"A Tian……"

At this time, Fei Yingli asked Chu Tian, "What are you doing in Japan? Is there anyone else at home?"

"There is no one left in my family. My parents have passed away.……"

Chu Tian said,"I came to Japan because I wanted to settle down here and live a good life.……"

"Find a good job and have a home of your own!"

Well, Chu Tian himself didn't believe these inspirational speeches.

But there was no other way, he could only say this!

Fortunately, after listening to it, Fei Yingli did not become suspicious.

On the contrary, she looked at Chu Tian with appreciation, nodded and said:"I didn't expect that A Tian, you are so ambitious!"

"His life story is so pitiful, both his parents are dead!"

"Have you decided what kind of job you want to find?"

Hearing this, Chu Tian sighed.

"Let's not talk about work first. It's hard to say where to stay tonight!"

Here, he shook his head bitterly.

Hearing this, Fei Yingli was shocked.

"Don't you have anywhere to live?"

"Yes, I just arrived in Japan today, I don't have much money, and I can't find a place to live for the time being!"I just arrived in Japan today, this is true.

But if I don't have money, it's nonsense.

System plug-in, but just gave Chu Tian 1 million yen.

But he definitely won't tell Fei Yingli

"So where are you going to stay tonight?"

Fei Yingli couldn't help but ask

"have no idea……"

Chu Tian shook his head directly,"Maybe I can find a hospital or an underground passage or something.……"

"Or maybe a bridge tunnel or something, just to get by for the night!"

Hearing this, Hibiki Eri's face changed slightly.

Such a young boy, sleeping in a bridge tunnel.

This sounded very uncomfortable to Hibiki Eri.


After thinking for a while, Hibiki said,"There is an empty room in the house I live in now.……"

"If you don't mind, come stay with me for a few days.……"

At this point, Hibiki Eri felt a little embarrassed.

After all, she was an adult woman.

And she was married and had a husband...

Although they were separated now, they were not divorced after all.

But she felt a little weird to let a young and handsome boy live in her house.

However, although Hibiki Eri was a bit cold and arrogant, she had a really good heart.

Chu Tian saved her today and preserved her innocence.

This kindness was naturally beyond words.

And he had no place to live now.

He might have to sleep in the hospital or under the bridge.

All these made Hibiki Eri unacceptable.

So she couldn't help but offer to take Chu Tian in.


Chu Tian couldn't help but be stunned when he heard what Kisaki Eri said.

He didn't expect that Kisaki Eri would actually take him in.

Yes, Chu Tian really wanted Kisaki Eri to take him in.

That's why he said that on purpose.

But he couldn't be sure whether Kisaki Eri would really take him in.

After all, such a beautiful single woman.

Bringing a young boy back home.

Even if this is Japan.

I'm afraid it's not so easy to accept.

But who knew that Kisaki Eri actually agreed!

For a moment, Chu Tian was a little overwhelmed.

"Isn't it inconvenient?"

Although Chu Tian was very willing to live with Lawyer Fei in his heart

, on the surface, Chu Tian still had to pretend.

"Is there anything inconvenient?"

After hearing Chu Tian's words, Fei Yingli asked

"Well, we are a single man and a single woman. If others see us, won't people gossip about us?"

Faced with Fei Yingli's question, Chu Tian didn't care and answered honestly.

Fei Yingli had expected Chu Tian's encouragement, but for some reason, Fei Yingli, who had been somewhat concerned about this , suddenly felt a desire to refuse to admit defeat when she heard Chu Tian's doubts.

Isn't it just to find a young man to live at home? As long as they are clean and don't do anything bad, there is no need to worry about the shadow of a person who is upright.

Why should we be afraid of other people's gossip? Not to mention that the other person is his savior.

What is there to worry about? Who is Fei Yingli? She was once recommended to Harvard, and after separation, she worked hard for her career.

In the past, she was hotly discussed, but she turned from a housewife into a top lawyer.

With such an identity and such a character, is she still afraid of gossip? Thinking of this, Fei Yingli had no other hesitation.

"There's nothing to worry about!"

Fei Yingli smiled calmly, looked at Edison Chen indifferently, and said with a smile,"We are not doing anything shameful!"

"You saved me, and I want to repay you!"

"I hope you won’t reject my kindness!"

After hearing what Fei Yingli said, what else could Edison Chen say?

"Well, Sister Ying, thank you very much!"

Chu Tian was modest on the surface, but he was very happy in his heart.

He could live with the great lawyer Fei Yingli.

Although it was impossible to say that there would be any development from this point on, it was already very exciting.

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