The two men came to the car that came to pick them up, and the woman said to the man impatiently:"You can do it yourself, I have something else to do, I'll drive the car away first.""

"Yukiko, you......"

Yes, these two people are the couple Yusaku Kudo. Watching his wife drive away, Yusaku Kudo could only look at her back.

But when he thought about it, this was their home ground. Besides, Yukiko was more familiar with this place than he was, so he was not worried about Yukiko's safety.

He got a taxi outside the airport and left.

At this moment, Yukiko was driving a red Jaguar E-type, heading out of the airport.

"I remember he said that his home is across from Maori Kogoro's home, so let's go there."

At this time, Chu Shan was looking at the things he got from the two cases, a complete set of black silk and a set of bras with lace.

Looking at the black silk, he tested it to see if it was as 9527 said, it could not be torn.

"Sure, what material is it made of? It's really nice. Who should I give it to?"

Several figures flashed through my mind, including Vermouth, Yukiko, Mrs. Minakawa, and Mrs. Yoshida.

"No, this is not right, why did I think of Mrs. Yoshida?"

Thinking of that gentle woman, Chu Shan shuddered all over and couldn't think anymore. Now it seemed that only Mrs. Minagawa fit the bill, but now she was probably dealing with the funeral of his nominal son.

Going to him now would be a waste of time for his son.**

"No, as a promising young man, how can I think about these things? I have been led astray by Uncle Maori." If there is anything wrong, just blame Maori Kogoro. After all, who made him have such a beautiful wife?

Why did I think of his wife?

By the way, who is his wife? Kisaki Eri?

A beautiful woman instantly appeared in his mind. Chu Shan turned off the lights in the office and went upstairs to sleep. It was late at night.

In front of Chu Shan's detective agency, a brake sounded. The next moment, Yukiko got out of the car and looked at Maori Detective Agency opposite.

"That's the Maori family, so this should be the Chushan family, but I don't know which house it is?"

After taking a look, she saw that the Maori family was still the same, and then she looked at the house next to it. There were several similar houses there. Just when she didn't know which one it was, she saw a bright sign.

"This is the Chushan Detective Agency."

Yukiko got in the car and parked it in a secret place. After all, although she was confident that she had hidden her information, she was still worried. Before going upstairs, she first glanced at the Maori Detective Agency across the street.

According to the information she had received, her son Kudo Shinichi was at the Maori family's house, so he should have gone to bed by now, right?

She went upstairs and saw a very obvious sign on the second floor. This should be the location of the Chushan Agency, and the third floor should be Chushan's private territory. She touched it.

At this moment, Chushan was in a deep sleep. But after hearing a slight sound, he still got up. Although he was confident that he was not afraid of anyone, he still had to be on guard. Yixi Sword was taken out from the system space.

When he came to the door, someone was unlocking it.

It was obvious that he was an old hand. His unlocking skills were really good.

While Chu Shan was admiring it, Yukiko outside the door was very nervous, as if she was stealing Q, but when he thought about it, it seemed to be true.

The main reason was that it was not too late at this time, probably around eleven o'clock in the evening, and this time was when those night owls appeared.

""Huh, it's finally open. Let me give you a surprise, little man."

After Yukiko opened the door, she laughed secretly, and Chu Shan inside the door obviously knew who was coming. He didn't expect her to appear at this time, let alone here. He was still thinking about her just now, and she appeared. I have to say, she is really good.

He put away the sword and returned to the bed without making a sound. He wanted to see what this woman wanted to do.

Yukiko closed the door carefully, and then began to search one room at a time. When she came to a room with a closed door, she knew that her target was here, and then she carefully turned the door lock.

Her acting career was not in vain. She taught herself many skills.

Just like the current lock picking technology, she learned it at that time. After the door was opened, he saw the person in the room.

"This guy, he doesn't even sleep well."

Looking at the pillar, she said uncomfortably, but the next moment she stepped forward.

After leaning against Chu Shan, she looked at Chu Shan who was sleeping.

"Forget it, it's too late, let's go to bed today."

Yukiko said and began to prepare for bed. She found the bathroom very consciously, took a shower, and came to bed.

At this time, Chu Shan could no longer pretend. He turned over and pressed


"You are such a good thief, you stole things and stole them in bed. Let me show you how I, the embodiment of justice, will deal with you."

Those rewards came in handy, because he knew their owner had come.

One morning, Chu Shan was awakened by a knock on the door. When he opened the door, he saw that it was Miyamoto Haruko. She said a little embarrassedly,"Mr. Chu Shan, did you hear the cat meow last night? There was a cat meowing all night, and it stopped at dawn."

"Is it a cat's meow? I didn't hear it. I guess I was sleeping too soundly."

Chu Shan certainly knew where the cat's meow came from. At this moment, someone who shouldn't have appeared appeared. Conan came over reluctantly with a lunch box.

He happened to hear what Miyamoto Haruko said, so he asked,"Sister Haruko, what cat's meow did you say just now?"

"Oh, it's Conan, that's it......."

When Miyamoto Haruko saw that it was Conan, she explained. Yukiko, who was still lying on the bed, heard the voice of a child outside, and then listened carefully to Conan?

She was startled and hid quickly.

After Miyamoto Haruko left, Conan reluctantly brought the lunch box in. He smelled a very strange smell, a bit like the smell of heather.

But when he thought that this was Chu Shan's room, he reluctantly put down the lunch box in his hand.

"This is what Xiaolan asked me to give you, saying thank you for sending us back."

After saying that, Conan didn't wait for Chu Shan to respond, but hurried out the door, almost late for school.

After Conan left, a very cool figure walked out of the door, came to Chu Shan and sat down

"Chu Shanjun, it seems that you are not honest even after returning to Japan."

At this moment, Chu Shan suddenly felt that he should do some morning exercises. It was too dazzling. Just like that, they came to the window. Yukiko saw the two people opposite and felt sick.

"What do you want to do? Don't do this, Xiaoxin......"

Then a faint cat cry echoed in Chu Shan's room, and on the side of the road, Xiaolan was pulling Conan towards the school.

"A-choo, that’s so strange, why do I feel like someone is watching me?"

"What's wrong, Conan? Do you have a cold?"

"No, there is no Xiaolan."

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