Seeing that Wei Sanniang had left, the other seven had no interest in staying any longer, so they bowed to Yi Lingxuan and left one after another.

It's just that when these people walked in front of Meng Hang, they glanced at Meng Hang unconsciously, with fear and curiosity in their eyes, eager to try.

Although they ridiculed Yin Jiuyou for losing to Meng Hang, they were both the helmsmen of Wusheng, and their strengths were on par.

Even if the strength is a few points higher, the others are not confident that they can beat Yin Jiuyou so miserably.

When everyone left, Meng Hang walked up to Yi Lingxuan and asked curiously:

"These are the eight rudder masters of your Wusheng Religion?"

Yi Lingxuan nodded, looking at the backs of those people with a bit of fear in his eyes.

"Yes, Yin Jiuyou, you have already fought, so I won't say more."

"The big guy who fought with Yin Jiuyou just now is called Li Dazui, nicknamed the bloody butcher, and has a very cruel personality. He likes to use the pig-killing knife in his hand to open his opponent's stomach and eat human flesh."

"And the young woman who came out to smooth things out was called the Black Widow - Wei Sanniang."

"It's a lewd character, and it's fun to hook up with men."

"I heard that none of the men who slept with her survived."

Speaking of which, Yin Lingxuan glanced at Meng Hang with a half-smile, and laughed:

"Meng Gongzi, be careful, don't be seduced to the bed by that bitch."

Meng Hang smiled and licked his tongue.

"Hehehe, I'm waiting for her to hook me up."

"How many people are left?"

"The walking sissy man behind Wei Sanniang is a flower - Jing Ci."

"And that jade-faced gentleman, Jiang Xiaoxi, is very fond of women's lust. The woman who comes to the door never wants it. Instead, he likes to dazzle the woman in the middle of the night and do that contemptible thing."

"Hehehe, isn't that the legendary flower thief?"

"You have no life teaching, but you have all kinds of things!"

Meng Hang laughed and said mockingly.

"Our Wushengjiao has been suppressed by the Dragon Kingdom all the year round, and a few people with normal abilities are willing to join us."

"Only those who are also hunted down by the Dragon Kingdom all the year round will finally be forced to join us."

Facing Meng Hang's ridicule, Yi Lingxuan laughed at himself. :

"And the old man with the thin cheeks is the king of bats - Qi Xiao."

"And that..."

Yi Lingxuan introduced them intermittently for nearly ten minutes before introducing all the eight people.

"Hehe, Wushengjiao is really hiding dragons and crouching tigers."

"Meng Gongzi is joking. Yin Jiuyou, one of the eight rudder masters, was scared by you and almost urinated his pants on the first day he came back. The rest of the people must not be your combined enemy."

"Now the Wusheng Teaching is all guessing, what method did you use that day to scare Yin Jiuyou like that!"

Meng Hang smiled slightly and said maliciously:

"As long as you come to my room tonight, I'll tell you."

"Giggle, as long as you don't use that trick against me, the little girl doesn't even know."

Yi Lingxuan covered her mouth and smiled tenderly, then fluttered away.

Late at night, when Meng Hang was practicing in bed, there was a soft knock on the door.

Meng Hang suddenly opened his eyes, and a ray of light shot out from it.

He knew that someone would come to test him tonight, but he didn't know which of the seven it would be.

Opening the gate of the small courtyard, Meng Hang saw Wei Sanniang leaning on the door frame and waiting for him.

"Hehe, I don't know what is Sanniang looking for in the middle of the night?"

Seeing the person coming, Meng Hang raised his eyebrows slightly and asked.

Seeing Meng Hang, Wei Sanniang winked like silk, and said softly:

"When the Nu family saw the son in the daytime, they felt that the deer jumped in their hearts, and was deeply attracted by the son's unique temperament."

"The slave family tossed and turned on the bed at night, with the son's figure in his head, and he couldn't fall asleep."

"In the end, I really couldn't stand the pain of lovesickness, so I thought about coming to talk with Young Master all night."

As Wei Sanniang spoke, her body seemed to be paralyzed, she leaned directly on Meng Hang, and drew circles on his chest with her slender hand.

Meng Hang smelled the fragrance coming from the beauty in his arms, and couldn't help showing a hint of self-deprecation on his face.

"Sanniang is really not taboo on meat and vegetarian food. When you grow up like this, you can actually like me."

"Giggle, son, don't compare me to other little women who haven't seen the world."

"How can they perceive the aura you exude from you?"

"Oh, after talking so much, people's feet are tired from standing, and you don't invite me to sit in the room."

Wei Sanniang raised her head and looked at Meng Hang with tears in her eyes.

"Sanniang doesn't dislike it, then please come in!"

The corners of Meng Hang's mouth twitched, revealing an intriguing smile, and moved his body out of the way.

"Fellow, they are waiting for you in the house~"

Wei Sanniang stood on tiptoe and exhaled like a blue breath. After saying these words in Meng Hang's ear, she twisted her waist and walked in.


Meng Hang followed behind her, tightly closed the door of the small courtyard, and walked in.

"Master, why is it so dark in this room, it makes the slave family very scared~"

Since the lights were not turned on, the room was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers.

Wei Sanniang deliberately unbuttoned two buttons on her body to reveal white flowers, and then turned around and threw herself into Meng Hang's arms.

It's just that when she turned around, the first thing she saw was not Meng Hang's tall body, but a blood-red glow in his eyes.

Then, what caught Wei Sanniang's eyes was the complicated gouyu in Meng Hang's pupils.

A sense of dizziness came, and the feet began to stumble.


After an unknown amount of time, the door of the small courtyard was opened again, and Wei Sanniang walked out with a confused look.

But soon, her eyes became clear again, and she said to Meng Hang who followed behind:

"Thank you for your hospitality today, the slave family hasn't been so happy for a long time."

Saying that, he actually kissed Meng Hang gently on the cheek.

Meng Hang didn't dodge either, he accepted the kiss calmly, and then said:

"Sanniang's kung fu is really formidable, and it makes me want to stop."

"Rogue! Then I'll come back tomorrow night!"

Wei Sanniang tapped Meng Hang's head lightly with her green fingers, and then left with a smile.

When Meng Hang bid farewell to Wei Sanniang and turned his head, the smile in his eyes disappeared.

He has no interest in this kind of woman with red lips.

When the door of the small courtyard was closed again, a cold hum came from a tree not far away.

"Hmph, Wei Sanniang, this little hoof, started seducing men as soon as she came back."

"Laozi has worked with her for so many years, and I have never tasted her!"

It was the oily Li Dazui who spoke, looking at the small courtyard that had closed the door, with jealousy in his eyes.

"No, Wei Sanniang, a black widow, always eats even bones when a man goes to bed. How can this kid come out safe and sound, and the two are still talking and laughing?"

The thin-cheeked Bat King Qi Xiao frowned and said suspiciously.

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