"Can I go in?"

Chi Xiaoyu turned his head to look at Luo Geng and asked tentatively.

"Of course, after all, I have seen it all in your room." Luo Geng shrugged his shoulders and said with a chuckle.

Then, he walked into his room with Chi Xiaoyu, and

what came into view was his usual desk.

Chi Xiaoyu slowly stepped into the room with a look of exploration of the new world,

his eyes scanned the decoration in the

room, which was almost simple with his own room, and even simpler than his own room.

On that table, you can also clearly see the work he does, that is, comics.

"It's simple, almost nothing."

Luo Geng sat on the bed and said with self-deprecation.

Chi Xiaoyu also sat next to Luo Geng, and said softly: "But this can also reflect your personality..."

When Luo Geng heard this, he took the stubble, and said with his fingers: "My personality... Cowardly, not confident..." Before

he finished speaking, Chi Xiaoyu's finger poked at his nose.

"Don't be so self-deprecating, in my heart... You are the most perfect.

Chi Xiaoyu pouted, but his eyes were very firm, not like a joke at all.

"Oooh... Good... You.. You are the same in my heart..." Luo Geng was taken aback by Chi Xiaoyu's serious attitude

, this before, she would definitely not say such a thing, it seems that it is still good for her to be able to say these concerns all today.

"Huh? That was..." Chi

Xiaoyu turned his head and glanced at it, and saw a photo on the top of the bedside table,

which showed a child only a few years old.

"Ah, that's a picture of me as a kid... Don't look at it, it's embarrassing..." Luo

Geng waved his hand and smiled bitterly

, for his childhood photos, dare to show them to people he likes, but it is not possible for Luo Geng.

Even he himself couldn't stand looking at the photos of his childhood.

"Eh——, I want to see..." Chi

Xiaoyu shook a shot, pretending not to be interested, and actually turned around instantly! Reach out and get the picture on that nightstand!

Photos of Luo Geng when he was a child?! This is no less tempting for her than an acceptance letter from a first-class university!

She must see!


Luo Geng shouted, wanting to stop Chi Xiaoyu, stretched out his hand to grab

Chi Xiaoyu's wrist, but also twisted his waist, the center of gravity of his lower body was unstable, and the whole person pounced on Chi Xiaoyu's body!


Chi Xiaoyu was thrown down and exclaimed, and then the whole person lay directly on the bed, his hands at a loss for what to do on his chest...

And Luo Geng's face was only a punch away from her face!

"Poof-" In an instant, Chi Xiaoyu stared with bated breath, his heart pounded, and his cheeks were as red as a cloud of fire!

Luo Geng was also stunned, his hands were propped on the bed, his

eyes staring directly at Chi Xiaoyu's... Thin lips that are rosy and attractive.

The nervous heartbeat of the two and the sound of even breathing were extremely clear in the strange atmosphere of silence.

After a few seconds of silence, Chi Xiaoyu slowly closed his eyes,

"Huh?!" She closed her eyes... This is... May I? It can..." Luo

Geng blinked, staring at the thin and beautiful lips that were close at hand, and couldn't help but move his throat...


Suddenly, there was a loud noise outside the house, followed by a "popping" crisp sound, as if something had fallen to the ground.

Chi Xiaoyu opened his eyes abruptly, and Luo Geng quickly got up, and the two seemed to be frightened, and at the same time looked at the location of the door of the room.

Luo Geng got out of bed, opened the door and walked out, and

saw Luo Yongfu who fell to the ground at the kitchen door!

"I lean, Daddy, what's wrong with you?! Fell ah!

Luo Geng quickly ran over and helped Luo

Yongfu up, he gritted his teeth and rubbed his butt in pain, Luo Geng looked at the ground, a pot fell on the ground, it is estimated that Luo Yongfu just took this pot

, and then the kitchen had a threshold, he didn't pay attention, didn't step over, tripped and fell.

Chi Xiaoyu also ran over and said, "Uncle Luo, are you all right?"

Luo Yongfu squeezed out a smile, looked at Chi Xiaoyu and said softly: "Eh, it's okay, it's okay, it's just a fall, just don't fall to the waist."

"Alas, you are too anxious, you should be a little familiar with crutches these two days, you just wanted to walk normally on the first day, too early."

Luo Geng sighed and said a little helplessly.

Then thinking of the scene just now, if Luo Yongfu hadn't fallen, he might have been...

Luo Geng raised his head to look at Chi Xiaoyu on the opposite side, and found that she was also looking at herself, and after glancing at each other, both of them turned their heads over.

Luo Geng first covered his mouth with his hand and coughed gently, and then secretly thought, anyway, there will be opportunities in the future....

"Come, you two, eat."

Luo Yongfu pointed to the dining table and looked at the two and said.

And Chi Xiaoyu waved his hand and said, "No, Uncle Luo, I'll go first..." Luo

Yongfu looked at Chi Xiaoyu in surprise, blinked and said, "Huh? Walk? Going home? You're not living here today? I've called Xiaolan and said you're staying here tonight. "

In... At.. Live here?! Chi

Xiaoyu's tongue knotted, his nervous eyes drifted, and he immediately lowered his eyelids, his face drooped, but the roots of his ears quietly reddened.

Luo Geng looked at his father, but he didn't expect that Luo Yongfu squeezed his eyes at Luo Geng, as if he was making eyes

, the corner of Luo Geng's mouth twitched, and he did it on purpose!

No one said that he wanted to live here, so he called his mother directly, and then informed him himself.

Seeing that Luo Geng didn't react, Luo Yongfu's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and he stretched out his hand to pinch Luo Geng's arm!

"Ah, yes, it's too late, you live here today, you see it rained heavily that day, didn't we live in your house too... Polite

exchanges..." Luo Geng quickly spoke, and squeezed out a crappy smile.

"Hmm..." Chi Xiaoyu nodded slightly, seemingly reluctantly accepting, but his heart was already very excited....

Ren Lan didn't need to say, he must know that the two of them were together, and Luo Yongfu couldn't have found out,

thinking that Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu were still worried about whether the reorganized family could get married...

As a result, their parents didn't care about these things at all....

Luo Geng can understand that if it is a past life, then more than ten years from now, there may be gossip or some obstacles

, but in this era, there is no emphasis on these things, and even in some remote villages and towns, there are individual superstitious families with close relatives marrying.

Luo Yongfu appreciates Chi Xiaoyu's understanding and good study, after all, in Luo Yongfu's thoughts, studying well means having a future.

And Ren Lan appreciates Luo Geng's ability and talent, and he has such a ability to make money at a young age, not to mention sharing it with the family, which is completely shouldering the heavy responsibility of the family.

So neither of them wanted their excellent daughter-in-law or son-in-law to run away....

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