Finally, Chu Tian found the cell phone of Hibiki Eri from Kameda Masao.

"Found it!"

Chu Tian quickly took out his phone and handed it to Fei Yingli.

""Thank you!"

Seeing that the phone was in hand,

Fei Yingli breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, she quickly used her phone to call the police station.

After calling the police, Fei Yingli finally felt that the crisis was completely over.

Then, she looked at Chu Tian in front of her with a grateful face.

"Thank you, little brother!"

Fei Yingli said gratefully,"If it weren't for you this time, I really don't know what terrible thing I would have suffered.……"

Hearing Fei Yingli's gratitude, Chu Tian felt a little embarrassed.

"It’s nothing, this is what I should do!"

Hiki Eri asked again:"By the way, little brother, what is your name?"

Chu Tian certainly would not hide his name when he heard Hiiki Eri asking about his name.

"My name is Chu Tian!"

Hearing Chu Tian's name, Fei Yingli was stunned for a moment

"Chutian? This is not a Japanese name. Are you a foreigner?" asked Hibiki Eri

"Yes, I am from Huaxia, but I currently have a green card in Japan!"Chu Tian said.

The reward given to Chu Tian by the system plug-in just now is the legal identity information of this world.

For example, ID card, passport, and green card that can stay in Japan for a long time.

"Turns out you’re from Huaxia!" Knowing Chu Tian’s nationality, Fei Yingli quickly introduced herself,"My name is Fei Yingli, and I’m a lawyer. Thank you for saving me today!"

"You're welcome, this is what I should do!"

Facing Fei Yingli's thanks again,

Chu Tian must be very humble.

Seeing Chu Tian's martial arts skills were very strong when dealing with those criminals just now, but he was very humble and polite when facing herself.

This made Fei Yingli's good impression on Chu Tian increase a little bit.

""Okay, I'll deal with these people first!"

At this time, Chu Tian said in a low voice when he saw the guys still wailing, struggling, or unconscious on the ground.

Then, like a magic trick, he took out a few thin ropes.

When the system plug-in gave him the martial arts of Yan Shuangying, it also equipped him with some basic weapons.

For example, the flying knife that just stabbed Kameda Masao's thigh.

In addition, there are a few ropes.

Seeing that Chu Tian still had ropes on his body.

Recalling that just now, he used a flying knife to injure Kameda Masao.

Fei Yingli couldn't help but feel very curious and asked:"Chu Tian, why do you have these on you?"

"How did you acquire such great martial arts skills?"

"You have been a special forces soldier, right?"

In Fei Yingli's opinion, to be able to have such skills and carry these weapons, generally speaking, only soldiers who have received special forces training should have this ability.

Hearing Fei Yingli say this, Chu Tian really admired her mind.

Yan Shuangying himself is equivalent to a top special forces soldier.

In this case, if he has his martial arts, he can also be considered a special forces soldier!

""Haha, lawyer Fei, this is my professional secret!"

With a slight smile, Chu Tian tied up Kameda Masao and several of his men with ropes.

After all, if they were not tied up, who knows if these guys would counterattack before their death and do something irrational.

So, it is safer to tie them up first.

Seeing that Chu Tian was unwilling to answer her questions, although Fei Yingli was curious about Chu Tian's identity, occupation, and martial arts.

But since he was unwilling to say,

Fei Yingli certainly couldn't continue to ask.

Fei Yingli has a very high network of contacts in the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

After all, she is the queen of the legal world.

At the same time, when Maori Kogoro was a policeman, she was also very familiar with the people in the police station.

When she heard that someone dared to kidnap and attempt to rape lawyer Fei, it was naturally an uproar.

Soon, accompanied by the sound of sirens, the police arrived

""Lawyer Fei! Lawyer Fei!"

A dozen policemen followed a middle-aged fat man walking quickly.

When Chu Tian saw this middle-aged fat man, he didn't need anyone to introduce him.

He knew the identity of this man immediately.

Who else could it be except Inspector Megure of the Metropolitan Police Department?

And there were two people following Inspector Megure.

One was a tall and thin man. His appearance could only be said to be not ugly, but he was definitely not a handsome guy.

At least, he was far inferior to Chu Tian.

Looking at his dress, Chu Tian estimated that this person should be Inspector Takagi, the assistant of Inspector Megure.

However, the other person next to Inspector Megure suddenly attracted Chu Tian's attention.

"Oh my god, so beautiful!"

When Chu Tian saw this person, this thought suddenly popped up in his mind.

This is a short-haired beauty wearing a blue and black professional suit. She is slender, plump, with a lotus face and beautiful facial features like a person in a painting.

And when she walks, she looks as light as a swallow.

A youthful vitality that makes people's heart beat naturally comes out of this woman.

It can be said that this is a stunning beauty, a real beauty.

Even in terms of beauty, she is not inferior to Eri Kisaki.

The person following Inspector Megure must be a policewoman.

So, who is this policewoman?

Chu Tian can still guess it immediately.

Who else can it be except the most famous policewoman in the Metropolitan Police Department-Miwako Sato?

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