Scientific Cultivation Of Immortals, Mechanical Ascension

Chapter 114 Wireless Brain-Computer Interface

After releasing the newly refined detector, the next thing to consider is the return journey.

Especially after replacing Ajualian with a new coffin, it would be very inconvenient to use the missile-modified flying boat as a vehicle.

Su Yun had the idea of ​​refining a serious flying vehicle.

He counted the materials at hand, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he has the habit of carrying all the refining materials with him, otherwise he would not be able to gather the materials for refining flying vehicles!

After counting the materials at hand, Su Yun immediately sat up again, ready to enter the spiritual space.

"Wait a minute!" Wen Bai grabbed Su Yun and said with a stern face, "Why don't you go to the world of Own Spiritual Realm just because you disagree! What are you going to do?"

"There must be something we can help with..." Wen Bai's tone became complaining again.

It turned out that Wen Bai wanted to help Own!

Holding his chin, Su Yun thought for a moment, then looked at Jiang Mu, "How did you use your method of entering my sea of ​​consciousness last time, and how did Wen Bai and I connect?"

Hearing this, Jiang Mu shook his head, "It's not easy to enter other people's sea of ​​consciousness, it's only because of the spirit and soul intermediary between us, so don't think about it!"

"It is indeed a problem." Su Yun thought, after all, it is a Magical Item such as a flying vehicle that is shared by multiple people, and it still needs to consider other people's opinions, and it cannot be designed alone.

But if traditional drawings are used, the efficiency becomes extremely low.

After much deliberation, Su Yun came up with another idea, "You wait first, I'll figure it out!"

Then he sat up cross-legged again and entered the spirit realm space.

"Did he listen?" Wen Bai crossed his hips and complained to Jiang Mu helplessly.

"Brother Su always has own ideas." Jiang Mu said with a smile: "But there are some things that we really can't help."

"That's right!" Wen Bai tilted his head, tapped Own's head with his slender fingers, and thought, "What's in his head? He can always refine something new and unheard of !"

"First it was the Wanli Messenger, missiles, and now what kind of mastermind, what kind of transformable Flying Sword!"

"I really want to go into his mind!"

As he said that, Wen Bai looked at Jiang Mu with smiling eyes, and raised his eyebrows, "There is actually a spirit medium between you, hurry up, what is it?"

"Just..." Jiang Mu was ambiguous, and after a long time of coddling, he said, "Brother Su and I both have the same woman in our souls..."

"Huh?" Wen Bai was stunned for a moment, imagining countless bloody plots in his mind, and finally said in a daze: "It should be that you have a common soul ancestor, Bloodline inheritance."

"Almost, almost." Jiang Mu grabbed the conversation and said with a dry smile.

Wen Bai turned his attention to Su Yun, who was sitting cross-legged, squatting in front of him, propping his head with his hands, and muttered, "Forget it, I can't help much, but I can help a little bit."

Then turned to look at Jiang Mu, smiled and said, "Go to sleep, I'll protect the law."

Jiang Mu uses the Realm of the Foundation Establishment to carry the soul of Nascent Soul. The power of the soul consumes a lot and needs sufficient sleep to replenish it. This is also a drawback that he cannot avoid.

He didn't shirk, "When I'm full of sleep, I'll come and find you to change shift."

Wen Bai nodded in response, and then also sat cross-legged with a casual posture, staring blankly at Su Yun with a quiet face, never tired of watching him for a long time.


At the same time, Su Yun devoted himself wholeheartedly to the spiritual space. With them there, he naturally didn't have to worry about the outside world.

He has been pondering a question - how to carry out visual information interaction through divine thoughts?

Just like Jiang Mu projecting his consciousness into his sea of ​​consciousness for face-to-face interaction, is there a way to directly connect the interactive screen to the divine mind to replace the traditional flat display.

In fact, the principle is ready-made. Let go of Divine Sense, and after detecting the surrounding situation, you can image it in your mind. All you need to do is convert the signal picture into a recognizable divine signal, and you can achieve the same effect as divine sense detection. Effect.

Now there is a feasible technology route.

Spirit Power signals and Divine Sense signals can be converted through Soul Crystals, and Spirit Power signals and electrical signals can also communicate through Purple Thunder Crystals, which is basically a full link.

But there are still some difficulties. After all, it involves the three signals of divine sense, Spirit Power, and current. To deal with such fine signals, noise reduction is a big problem.

It is necessary to use three complete sets of processing equipment, Soul Crystal Chip, Spirit Power Chip, and Electronic Chip, to ensure the signal accuracy of each link, otherwise the difference is far away.

In order to develop this set of mind interaction equipment, Su Yun did not hold back, using all the power of mind and soul for deduction.

Wen Bai from the outside world quickly discovered the clues, Su Yun's mental state was visibly becoming haggard.

She had no choice but to pry open Su Yun's mouth little by little, and feed him the Medicine Pill that supplements the power of the soul.

It lasted like this for seven days, Wen Bai took care of her every step of the way, Su Yun was full of energy, but she was a little tired, and the appointment with Jiang Mu to change shifts was just talking.

Finally, Su Yun withdrew his consciousness from the spiritual space and returned to the present world.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Wen Bai's slightly tired face. He was overjoyed and asked excitedly, "You fed me the Medicine Pill, right? I feel that the power of the soul is continuously replenished."

"Who else could it be?" Wen Bai hugged his chest, turned his head away, and looked at Tsundere, "Seven days, seven full days! Do you know how I live?"

"Then how did you feed me?" Su Yun licked his lips, a little lost in interest.

"Use your hands! Hands! Otherwise, what else could it be?" Wen Baijiao shouted, looking a little shy.

"Hehehe, just kidding!" Su Yun smiled triumphantly.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Mu was helpless, closed the lid of the coffin, and continued to sleep.

After playing around, Su Yun started busy again.

He has completed the design of the equipment through deduction, and has some ideas on how to manufacture it.

In order to be able to receive images through spiritual thoughts and interact, the conversion process of spiritual thoughts—Spirit Power signals—electrical signals must be bidirectional.

In this way, it is necessary to digitally encode the spiritual signal.

The only means that can be used is the soul crystal chip, and it is a super large-scale soul crystal chip!

Since divine sense is a mysterious and abnormal thing that is hard to describe, Su Yun had to simplify it and define a kind of divine sense pixel, or more precisely, something called divine sense voxel!

A voxel is a pixel on a three-dimensional level!

One voxel point can be displayed in the Sea of ​​Consciousness with Divine Sense, and as long as the number is sufficient, a clear picture can be obtained.

Using the screen to interact is also a kind of trick.

Otherwise, is there any way to encode the inexplicable, unclear, and infinitely changing divine thoughts?

In Jiang Mu's words, it means that the divine sense is something that can be understood but cannot be expressed in words.

The resonance between the soul crystal and the spiritual thoughts can only produce a fixed state, and what can be accepted or sent out are fixed spiritual thoughts, which cannot be changed. Not to mention converting it into a signal that can be encoded and processed!

So using divine sense to display the screen and operate it seems to be the only solution now.

Then, Su Yun took out various tools and began to refine soul crystal chips.

Wen Bai watched the whole process, but didn't bother, like a curious and well-behaved kitten. Although she couldn't understand what Su Yun was doing with her level of knowledge, she still found it interesting and enjoyed watching it!

Three days later, Su Yun finished refining two soul crystal chips with millions of soul crystal units, each with a voxel display matrix with a resolution of 100x100x100.

Each group of soul crystal units has entered the voxel information of the three primary colors through the resonance of spiritual thoughts. You only need to input the Spirit Power signal representing the corresponding color to send out the spiritual signal. After Su Yun receives the spiritual thought, it can appear in the sea of ​​consciousness Generate a pixel corresponding to the color.

Although there are only one million voxel points in total, after refining two million-scale soul crystal chips, half of the sixth-order soul crystal that Jiang Mu gave was used up, and the one or two million Spirit Stones Used up! !

The cost can be described as expensive!

Although the physical resolution is only a pitiful 100x100x100, that is, the resolution of millions of voxels, through voxel dithering and modifying the position of the voxel mental map, a larger resolution can be obtained!

For example, the original soul crystal chip can display ten frames of millions of voxels in one second, but as long as the speed of the soul crystal chip is fast enough, it will also send out double the spiritual signal within one second, Two million-voxel images at ten frames per second are formed.

In the end, it is a picture with a resolution of 2 million and 10 frames per second!

The principle is like voxels jumping left and right, displaying two pictures at the same time!

By analogy, to obtain high-resolution 3D images, as long as the number of shakes is sufficient, the voxels can jump up, down, left, and right at high speed!

Of course, this will inevitably lead to problems with high latency and flickering images.

Fortunately, imaging is in the sea of ​​consciousness. Human beings have super brain power, and they only need to think a little bit to make up a clear and smooth three-dimensional picture.

The function of the soul crystal chip is more like giving the content of the screen to the user, so there is no need to worry about the image quality.

In the same way, Su Yun solved the problem of audio and interactive control with a similar method.

These two aspects are much simpler, and it is not an order of magnitude problem to realize the screen display.

However, to display a high-resolution image, even if it is dithered, a larger and more powerful Spirit Power chip and electronic chip are required to provide computing power support.

It's not difficult, but it's expensive...

Conversely, the same is true for the input picture signal, but it turns projection into scanning.

So, after seven days.

Su Yun has completed two spiritual display control modules that integrate three types of chips. There are also a variety of wired and wireless interfaces reserved on them for connecting to other devices. input Output.

Greatly facilitates the control of smart Magical Items!

The maximum resolution can be 4000x4000x4000, which is the result of shaking 64,000 times! This is not counting the frame rate displayed on the screen!

The divine sense shows that the size of the control module has reached the size of a palm. It has a built-in low-grade spiritual core and is packaged with Tianxuan iron to ensure stable operation. It is like holding a small black brick in your hand.

Su Yun implanted a piece of divine sense display control module into the breastplate, then carefully took one piece to Wen Bai, and reminded: "Use divine sense to imagine a picture, and then input it into the divine sense display control module!"

"I'll try." Wen Bai said, raising his hands, holding the module tightly, with a very serious expression on his face.

On Su Yun's side, intermittently received electromagnetic wave signals, which were converted into electrical signals, Spirit Power signals, and finally captured by him in the form of divine thoughts.

The signal has been filtered and converted layer by layer, and finally the picture in the sea of ​​consciousness is intermittent and blurry, and it is impossible to distinguish the effective content.

Of course, this is not because there is a problem with the module, but because Wen Bai has not yet grasped the essence of using divine thoughts to input images.

"Let me demonstrate it to you!" Su Yun laughed softly.

With a thought, he imagined a picture and input it into the module in the form of divine thoughts.

Soon, Wen Bai shuddered, raised his head suddenly, and looked at Su Yun resentfully, his face turned rosy, steam was rising from his head, his little hands had nowhere to rest, he was so ashamed!

"Su Yun, you bastard, what kind of messed up picture are you imagining!!"

"Hahaha, what did you see? How clear is it?" Su Yun smiled cheaply.

"It's clear, every hair can be seen clearly, it seems that you don't think much about this matter!" Wen Bai said angrily with his hands on his hips and his face still flushed.

Hearing this, Jiang Mu's tiger body on the side was shocked, and he muttered: "Is it so exciting?"

"What? Isn't it the picture of me holding Wen Bai and looking at the scenery in the sunset?" Su Yun looked at Jiang Mu quite surprised, "Is there any problem?"

Then he frowned and accused: "What do you think about every day as a child? Dirty!"

"Sorry..." Jiang Mu was speechless.

And Wen Bai poked Su Yun's head, and continued to say angrily: "Why do you imagine me as a long-haired image! My hair is loose, dry and frizzy, with split ends! It's so ugly!"

"It doesn't make you gentle!" Su Yun said confidently.

"Am I not gentle like this? Huh?" Wen Bai tilted his head aggressively.

"Gentle, gentle!" Su Yun immediately confessed.


Seeing the two people fighting, Jiang Mu interrupted after a while and said, "Why don't you continue to experiment with this module?"

"It makes sense!" Su Yun quickly responded.

Wen Bai was also satisfied, nodded and smiled: "Then I will continue to ask you for an explanation in my thoughts!"

Su Yun: "..."

Then, Wen Bai tried to input the image of divine thoughts into the module again. Thanks to the reference template, Su Yun quickly received a clear image this time.

It was the scene where Su Yun was admitting his mistake to Wen Bai. The image was clear and the voice was full of emotion. It could be described as extremely real...

Of course, the Divine Sense Display Control Module is not used to accept images unilaterally.

Through the connection of the modules, Su Yun constructed a scene in the sea of ​​consciousness, "pulling" Wen Bai's thoughts, or consciousness projections in.

Of course, this is completely different from Jiang Mu's method of projecting consciousness into Su Yun's sea of ​​consciousness. The consciousness projection of the module is simulated through the voxel screen, and the consciousness of both parties actually stays well in their respective seas of consciousness!

"Amazing! You are such a thing." Wen Bai was overwhelmed with surprise, and stopped playing with Su Yun, "It's just that the picture is a bit blurry."

So Su Yun explained the principle seriously.

Since Wen Bai's thoughts are projected into his own sea of ​​consciousness, in his sea of ​​consciousness, only Wen Bai's body shape needs to be displayed, and the resolution of 4000 is completely sufficient.

As the guest, Wen Bai, Sea of ​​Consciousness has to display all the scenes Su Yun imagined with a resolution of 4000? It is normal for the picture to be a bit blurry.

Then, let Jiang Mu try the magic of the divine sense display control module!

Jiang Mu found the most accurate analogy to what Su Yun refined - Divine Sense.

It's just that Su Yun's method is even more magical, and he can also transmit pictures, and even ignore the Restrictions of the divine mind, and ignore the transmission pictures thousands of miles away!

He wanted to break his head, but he didn't know how Su Yun did it.

Su Yun just said lightly, "The mystery is all science!"

Of course, the Divine Sense Display Control Module can be used not only for video chat, but more importantly as a control center!

When Su Yun is connected to the main brain, all the information of the intelligent Magical Items will appear in his mind, and he can make corresponding operations with just a thought.

The three Xingyun unmanned detectors cruising on the edge of the great lake are functioning normally. With just simple steps, the data of various detectors will emerge in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Su Yun can use various sensors to observe the surrounding environment immersively.

This feeling is very strange, but you have to get used to it, otherwise the image of the divine sense and the image seen by the eyes will compete with each other's attention, and it is easy to confuse people!

If the artificial Meridians are the extension of the Meridians and Spirit Power of the human body, then the spiritual display control module is the extension of the cultivator's spiritual thoughts and consciousness.

This technology can also be called a wireless brain-computer interface.

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