Two hours later.

In the bedroom.

After their crazy lovemaking, Chu Tian and Fei Yingli both fell exhausted on the bed.

"Sister Ying, you look so beautiful without glasses~!"

At this time, looking at Fei Yingli without eyes, Chu Tian couldn't help but said.

Hearing this, Fei Yingli smiled slightly:"I will go to get a pair of contact lenses tomorrow!"

"Oh...don't do this!"

Chu Tian was startled and said quickly

"Don't do things you don't want to do because of me, okay!"

Chu Tian thought that he just said it casually, and Fei Yingli wanted to do it!

This is not okay. Chu Tian doesn't want Fei Yingli to follow his own consciousness. That would be bad.

"Don't misunderstand……"

Seeing Chu Tian so nervous, Fei Yingli smiled slightly

"I actually want to say goodbye to my past self……"

"These glasses are the same as mine.……"

"I went through middle school, high school, years and college.……"

"And then there are the following ten years of marriage……"

"But now, those are gone.……"

"I hope to have a new beginning, so I need to say goodbye to the past.……"

""Can you understand what I mean, A Tian?"

After hearing this, Chu Tian was silent for a moment, then nodded and said,"Of course I can understand!"

To be honest, Fei Yingli does look much better without glasses than with them.

It is for this reason that

Chu Tian actually hopes that Fei Yingli will take off her glasses.

However, he couldn't say this before, and only mentioned it briefly today.

And now, after hearing the reason why Fei Yingli was going to take off her glasses,

Chu Tian would certainly not make any objection.

At this time, Chu Tian could see tears in Fei Yingli's eyes.

In an instant, he could feel the other party's heartache.

Chu Tian's heart ached.

He knew what Fei Yingli was sad about.

"It's okay, Sister Ying, it's okay……"

Chu Tian held Fei Yingli in his arms and whispered to comfort her,"It will all pass. Everything will pass.……"

Fei Yingli, who was leaning on Chu Tian's arms, felt even more sad.

"He is my childhood sweetheart, my childhood sweetheart!"

Hiki Eri was very angry and very sad.

"How could he do such a disgusting thing, how could he do this to me, how could he do this……"

Obviously, what happened today.

It completely tested what kind of disgusting person Kogoro Mouri is.

And this test also completely hurt Eri Kisaki's heart.

Eri Kisaki burst into tears, her whole body was trembling, unable to extricate herself.

Chu Tian was speechless at this time.

He could only hold Eri Kisaki in his arms and comfort her in a low voice.

He knew that this matter would never be able to knock down the queen of the legal world.

Soon, Eri Kisaki recovered and became this powerful woman again.

Sure enough, after Eri Kisaki cried for a while, her mood recovered.

"Tomorrow, I will take this videotape to discuss the divorce!"

Fei Yingli's mood became calm again.

Hearing this, Chu Tian nodded and said nothing.

This is already the best ending.

"Don't follow me!"

Fei Yingli seemed to remember something, and then whispered to Chu Tian.

In Fei Yingli's view, this is her family affair.

Chu Tian must not intervene.

"Don't worry, I won't go!"

Chu Tian is not a fool.

He is sick for intervening in such things without any reason!

Apart from other things, if Mao Lilan knew about the relationship between him and Kisaki Eri , it would be troublesome at that time!

Although he and Kisaki Eri are just lovers, it is impossible for them to be public, and they can't become husband and wife.

But there is no wall that is impenetrable.

So the fewer people who know about his acquaintance with Kisaki Eri, the better.

Therefore, it is the best outcome not to go to the Maori Station Office and not to appear with Kisaki Eri.

After hearing what Chu Tian said, Kisaki Eri was relieved.

Kisaki Eri was really worried.

Chu Tian would worry about himself.

Then he would choose to go to the Maori Detective Agency with him.

What if there were any conflicts and disputes with Maori Kogoro at that time?

That would be terrible!

Now it's good that Chu Tian chose not to go, which is the best outcome. As for how to talk to Maori Kogoro about the divorce, Kisaki Eri also has her own ideas.

At present, no matter what emotions Maori Kogoro has, Kisaki

Eri doesn't really care.

But Kisaki Eri cares a lot about her daughter Xiaolan's emotions.

If her daughter knows about the news of her divorce, it's hard to say how sad she will be.

This is one of the reasons why Kisaki Eri was willing to maintain a marriage with Maori Kogoro in the past.

(To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!

) This is all for her daughter!

But the situation is different now.

It has come to this.

Kisaki Eri can no longer tolerate Maori Kogoro.

Even if it makes her daughter sad.

Kisaki Eri has decided to divorce Maori Kogoro.

There is no other choice.

It's just how to tell her daughter.

Kisaki Eri needs to think about it more.

But there is no need to think about this problem now.

Kisaki Eri decided not to think about it tonight.

She leaned lightly in Chu Tian's arms, and then whispered,"A Tian, I still want


"Tonight, let’s do enough!"

"Are you still okay?"

Chu Tian got angry when he heard Fei Yingli say this.

"As long as you can, I can do it anytime!"

Men cannot be questioned in this regard...

As he said that, Chu Tian turned over and pressed down Fei Yingli again...

From afternoon to evening, the two of them didn't know how many times they came.

In the end, Fei Yingli really didn't have any strength, and couldn't even say a word. She fell into a deep sleep before it ended.

In comparison, Chu Tian's spirit was pretty good.[]

"The physical strength of this body is so strong.���"

When Hibiki Eri was completely exhausted and fell asleep, Chu Tian didn't want to lie down.

He was not tired yet.

He got out of bed.

Then he slowly walked to the window.

He opened the curtains and looked at the sky outside.

The stars were pretty good tonight, and the weather was good.

Chu Tian looked at the stars in the sky and felt a lot of emotions.

"I don't know what's going on with Shiho Miyano.……"

"The problem now is that I can't find her location, and I don't know what's going on with her. I don't know when she will be caught and become smaller.……"

"I don't know if the Earth Book has this effect. Can it help me?……"

Chu Tian thought of Miyano Shiho in his mind.

He actually wanted to save this woman.

But he just couldn't find her location.

After all, he was not a member of the Dark Organization, so how could he find her?

Miyano Akemi was also urging Chu Tian.

She was also worried about her sister.

Thinking of this, Chu Tian wanted to use the Earth Book to see if it would work.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came to his mind.

【The host cannot find the whereabouts of Miyano Shiho through the Earth Book】

【This plug-in can only change the surrounding conditions known by the host.】

【Unable to detect unknown information]

Hearing this, Chu was disappointed.

The plug-in sounded a new voice again.

【However, the plug-in can help the host monitor Miyano Shiho's situation】

【As long as she successfully escapes from the organization】

【Be able to find her exact location and specific situation immediately】

【This is the reward given by the host after he overthrew Hibiki Eri. After hearing this, Chu Tian was stunned for a moment. Then, he was overjoyed.

For him, as long as he could know when Miyano Shiho could escape from the organization, it would be easy.

For him, the next thing to do was to wait for an inch.

: Lão già gân

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