Scientific Cultivation Of Immortals, Mechanical Ascension

Chapter 126 The Secret Of Inner Alchemy

From the spray of water, a large silver sword rushed out, breaking through the sound barrier in a blink of an eye, and flew into the sky.

And the Earth Fire Dragon Jiao, who was enraged by the spiritual nuclear bomb, jumped out of the water, opened its bloody mouth wide, but missed.

Its broken dragon horns have healed, and a bulge has grown out.

After a miss, it roared and cruised on the lake, its eyes staring into the air.

"You wait here, I'll come as soon as I go." Su Yun turned around and reminded: "Pay special attention to whether there are other cultivators around."

"Don't worry, leave it to me!" Jiang Mu said leisurely while sitting on the Flying Sword.

Wen Bai stood upright, with a worried expression on his face, "Su Yun, don't forget that the Earth Fire Dragon Flood Dragon is a fifth-level beast! Don't be sloppy!"

Then he took out his pocket and took out a Medicine Pill, "This pill can Enhance Divine Sense, it can make you sharper and avoid attacks."

"It's a good thing!" After receiving the Medicine Pill, Su Yun swallowed it in one gulp, and instantly felt that the power of his soul had increased a lot, and his spiritual sense had naturally climbed to a higher level.

Afterwards, Su Yun leaned on the breastplate and flew above the Earth Fire dragon dragon, hung in the air, stood with his hands behind his back, and stared at the roaring giant beast below.

The unmanned probe flew to Su Yun's side and began to circle around him, which naturally attracted the attention of the Earth Fire dragon dragon, and at the same time attracted hatred.

Ten light particle emitters are deployed everywhere. Due to their small size, they are not easy to be noticed, let alone discovered by the Earth Fire dragon dragon.

After hesitating for a moment, Su Yun locked the Earth Fire dragon dragon below with his divine sense, avoiding the position of the inner alchemy of the spirit beast, and chose the position to inflict the blow.

After calculation by the second master brain, the attack angle of the light particle emitter is adjusted in real time.

Latency is guaranteed to be negligibly low.

The Earth Fire dragon curled up in the lake water, looking up vigilantly, and at the same time was accumulating attack power.

Just when Su Yun was slightly hesitant, the whole body of the Earth Fire Dragon Flood was replaced by dark red, and the mist began to spread on the lake, quickly covering its whereabouts.

Su Yun instantly felt ridiculous, the actions of the Earth Fire Dragon Flood were invisible under infrared, radar and other detection means, and they still couldn't escape the attack.

But after a while, a feeling of compassion suddenly appeared in Su Yun's heart.

To Earth Fire Dragon Flood Dragon, but also to himself.

Earth Fire Dragon Flood thinks that its own methods can hide from the cultivator's detection and launch a surprise attack, but in the face of methods and power beyond the scope of seriousness, everything is so ridiculous.

Su Yun couldn't help but look up at the sky with a look of disappointment, why isn't he like this?

There is a sky beyond the sky, in front of a more powerful existence, he is the same as the Earth Fire dragon dragon below, both are insects, there is no difference.

All he can do is to keep climbing to that higher level.


The alarm from the detector sounded in Su Yun's mind through the mind conversion chip.

The infrared sensor detects that the temperature of the mouth of the Earth Fire Dragon Flood Dragon below is rising sharply, and it is about to activate its spirit beast technique—Dragon Flame Breath.

After relocking the Earth Fire Dragon Flood, Su Yun communicated with the light particle emitter and launched the attack first.

Five dazzling light clusters lit up in the sky above Su Yun one after another, and the sun could hardly compete with it for a while.

Everything in sight was flooded with white light.

Therefore, the five thin lines of light converging towards the Earth Fire Dragon Flood appear so dim that it is undetectable.

The heat emitted by the five slender tracks is also only visible in the infrared.

That is the light and heat produced by space spar colliding with air molecules at extremely high speed.

The five lines are straight, piercing into the lake.

What followed were five sounds that were not earth-shattering, short and sharp, but still enough to make one's heart tremble.

In the infrared picture, the temperature of the Earth Fire Dragon Jiao is gradually decreasing.

Accompanied by a low whine, the huge body of the Earth Fire Dragon Flood is sinking underwater.

After the last whimper, it opened its mouth feebly, and the lake water began to pour in.

Moments later, on the infrared screen, the Earth Fire Dragon Flood re-merged into the icy water, its outline dissipated, and only a mass of heat remained.

"Huh~" Su Yun let out a long breath.

It only took a moment for a fifth-order spirit beast to fall, which is embarrassing.

"What's the result?" The voice received by the communicator sounded in Su Yun's sea of ​​consciousness. It was warm and white, sweet and eager, "The fog is so thick that I can't see anything clearly! Divine thoughts can't penetrate it."

"It's over, I can see clearly in the infrared band." Su Yun replied with a thought: "You can come here."

Hearing the voice from Su Yun's mind, Wen Bai felt uncomfortable for a while, and then whispered: "Then let me take a look."

After a while, the three of them gathered above the cloud of mist, vigilant about the situation below.

Wen Bai wears a light blue-yellow Medicine Pill, and a strange Spirit Power circulates around her, giving people a sense of lightness and agility.

"Wind attribute Cultivation Technique?" Su Yun murmured softly without disturbing Wen Bai.

Then, Wen Bai stretched out his right hand, and the sleeves of his dress began to flutter in the wind, revealing his smooth and tender forearm. Wisps of light blue Spirit Power radiated from his white-as-snow skin. converge into a light sphere.

With a push of the wrist, the ball of light flew downwards, straight into the mist, and then there was a soft "poof", the hurricane spread out from the mist, instantly blowing away the mist, leaving turbulent ripples on the surface of the lake .

And this Cultivation Technique actually hides raging wind blades, but at the height where Su Yun and the others are, they can't feel it.

Seeing this, Su Yun clapped his hands and applauded, "Amazing! You must be the first person in Immortal World who can use eight attributes Cultivation Technique at the same time!"

"Stop sycophating shamelessly!" Wen Bai clasped his hands and said, "If you don't do anything, the Earth Fire Dragon Flood Dragon will sink to the bottom!"

With Wen Bai's reminder, Su Yun looked at the water again.

Under the blue water of the lake, the black shadow cast by the dragon's huge body was becoming blurred and gradually fading away, while the blood red on the water surface became more intense.

Su Yun controlled the three unmanned detectors to dispatch in unison and plunged into the water one after another to support the body of Longjiao and prevent it from sinking.

Fortunately, it is in the water, otherwise, with the weak thrust of the probe, it would be impossible to stop the sinking trend.

In the end, the Dragon Flood was pushed to the surface of the water, half hidden and half floating, already dead.

The three of them landed on the huge body of the Earth Fire Dragon Flood Dragon. The fist-wide holes in its head looked terrifying, and it was from these holes that blood poured into the lake.

If you look closely, there is still a lot of minced meat mixed in the dirty blood.

"The Earth Fire Dragon Flood Dragon was killed through these wounds?" Wen Bai asked in disbelief: "Is the fifth-order spirit beast so fragile?"

Su Yun shook his head slowly, "You can't just look at the surface! The armor of the Dragon Flood Dragon is very hard, and the wounds left by the light particles on the surface seem small, but the internal wounds have reached the point where it is difficult to heal. It's not surprising that he was killed instantly."

Then Su Yun controlled the detector and turned Long Jiao's side.

On the opposite side of these wounds, there are also holes the size of a fist, corresponding one by one, and the space spar directly passes through. Su Yun looked back at the picture he just recorded. With the performance of the sensor on the detector, it can shoot more than 500 frames per second.

But after looking at it frame by frame for a long time, I only saw the bright line produced by the light particles, and did not capture the process of the light particles flying.

This can only show that the light particles flew a distance of nearly 500 meters, and it took less than 500th of a second. Converted, the speed is at least 250,000 meters per second, more than 600 times the speed of sound!

And this is only the lower limit of speed!

At such a speed, the energy density of the light particles is terrifying, so it can easily penetrate the armor of the Dragon Flood Dragon, and it is no different from hitting tofu.

Therefore, the impact of the light particles on the flesh and blood in the dragon flood body is fatal.

Subsequent anatomy verified Su Yun's conclusion.

Su Yun used the Five Elements sword to cut the head of the Earth Fire Dragon Flood along the wound, and the flesh and brain around the path of the light particles had already been shattered into meat paste by the shock wave.

It doesn't even take five shots, three luminous grains are enough to kill it.

From a pile of meat sauce, Su Yun found the inner alchemy of the Earth Fire Dragon Flood Dragon, a crimson ball the size of a big pumpkin.

There are fine golden lines distributed on the surface, which is very coquettish.

The fifth-order inner alchemy is extraordinary, exuding a wonderful aura, which makes people feel a little dreadful, as if the inner alchemy has turned into an eyeball, staring at you with cold eyes.

And this inner alchemy can't even be included in the storage space.

The only possibility is that this thing is conscious, which means it has a soul!

"Have you ever seen such a situation?" Su Yun looked at Jiang Mu and asked in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Jiang Mu curled his lips and slowly shook his head a few times, "I don't know much about spirit beasts, but the senior has also obtained a sixth-level spirit beast inner alchemy before, and has never encountered such a situation that cannot be stored."

Su Yun then turned to Wen Bai.

"Don't look at me, don't look at me, this doesn't belong to the knowledge of pharmacology, and I don't know." Wen Bai waved his hands, a little helpless.

"Looks like I have to consult an expert!" Su Yun looked at Neidan and had no other choice for a while.

Mu Ling is the existence of half-human, half-Demonic Beasts, and Qian Lao is a half-demon breeder, so he must know a lot of secrets about spirit beasts.

But they said they would come to Yanyun City to have a look, but they haven't seen anyone for so long, Su Yun wondered if he should take the initiative to find them.

Afterwards, Su Yun controlled the Xuanniao to fly over the three of them, loaded the inner alchemy into the warehouse, and then began to collect some other materials.

The inner alchemy is certainly the most valuable thing, but the other parts of the fifth-order spirit beast are not low in value, at least the scales of the Dragon Flood Dragon have to be pried away.

The scale armor of the Earth Fire dragon flood dragon is also different from that of the green viper, it is made of pure metal.

After all, it is an Earth Fire Dragon Flood Dragon, so it is reasonable to melt some metals from the earth's crust as its own shell.

It can be said that the scale armor of the Earth Fire Dragon Flood Dragon is a complex Spiritual Qi metal alloy, a proper fourth-order material.

And Wen Bai and Jiang Mu also collected some things they needed.

Naturally, Wen Bai took the Blood Essence, Gentian, and Dragon Marrow that could be pill-refined.

But Jiang Mu didn't need many things, so he cut off the dragon's head and prepared to make a dragon's head coffin...

After spending most of the day's work, the three of them returned with a full load.

The weight of the stripped dragon jiao is reduced, and it can float on the water surface without the support of the detector, floating up and down.

"Brother Su, don't you need the rest? Flood dragon bones are also rare materials that can be used to refine flying Magical Items." Jiang Mu asked calmly, "And my Interspatial Ring is enough to hold the entire Flood Dragon. "

Hearing this, Su Yun pondered for a moment, and his expression became even more ugly, "You didn't say it earlier!"

But afterward, Su Yun was relieved, and said in a distant tone: "Forget it, the rest is troublesome to deal with, let it sleep here forever!"

He noticed that quite a few aquatic animals had come to eat the corpse of the Dragon Jiao following the smell of blood, so he added, "It's good to feed the fish."

Afterwards, the three boarded the Black Bird and returned to Yanyun City.

Since the auction was still far away, Su Yun was not in a hurry to raise money to recruit Xu Mo, so he first stored the Earth Fire Dragon Flood Dragon Neidan in the warehouse.

After a short rest, Su Yun started refining the weapon again.

This time, the power of the light particle emitter has been verified, so it is necessary to prepare more, so as to be prepared!

Fifty pieces should be enough.

Early the next morning, Su Yun was called out of the room by Wen Bai and Jiang Mu.

Jiang Mu gave him a look, and Su Yun frowned instantly.

Then, with a sad face, Wen Bai dragged Su Yun to a living room of the business without saying a word.

In the huge living room, there was only a man sitting alone, his back looked very strange.

When he heard footsteps, he turned his head and saw Su Yun, his eyes widened instantly, he kicked the chair away, scrambled and crawled, and finally fell to Su Yun's feet, holding Su Yun's thigh, snotting his nose Tears and said: "senior, senior, please save Qi Qi, she was taken away by the evil cultivator of Chaos Sect!"

"Qi Qi?" Su Yun recalled for a while, only to remember that Qi Qi was the Rogue Cultivators who were attracted by the Spirit Power fluctuations of the Spirit Core when they squatted in the outskirts of the Chaos Sect cultivator.

Then the person in front of him is naturally Huang Lang.

"Huang Lang?"

"Woo~ I'm not Huang Lang, my name is Huang Silang!" Huang Silang cried and said, "senior, didn't you say that if you find the location of the evil god statue, you can come to receive the reward? As a result, Qi Qi was in the process of investigating In the middle, he was captured by evil cultivators, and his life and death are uncertain!"

"It's okay if she dies. If she doesn't die, I don't know what kind of torture she will suffer!"

"She was in trouble to help you, you must save her!"

Seeing that Huang Silang's snot and tears were about to flow down Own's trousers, Su Yun felt helpless and complied with his request.

"Qi Qi is quite straightforward, because I've been in trouble, and it's right to help others, so get up first!" Su Yun said calmly, and helped Huang Silang up.

"Where was he taken?"

Huang Silang stopped crying and replied, "Five hundred miles away from the western suburbs of Yanyun, Lingfeng Mountain."

"Remember, you go back first, don't worry, I will make a move." Su Yun showed a look of disgust, and waved his hand casually, telling Huang Silang to leave quickly.

"Senior's great kindness, I will definitely remember it!" Huang Silang smiled through tears, and bowed deeply, "senior, please go and save her!"

"Help, save, let's go!" Su Yun frowned and said.

After Huang Silang left, Su Yun folded his hands, his mouth crooked, and he couldn't stop talking.

"Just now Jiang Mu used Divine Sense to say that a Chaos Sect cultivator has sneaked into our firm, but he never expected that it would be him!"

Wen Bai frowned, and after a moment of surprise, he nodded and said, "According to what he said, is it true that Qi Qi is more or less fortunate?"

"Not necessarily, haven't the two of them separated from each other a long time ago?" Su Yun focused his eyes and pondered: "But does the leader of Chaos Cult think we are stupid? He should know that Jiang Mu can identify evil cultivators!"

"Well, it's very strange, it's tricky!" Wen Bai nodded, and said seriously: "Anyway, let's have breakfast first, let's talk after breakfast, I made your favorite!"

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