his tongue

, then stood up and said, "That... Sorry, I'll leave for a moment. "

Oh... Oh..." Before

Chi Xiaoyu could ask him what he was going to do, Luo Geng walked straight over and walked towards the person who was walking quickly.

That person was Luo Geng's high school classmate and his good brother, Wen Shao.

Luo Geng ran over, stopped Wen Shao in front of him, and asked,

"Brother? What's the situation? Didn't I tell you that I want a truckload of flowers?

Wen Shao panted, holding the flower, staring at Luo Geng with a surprised expression, looking at him with the eyes of a fool.

"Huh?! Dude, do you want to hear what you're talking about? How can you get you a truckload of flowers in half an hour? I went to a lot of florists to buy you this ready-made bouquet! This is still refunded, otherwise it is all booked in advance!

Wen Shao gasped and said angrily, rolling his eyes and glaring at Luo Geng.

"No, then you can run a few more shops to see, help me get a truck..."

"Don't say stupid things, really, people I read comics at home, a phone call came out for me, you can really make people... This costs 100 yuan, remember to give it to me later... That's my pocket money..."

Wen Shao said, and stuffed the rose in his hand into Luo Geng's arms, crossed his waist, and wiped the sweat from the corner of his forehead.

"That..." At

this time, Luo Geng heard Chi Xiaoyu's voice behind him!

"Uh..." Wen Shao also saw Chi Xiaoyu in front of him, pouted a little embarrassedly, and then looked at Luo Geng, who was also embarrassed.

Luo Geng's body slowly turned around a little stiffly, still holding the handful of roses in his hand....

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