"It's over!"

Qin Qiao finished the last draft, raised his hands excitedly

, after about two weeks of hard work, Luo Geng they finally finished this work, this kind of work intensity and production speed, Qin Qiao has never seen it in her life, but she did experience it once.

"Alas, there are enough saved manuscripts now, and there is no need to think about updating for the next half a year."

Jia Mo also sighed, for other editors, this may be undesirable, there is no need to worry about urging the manuscript, there are a large number of saved manuscripts waiting to be issued, this battle with sufficient ammunition has won half of the victory from the beginning.

Qin Qiao looked at Luo Geng, who was sitting in the chair without saying a word, and asked, "Teacher Luo, do you have any feelings after finishing a work?" It's not long, but it's a work created by yourself.

Luo Geng turned his head and looked at her helplessly, and said: "No, what do you feel about this kind of work, isn't it a little too far-fetched." "

Oh oh, yes too..." Qin Qiao smiled awkwardly, but to be honest, he didn't understand Luo Geng's thoughts very well, after all, if it was her first work, no matter what, it would be a little touching when it was over, but looking at Luo Geng like this, it was as if it wasn't

his first work.

Luo Geng looked at the time, it's not yet noon, Chi Xiaoyu hasn't come yet, she makes herself lunch almost every day

, Luo Geng eats very full every time, plus there is no exercise, has been sitting and drawing comics, now Luo Geng feels that he has gained a lot of weight....

"It's time to lose weight..."

Luo Geng muttered softly, if it was because he had become fat, Chi Xiaoyu didn't like him, then he couldn't accept it a little.

Although Chi Xiaoyu has said more than once that this kind of thing cannot happen, it does not mean that Luo Geng will have no fear.

"Okay, from today onwards, I'm going to take a break for a while, anyway, there are a lot of saved manuscripts to post, right?"

Luo Geng stood up, moved his stiff body, and then said to Qin Qiao and Jia Mo.

Qin Qiao can also rest, but Jia Mo can't, he just came to help himself, not his own employee

, or go back to continue to be an editor

, but it's not the same as before, now it must be in the publishing house's waist straight, speaking hard.

"Uh... That, Mr. Luo... I've been working for more than a month..." Qin

Qiao stood up, smiled flatteringly, and looked at Luo Geng

rubbing her hands, she came here every day, her money was basically used to ride a car and the like, she hadn't paid her salary yet, and now she was very tight.

"Oh yes, your salary."

Luo Geng nodded, although at the beginning because she had some more trouble, but fortunately, the problem was not big, and then she worked harder, plus she also took care of Chi Xiaoyu at work, Luo Geng did not pursue her.

He took out his wallet and began counting the stack of bills.

"1 sheet: 2 photos... 3 sheets.." Qin Qiao also stared intently, Luo Geng counted, she was also counting there

, looking at the stack of banknotes is estimated to drool

, she has also worked part-time before, earned a little money, but the end of the day every time to take a hundred is a lot

, looking at the red bills in front of her, I really can't help it.

"Well, 10,000 yuan, and then I said before, I will give you a bonus, give you a thousand more, don't be too little."

Luo Geng handed the money in his hand to Qin Qiao, and Qin Qiao took it with both hands as if he were receiving a holy will.

Qin Qiao was so excited that he was about to cry out and said, "Quite a few!" Whining! Teacher Luo, I will follow you to the death!"

"Don't, I can't guarantee you food for the rest of your life."

Luo Geng quickly waved his hand, he now wants to fire Qin Qiao directly, but he still has to recruit people again in the future, and this month has been almost the same as her run-in at work.

For the sake of Lao Jia's face, forget it, as long as you don't cause trouble for yourself in the future....

"Okay, you can go, this money should be enough for you to be dashing for a while, it is very likely that you will go to Cheng'an at that time, get ready, and wait for my notice when exactly."


Qin Qiao couldn't wait to pack her things and then snatched the door out, she couldn't wait to go shopping with her sisters now.

"Eh! Coincidentally! Even Jia Mo didn't stop her from behind, and ran away directly.

Chi Xiaoyu was taking the lunch box upstairs, and met Qin Qiao who was going downstairs, and was wondering, Qin Qiao directly passed by her and quickly left here.


Jia Mo sighed, saw Chi Xiaoyu going upstairs, smiled at her slightly, and said, "Thank you for your help during this time." "

It's okay, helping Luo Geng is what I should do.." Chi Xiaoyu nodded in response.

After both of them left, Chi Xiaoyu came to Luo Geng's house.

Seeing him sitting on a chair emptying himself, he put down the lunch box in his hand, walked to the back and squeezed his shoulders.

"Eh... Xiaoyu, you're here.

Luo Geng reacted, and his right hand unconsciously touched the hand of Chi Xiaoyu on his shoulder.

"Yes, it's really hard for you, now you can have a good rest."

A gentle smile appeared on Chi Xiaoyu's face, she finally looked forward to the time when she could let Luo Geng rest, otherwise seeing him so tired every day would also be an ordeal for Chi Xiaoyu.

Luo Geng nodded and said, "Yes, I'm really tired, I really want some rewards." "Reward


"Yes." Luo Geng pointed to his cheek and smiled.

Chi Xiaoyu understood, her cheeks were red, and she muttered in a low voice: "What kind of reward is this..."

Then, she bent down and kissed Luo Geng's cheek lightly with her soft thin lips.

Luo Geng smiled and said proudly: "This is the reward for me, the first prize!"

"Is it? What about this one?

Suddenly, Chi Xiaoyu's hands supported Luo Geng's cheeks, lifted his face slightly,

and then bent down and kissed his lips on Luo Geng's lips!


Luo Geng was really startled, his throat moved, but then he also closed his eyes.

For a long time, the two felt that it was a little difficult to breathe, and then they reluctantly separated.

"This is the special prize..."

Luo Geng whispered

, he looked at Chi Xiaoyu in front of him, his face was rosy, the roots of his ears were red, and he lowered his head, not daring to look into his eyes.

It was simply the most tempting scene for him, it had been so long since the last time Chi Xiaoyu kissed him, during

this period, Luo Geng also wanted to find an opportunity to get close to Chi Xiaoyu, but there was no chance, and Chi Xiaoyu also

thought so, otherwise they would not have just left, so they couldn't wait...

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