When this sound came, the whole house was shaken.

This was enough to scare Conan and the other kids, as well as the robbers.

""Who is it?!"

The robber who pointed the gun at Conan was very nervous when he heard the voice.

He first raised his gun and pointed it at the door.

The other two robbers also took out their guns.

But at this moment , a cold light suddenly flashed at the door.

Then, before the robbers understood what was happening, they felt a sharp pain in their wrists.

"Oh my God!"

"It hurts so much!"

"What's going on?!"

The guns in the hands of the three men fell to the ground because of the severe pain.

Then, there was a slight sound of footsteps approaching.

Then, the three robbers, Conan and the other four children saw a man wrapped tightly in black clothes slowly approaching.

At this time, Conan also arrived.

There were several flying knives on the ground.

It was obvious that the three robbers were injured by the flying knives of the man in front of them.

At this time, the man in black also had a gun in his hand.

"Don't move!"

27 The man in black smiled and pointed his gun at the three robbers.

The three robbers' hands were injured.

The guns fell to the ground.

Seeing that the other party also had a gun.

They were all frightened and dared not move!

The man in black in front of them was none other than Chu Tian himself.

So what was he doing here today?

The answer is to rob the robbers.

Seeing that the three gangsters did not move.

Obviously they were frightened by him.

Chu Tian sneered.

Then, his figure shook.

The next moment, the three gangsters screamed.

All of them were knocked unconscious by Chu Tian one by one on the ground

""So fast!"

Seeing Chu Tian's quick movements,

Conan was extremely shocked.

The man in front of him was definitely a master.

Just based on the flying knife and hidden weapon skills just now, he should never be underestimated.

Then in an instant, he knocked down several gangsters.

This fighting skill is not simple at all.

Thinking of this, Conan couldn't help but feel cold in his heart.

Who could this man be?

What was he doing here?

Was he here to rob gold coins too?

What would he do to them?

At this time, Chu Tian took out the three gangsters, prepared a rope, and tied them up.

Then, he pinched them a few times.

The three people woke up immediately.

"You, you, what are you doing?!"

Among the three gangsters, one is from Japan, that is, the guy who pointed the gun at Conan, and he can speak Japanese.

Chu Tian currently uses the method of changing his voice to speak.

So Conan can't recognize Chu Tian's voice.

But he still speaks Japanese.

So among the three gangsters, only this guy can communicate with Chu Tian.

"You can't see that?"

After hearing what the gangster said, Chu Tian was speechless.

"Isn't this obvious?"

"I am robbing my fellow thieves, do you understand?"

"You robbed someone else's gold coins and wanted to take them back, so I'm going to rob your gold coins now, understand?"

After hearing Chu Tian's words, the three gangsters were speechless.

They never thought that they would encounter a gangster robbing a gangster. The gold coins that their group had robbed with great difficulty were given to such a person. How could this be possible?

But now, the three gangsters also understood. (To read the violent novel, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

Now that they were knocked to the ground by someone, the gold coins must belong to him.

There is nothing to say about this.

Now, they are actually more concerned about another issue.

"This boss……"

The criminal looked at Chu Tian pitifully,"We fell into your hands today, so of course the gold coins belong to you, there's nothing to say!"

"But I don't know what you are going to do with us, Boss?"

This is what these criminals are currently concerned about.

They don't have any extravagant hopes for gold coins, and now they just hope for a good result.

"How do you think I should deal with the three of you?"

Chu Tian smiled and looked at the three gangsters.[]

Hearing this, the gangster looked at Chu Tian flatteringly:"Looking at your skills, boss, you must be a gangster!"

"You have already got the gold coins, so just let us go!"

"Oh, let you go……"

"Then you find a chance to take the gold coins back?"

Chu Tian looked at the three people like idiots.

""Don't dare, we don't dare!"

Hearing Chu Tian say this, the three gangsters seemed very nervous.

The gangster who could speak Japanese quickly begged for mercy and said he didn't dare.

But Chu Tian didn't have time to talk nonsense with them.

"Okay, let's talk about your business later. I'll find the gold coin first!"

Speaking of this, Chu Tian stood up.

Then he saw Conan and the other four children on the side.

"I’m telling you four little brats, you’d better not play any tricks while I’m looking for gold coins!"

"For example, he wanted to sneak up while I was looking for gold coins, run to the railing next to the gold coins, and break the railing."

"Don't do this to make the bag of gold coins fall down and knock me out with the gold coins!"

Hearing Chu Tian say this, Conan's face changed again.

To be honest, he was really going to do this.

But who knew that he was seen through by the other party.

This is trouble.

Then, Chu Tian ignored these people and started looking for the location of the gold coins.

According to Conan's meaning, the location where the fish shape is seen through the window is the location of the gold coins.

So Chu Tian began to look for it.

447 Of course, he observed Conan and others from time to time to prevent this kid from doing anything irrational.

Finally, he determined the location of the gold coins.

Then, he sneered.

He stepped back a few steps.

He swung the flying knife in his hand.

The flying knife easily cut the rope hanging the gold coins.

Several large bags of gold coins fell down, landed on the ground, and scattered.

Seeing the golden coins.

Whether it was the young detectives or the gangsters, they all saw it.���They were all shocked.

Especially the gangsters, they were so distressed.

They had spent so much effort and risked their lives to rob this from a bank in Italy.

Who knew! It was really hard for them to fall into the hands of the other party.

But what can they do?

At present, they were tied up and their guns were confiscated. How could they have the strength to resist?

Chu Tian ignored the others.

Like a magic trick, he touched a large leather bag.

Then he put the fallen gold coins into the bag.

"This gold coin is really nice and beautiful!"

While pretending, he also praised it and said,"Even if I can't sell it for money, it's also good to keep it as a souvenir, hehe,……"

He pretended to be so good while talking, and even hummed a little tune!

At this time, the criminals and Conan and others were very nervous.

Needless to say, the gold coins belonged to this person 100%.

The problem is, how they will be dealt with is hard to say.

: Lão già gân

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