"Teacher Luo, let's go first."

After eating, Qin Qiao and Jia Mo said goodbye to Luo Geng and them

, at this time, Jia Mo's eyes changed when he looked at Qin Qiao, thinking that this girl was really a pig teammate, and it was estimated that she would not be able to work easily in the future....

And isn't it still an internship period... What if someone squeezed you for seven days, then told you that you weren't fit for the job, and fired you....

"Alas..." Jia Mo has no way to help her cousin, how to help is useless, but she doesn't give it herself....

Wen Shao looked at Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu in front of him and said, "Then I'll leave too, you guys go back and be careful."

"Well, good." Luo Geng nodded, but Wen Shao seemed to have finished speaking

, took a step forward and approached Luo Geng, and then lowered his voice and asked in his ear: "Did you bring your ID card?" If you don't take me to know a hotel, you can use your ID number, and then remember to go to the supermarket and buy a box..."

Luo Geng pushed him and said angrily.

Wen Shao looked successful in prank and left with a smile.

Chi Xiaoyu blinked her eyes and looked at Luo Geng with some surprise, she didn't know what Wen Shao secretly said to Luo Geng just now.

And after saying goodbye to Wen Shao, Luo Geng looked at her and said, "Let's go back too..."


Luo Geng took Chi Xiaoyu's hand and walked on the street at night, looking for a taxi that could take them home

, but it was very late, there were not many taxis, and there were even fewer taxis for the night shift, so the two searched for a long time and did not find it.

"Did Aunt Ren call?"

Luo Geng looked at the time, turned his head and asked Chi Xiaoyu, after all, they didn't call home and said they wouldn't go home, so at this time, there should be a call.

However, Chi Xiaoyu shook his head and said, "No.

Luo Geng was stunned for a moment and said, "Ah... Yes, then it seems that Aunt Ren is still very relieved of you. "

No... It should be, it's because of being with you, she is

relieved..." After Luo Geng heard these words, a trace of joy rose in his heart, this feeling of being recognized and relieved by the other party's parents was something that Luo Geng felt very proud of.

"Oops... It's hard to do, can't find a car.."

Luo Geng looked left and right, looking for a taxi, but still found nothing.

Chi Xiaoyu, on the other hand, was pulled away by Luo Geng, and did not say a word in the back, but his head was slightly lowered, as if he had something on his mind.


Suddenly, Chi Xiaoyu stopped walking, grabbed Luo Geng, and dragged him down.

Luo Geng turned his head to look at Chi Xiaoyu, a little puzzled, not knowing what was wrong with

her, but looking at her face, he also knew that she probably had something very important to say.

Chi Xiaoyu let go of Luo Geng's hand, lowered his head, rubbed the corner of his clothes with his hand, and said,

"Just now... At the dinner table, I'm a little strange... I did something excessive again, sorry.

Luo Geng's eyebrows frowned slightly inertialy, and he said suspiciously: "Excessive things? Nope... Oh, do you mean feeding me? I think it's good... Rather, rather—

" "No! I'm not saying this..." Chi Xiaoyu interrupted Luo Geng's words

, and the two fell silent, and after a few seconds of silence,

Luo Geng slowly spoke and said,

"You mean... Did you step on Qi Qianru under the table?

"Hmm..." Chi Xiaoyu nodded.

Luo Geng exhaled a breath and said: "Whew - I don't think there is any problem, she was originally looking for trouble first, aren't you also for me, it's not excessive."

"But, I'm still very strange like that, you see me, there is another side hidden..., someone approaching you, I will be wary, someone harasses you, I will attack back, and may even become very cranky, will do some strange behavior, such as feeding you, half of it is also for... Angry with her: Am I narrow-minded? Is it careful to be careful..."

Chi Xiaoyu said her worries

, on the table, not only Qi Qianru was delirious, in fact, she was also, already delirious

, there was only anger in her head at that time, hostile to Qi Qianru, and the things she did made her blush a little in retrospect

, as if a child was jealous, she felt that she was too immature....

She was afraid that Luo Geng would mind that her approach was more extreme, such as just reminding her, and she didn't say a word and moved her feet directly....

But she really couldn't help it.

Luo Geng stared at Chi Xiaoyu's face and paused for a while, and Chi Xiaoyu

did not hear Luo Geng's voice, raised his head with some worry, and saw Luo Geng's serious face.

She secretly said inwardly: "It's over... After

a while, Luo Geng slowly spoke: "If I don't know you, I won't agree with your approach, because, people live in this world, you can not make friends, but at least don't bind the enemy, sometimes, too aggressive, there is no benefit to yourself."

Chi Xiaoyu nodded gently, as if a child who had made a mistake was being reprimanded, and

then said in a small voice: "Hmm... I.. I know... I will never next time..."

"But!" Luo Geng suddenly turned his words around, and grabbed Chi Xiaoyu's shoulders with both hands!

Chi Xiaoyu suddenly raised his head, stunned, widened his eyes, and looked at Luo Geng's eyes blankly

, that look was so firm, so serious, serious made Chi Xiaoyu a little afraid.

"Now you are my girlfriend, feel free to do it boldly, don't worry that I will be unhappy, I am very happy about what you do for me, and I will also tolerate you, you remember, with me to support you, don't be afraid."

Luo Geng's words hit Chi Xiaoyu's heart hard

, Luo Geng did not speak softly, there was no gentle tone, his expression looked very serious, not so friendly.

But I don't know why, after Chi Xiaoyu heard this sentence, her heart was so warm, like a warm current pouring in, Chi Xiaoyu

and Luo Geng looked at each other, her heartbeat involuntarily accelerated

, I don't know why, at this moment, her liking for Luo Geng suddenly soared from 100% to 1000%!

In an instant, she took a step forward, threw herself into Luo Geng's arms, and put her arms around his neck.

In the next second, time seemed to stand still

, Luo Geng's eyes widened, his world was quiet at this moment, he couldn't feel any sounds around

, his hands were a little overwhelmed, frozen in mid-air

, all he could feel was Chi Xiaoyu's accelerating heartbeat

, and her soft and warm thin lips, kissed on his lips.

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