
Originally, the following should be a 18+ scene.

However, it was the opposite of what he wanted.

With a scream like a pig being slaughtered,

Kameda Masao's fat and bloated body fell directly to the ground.

A small flying knife was stuck in his calf.

The younger brothers in the queue.

And the already desperate Kisaki Eri herself.

At this moment, they were all stunned.

This time, it was really hasty!

The next moment, the person who released the flying knife appeared.

I saw a young man wearing a black martial arts uniform, tall, about 1.85 meters, slowly walked over.

This man, about 20 years old, handsome, elegant, and a top handsome man.

There was a strong coldness in his eyes.

Looking at Kameda Masao, his eyes were full of disdain.

"I'm saved!"

When she saw the young man appear, although she didn't know who he was, the thought suddenly flashed through the mind of the bound Fei Yingli.

She could feel that this handsome young man was here to save her.

But the joy was only for a moment.

The next moment, a strong desire to worry arose in Fei Yingli's mind.

"He is alone!"

"There are about six or seven people on the other side!"

"Can he handle these six or seven people alone?"

At this time, two of Kameda Masao's younger brothers rushed over and helped their boss up.

"Who the hell are you? How dare you meddle in my business?!"

Masao Kameda, who was helped up, looked at the man in front of him viciously, with strong murderous intent in his eyes.

Hearing this, the young man smiled coldly and said,"Who I am is no longer important to you!"

"For a fat guy like you, there is only one thing that matters!"

The young man looked at Kameda Masao and his younger brother with a joking look on his face, and said leisurely.

Seeing the other party's impressive momentum, Kameda Masao frowned, and then showed a hint of sneer.


"I would like to hear it!"

"What is the important thing you are talking about?"

Hearing what Kameda Masao said, the young man slowly said:"That is, today, every one of you will be counted as one!"

"All of them will go to jail and eat prison food!"

As soon as these words came out, they naturally angered Kameda Masao and others.


Masao Kameda cursed,"You're still a brat!"

"How dare you meddle in other people’s business!"


"Come on!"

"Beat this brat to death, alive!"

Kameda Masao's younger brother was also furious at the young man's arrogance.

Hearing the order from his boss, he naturally did not hesitate.

Except for the younger brother who supported Kameda Masao, the other four or five people put their hands into their trouser pockets.

Then, Kisaki Eri saw that these people took out a switchblade from their trouser pockets.

At this moment, Kisaki Eri's heart could not help but chill.

Who would have thought that these people actually carried knives with them!

"Be careful!"

Hiki Eri couldn't help but shouted at the young man.

At this time, after the brothers took out their knives, two of them couldn't wait to rush at the young man.

The young man didn't seem to be panicked.

His body just shook slightly, and then everyone's eyes went black. The brother who first rushed to the man had already screamed like a pig being slaughtered.

This scream was quite similar to that of Kameda Masao who had just been hit by a flying knife.

At this time, the switchblade in his hand that attacked the young man had somehow stabbed into his thigh. His thigh was stabbed with a knife, and he collapsed to the ground.

Before the other three people could react, they saw a black shadow flash, and the switchblade in the second man's hand was gone, and then this knife was directly inserted into his thigh.

Accompanied by a sharp scream.

The man also collapsed to the ground.

The remaining two brothers didn't see what happened clearly.

They only felt their hands tighten.

It was as if their arms were grabbed by someone..

Then, each of them let out a scream. The two of them actually stabbed each other's shoulders with the switchblades in their hands.

It was a lively scene.

The two stabbed each other, and both were in great pain.

At this moment, they quickly let go of the daggers.

Then the two felt a piercing pain in their thighs.

The young man kicked each of the two men's legs hard.

The kick was very powerful.

Accompanied by a crackling sound.

The leg bones of the two men were broken.

The whole person fell to the ground like a deflated ball, wailing.

All this happened in just a moment.

The four younger brothers fell to the ground in an instant.

This scene shocked the remaining people present.

Masao Kameda and his two younger brothers were trembling.

They never thought that the four men holding sharp blades would be so vulnerable in front of this young man.

They were all knocked down by the opponent so easily.

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