Luo Geng was stunned for a moment, paused for a few seconds, and said

, "However, you should have a better choice, right? Just like Qin Qiao said, I have the ability to eat without going to college, so I'm the one who can go to any university, but... Aren't you working so hard to get such good grades and go to the best universities? Luo

Geng really couldn't bear to let Chi Xiaoyu give up a better choice for himself, so it must be selfish, although he really wanted to go to college with Chi Xiaoyu.

"However, I think the university with you is the best."

Chi Xiaoyu tilted his head and looked at Luo Geng with big eyes, as if he was saying something that was taken for granted.

"This..." Luo Geng said for a while, he still seemed to underestimate Chi Xiaoyu's feelings for himself, and sometimes it could even make him feel a little too unrealistic.

"Moreover, Cheng'an University is also very good, it is also a first-class university, and I don't feel wronged myself."

Chi Xiaoyu stood up and gently stroked Luo Geng's cheek, and the gentle smile in his eyes became stronger.

"Is there anything delicious over there in Cheng'an?" I'm not used to eating there.

"I'll talk to the president about opening a branch in Cheng'an when I go back."

Qin Qiao and Jia Mo also made their attitude clear, obviously with a posture of following Luo Geng.

Luo Geng saw this scene, and he was a little touched, he thought of his past life, and he hardly felt such a feeling.

The studio is very large, and there are many employees and assistants, but they are all very general working relationships, and the relationship with Jia Mo at that time is not very good, so this kind of scene is something he has never imagined.

Not to mention that there is still a moment when thinking about his girlfriend.

Luo Geng's eyes flickered, and the corners of his lips raised a smile slightly, and said: "In order to celebrate, tonight's dinner, I will treat you."

Qin Qiao immediately raised his hand and said positively: "I, I, I know that there is a particularly delicious home-cooked food in the city!"

"Qiaoqiao, you don't say two words..." Jia

Mo didn't forget the last time he ate, he thought that Qin Qiao was finished playing....

Who knew that Luo Geng's mood the next day seemed to be good, and he didn't pursue Qin Qiao much, but it was definitely a fluke....

He must not let Qin Qiao get sick again this time....


"Look at this kind of stuff all day!" Do you think you can do well? Is such an achievement worth your three years of hard work? "

The report card came out, some people were happy and some were worried, Wen Shao was the one who was worried,

he took the test... Not great....

His parents also blamed the problem on the comic that Wen Shao read every day.

After the holiday, Wen Shao except for occasionally going out, playing basketball or something, the rest of the time is at home to read comics, now

the results are out, the score line of the three books is not enough....

Wen Shao lowered his head, reprimanded by his parents, and did not dare to say anything.

After the lesson was enough, Wen Shao's father sighed worriedly and said, "Go to college, Beizhou Vocational and Technical College, where your uncle is the director." "

Oh..." Wen

Shao didn't dare to resist, he could only let his father arrange, after

the end, Wen Shao returned to his room and sat on the chair decadently,

he regretted it too late now... Unexpectedly, he was distracted by the comic at a critical time,

"Is it strange that Luo Geng draws too good-looking?" No, no, no, who is to blame, people have instructed me before the college entrance examination, let me take the exam well, it's my own willpower is too weak..." Wen

Shao thought that before the college entrance examination, Luo Geng had confiscated his own comics, and specially instructed himself to study hard,

but he still went home and peeked at it....



At this time, Wen Shao's mobile phone rang, and he picked it up to look at it, and found that it was a text message.

"Bai Yi?"

The text message was sent by Bai Yi, which said that he wanted to ask Wen Shao out to talk.

It just so happened that Wen Shao was not in a good mood now, so he agreed and replied to Bai Yi with an "OK".

Subsequently, he came to the place agreed with Bai Yi, a tea restaurant.

Bai Yi sat on the seat by the window inside, waiting for Wen Shao to arrive.

"I'm coming..."

Wen Shao dragged his tired body, walked in front of Bai Yi, and sat down opposite her.

Bai Yi looked at Wen Shao's appearance, a little puzzled, and asked, "What's wrong with you?" Doesn't look like much spirit?

"I didn't do well... I was taught a lesson by my parents.

Wen Shao lay on the table, looking particularly unenergetic.

"So... That... Did you fill in the volunteers? Bai Yi's hand was hidden under the

table, and in her hand, holding her volunteer watch, it was just a draft table, not a regular table.

On that has been filled in - Seongan University.

Wen Shao nodded and said, "Fill it in... Anyway, it was my dad who filled it in for me and asked me to go to Beizhou and go to junior college. "


muttered Bai Yi, looking a little worried, because Cheng'an was far away from Beizhou.

She also listened to Lao Yan's advice and decided on Cheng'an University tentatively, but her parents respected their choice, as long as it was not a bad university, it didn't matter.

"What about you? You should do well, right? Wen Shao raised his head and looked at Bai Yi in front of him and asked.

"I... It's okay.

"Which university are you going to apply to?"

"I... Undecided... Still thinking about it, but Beizhou seems to be good, right? North Island University seems to be doing well. Bai

Yi's hand under the table crumpled the draft form that filled in Cheng'an University into a ball in the palm of his hand....

"Really? It would be nice if you could go to Beizhou University, we seem to be neighbors, very close. Wen Shao blinked and looked at Bai Yi with a slight smile.

"Is it? I don't know, it's... Is that so?

Bai Yi pretended to look unclear, and shrugged.

Wen Shao suddenly thought of something and asked, "Eh, by the way, don't you go to college with Qi Qianru?" Aren't you on good terms? The grades are similar, which university is she going to go to?

At the mention of Qi Qianru, Bai Yi slowly lowered her

head, shook her head helplessly, and said:

"She... I called, she failed this exam and didn't do well..." After

Wen Shao heard this, he was a little surprised

, because Qi Qianru is the person in the class whose grades are second only to Bai Yi

, even if Luo Geng is later, then she can't be worse, how can she fail this exam?

However, Wen Shao thought about it, anyway, it must be related to

Luo Geng, but it must have nothing to do with Luo Geng herself, it is her own reason.

After all, people have long distanced themselves from her, and she must pester Luo Geng...

"Then she... Get ready?

"She's ready to repeat it."

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