After hearing what Mao Lilan said,

Chu Tian burst out laughing.

"Miss Xiaolan, there’s no need to be like this, right?"

"Isn’t it just a snack and milk tea?"

"You're making it sound very serious, but that's not necessary, right?"

"Aren't we friends?"

"Meeting you here today is fate, isn't it?"

"Or maybe you don't consider me as your friend and think I am not qualified to treat you to food?"

Mao Lilan was surprised to hear Chu Tian say this.

"No, no, no, that's not what I meant.……"

Mao Lilan doesn't want to be misunderstood by Chu Tian

"So do you agree to accept my invitation?"

Looking at Mao Lilan in front of him, Chu Tian asked with a smile.

Chu Tian had already said so much. Mao

Lilan felt that it was inconvenient to refuse.

And to be honest.

After breaking up with Chu Tian last time.

These days, Mao Lilan's heart, I don't know why.

I have been thinking about this man.

Mao Lilan didn't know what was wrong with herself. Shouldn't she miss Kudo Shinichi?

But the fact is that the figure of this man always flashed in her heart.

This made Mao Lilan a little irritated.

In this situation, she actually wanted to meet Chu Tian.

And now, the two met.

Chu Tian invited Mao Lilan to drink milk tea.

Mao Lilan really couldn't refuse

"Okay then. Thank you, Tian.……"

Mao Lilan finally agreed and drank milk tea with Chu Tian

"OK, let's go.……"

Hearing that Mao Lilan finally agreed, Chu Tian showed a satisfied smile.

He liked Mao Lilan and she obeyed his orders.

He liked this docile girl very much.

If she accompanied him to drink, it would help to strengthen their relationship...

Soon, the two of them arrived at the dim sum restaurant.

The dim sum restaurant had good business.

There were many young people eating here.

After Chu Tian and Mao Lilan went in,

Chu Tian ordered two cups of milk tea and two tiramisu cakes.

Then he and Mao Lilan started eating and drinking here.

"Milk tea is delicious……"

Mao Lilan took a sip of milk tea and showed a happy expression on her face.

For young people, milk tea is undoubtedly one of the best drinks.

As a female high school student, Mao Lilan is also a milk tea party.

Coupled with the delicious tiramisu cake, Mao Lilan is quite happy.

"Watching you drink milk tea, you are so beautiful!"

Seeing Mao Lilan drinking milk tea, Chu Tian really thought she was beautiful and couldn't help but admire her.

Hearing Chu Tian's admiration for her beauty, Mao Lilan blushed slightly.

"A Tian……"

"Where did Miss Yamei go?"

Mao Lilan took another sip and couldn't help asking.

"Well, we can only wait for news from the police.……"

Chu Tian couldn't reveal anything here, and he couldn't tell Xiao Lan the truth.

So he had to pass the blame to the police.

But Chu Tian knew better than anyone that the police would never find the so-called Hirota Masami.

"Tian, have you found a job now?

Mao Lilan was silent for a while, and stopped asking this question, but asked other questions.

"I have found it. It is not bad. I have a place to live now. I can support myself in the future.……"

Chu Tian smiled and told Mao Lilan that he had found a job.

But he thought to himself, if he had 1 billion yuan, why would he still work?

Not to mention that this 1 billion yuan was only the first sum of money.

There would be a lot of money later that he could get.

"Really? Congratulations!"

After hearing Chu Tian's words, Mao Lilan was very happy.

"Oh, Xiaolan.……"

Chu Tian seemed to remember something and looked at Xiaolan and said,"I heard that the famous high school detective Kudo Shinichi is your childhood sweetheart, right?"

When Mao Lilan heard Chu Tian mention Kudo Shinichi, she was stunned.

"Yes, what happened?"

Hearing Mao Lilan admit it, Chu Tian said:"I heard that he was missing recently, you also know this, right?"

Hearing Chu Tian mention this, Mao Lilan's face couldn't help but darken slightly.


"I don't know where Shinichi went. Will something happen to him?"

Speaking of this, Mao Lilan looked worried.

Seeing Mao Lilan so worried, Chu Tian couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

She didn't know yet.

Kudo Shinichi, this kid, is right next to her!

But of course, there is no need to say this.

What Chu Tian really wants to say is the following words

""Xiaolan, do you like Kudo Shinichi?"

Chu Tian asked this question while looking at Mao Lilan in front of him.

Mao Lilan could never have thought that Chu Tian would suddenly ask this.

In an instant, her face suddenly turned red.

This is a girl with a thin skin.

It would be strange if she didn't blush when suddenly asked such a question!

But it doesn't matter if she blushes, Chu Tian still wants to ask to the end.

Chu Tian is full of love for this girl.

No matter what, today, the relationship between the two of them will take another step.

This is a great opportunity and must not be missed.

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