The next morning, after Chu Tian got up, he discovered something very strange.

Hibiki Eri had already gone to work in the morning.

She hadn't even had breakfast, probably because she didn't want to bother him anymore.

But that wasn't the most important thing.

The most important thing was that Hibiki Eri had left a wad of money on the table.

Chu Tian picked it up and took a look. There was 500,000 yen.

There was also a note.

"Don't worry about finding a job, just take these and spend them first!"

Seeing the note,

Chu Tian couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Why does it feel like he is being kept by someone? It's really something!

But to be honest,

Chu Tian really wants to be kept by someone.

It would be great to be kept by Hibari Eri.

However, these are just thoughts for now.

After sighing, Chu Tian took the money and turned to leave.

He still has a lot of things to do today.


A military equipment store

"I want this dagger!"

"And this one, this one……"

Chu Tian bought several military daggers in this armory.

There are also some other simple equipment.

For Chu Tian, it is too early to buy a gun now, and there is no need to use a gun.

These sabers.

Plus some small throwing knives he bought. It is enough for him to deal with some situations temporarily.

As for other weapons, he should buy them after he gets the money!

But Chu Tian has to think about how to find the money!

First of all.

The money should be in the hands of Mr. Hirota.

That guy is hiding somewhere now, and he can't be found at all.

As for the fact that he would go to the racecourse...

To be honest, there are so many people in the racecourse, how could Chu Tian find them?

He is not Mao Lilan. He has such a good talent that he can find people at once.

But although he can't find it for the time being, he can sit back and wait.

As for what to do, he has already thought about it.


Two days later, at the racecourse,

Kogoro Mouri, Ran Mouri, and Conan were looking for Mr. Hirota.

Kogoro Mouri had visited Mr. Hirota's workplace before.

He learned that he had not come to work for a long time.

His original residence was a dormitory arranged by the company.

He has moved out now.

In addition, his mobile phone number has also changed.

So at this time, his colleagues could not find him at all.

Kogoro Mouri had no choice but to come back.

At this time,

Conan discovered that the names of the four cats raised by Mr. Hirota were the same as the names of the horses at the racecourse.

Ran Mouri also discovered this at this time.

So the three of them prepared to try their luck at the racecourse to see if they could find Mr. Hirota.

But whether it was Conan or Kogoro Mouri, they actually disdained Ran Mouri's behavior.

"There are so many people at the racecourse, where can I find him?"

"If it's so easy to find someone, what's the point of us detectives?"

Conan and Maori Kogoro were very disdainful.

They all thought Maori Ran was whimsical and did things according to her own assumptions.

"Found it!"

At this moment, Maori Ran happily pointed at a person beside her and said.

Maori Kogoro and Conan were surprised, and then looked up.

Sure enough, they saw Mr. Hirota.

He was holding a newspaper and reading it!

At this moment, both Maori Kogoro and Conan couldn't believe it.

Surprisingly, they really found it!

Both Maori Kogoro and Conan couldn't believe it.

They have been detectives for so many years, and they have never seen such a situation.

It's so easy to find someone, what's the use of this detective?


No matter what, the person has been found, so he cannot be lost.

Next, Maori Kogoro and the other two followed Mr. Hirota to see where he lived.

It was easy for Maori Kogoro and the other two to follow this guy.

After confirming where this guy lived, Maori Kogoro and the other two left.

For them, now they just need to go back and call Ms. Hirota Masami.


After Maori Kogoro and the other two left, a figure slowly walked out from the side.

This person had an ordinary appearance.

He was wearing a pair of sunglasses and a hat. His appearance could not be seen clearly at all.

After he walked out, he muttered to himself casually:"It is really a great luck!……"

"It was so easy to find the person, it's really amazing……"

Then the man let out a long breath and hid deep in the alley.

This man moved very quickly, and after hiding in there, it was as if he had never appeared before.

No one noticed him.

This man was none other than our protagonist, Chu Tian.

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