"Exactly, let me re-introduce myself, Rogue Cultivators——Yin Niang." Yin Niang squatted slightly, with her hands on her waist, showing the elegant etiquette of a secular woman.

She has been restored to life with the Yuanling Pill, and she has changed back to her proper appearance, not to mention changing a new identity, which can be regarded as "becoming a new person".

Out of politeness, Su Yun cupped his hands and said: "Su Yun is an Outer Sect disciple of the Luoyun Sect's refining room and the alchemy attendant of the inner discipline of the alchemy room."

Yin Niang: "..."

"You did a good job last time." Su Yun just exchanged a simple greeting, now is not the time to reminisce about the old days.

Instead, he asked own doubts, "How do you decide that the price of this Magical Item is right?"

At this time, the stall owner was quite reasonable, "This female fellow daoist is a discerning person, you come to judge, is my high-grade spiritual weapon five hundred Spirit Stones expensive? This person even called me a profiteer!"

"Cui is still a disciple of the Artifact Refining Room, and he doesn't even know the market price of the Spirit Artifact!"

He talked more and more vigorously, and even summoned other people to say: "Everyone, this person insists that I am a profiteer, and that I am peddling prices. Everyone will come and judge. I got this high-grade spiritual weapon through my life and death, and I am reluctant to use it myself." , He actually said that I'm not worth five hundred Spirit Stones!"

"Is this how the disciples of the Luoyun Sect treat foreign cultivators? I'm afraid they want to use their power to lower the price!"

"That's right, if you don't buy it, the spirit weapon I just refined has been sullied by him!"

"This person was pointing at my booth just now, saying that my Magical Item is not good here or there, I want to see how capable he is!" The stall owners of other stalls also began to add insult to injury, "I see It's half-baked, so don't come out and show yourself!"

"Hahaha, the Luoyun Sect is not a sect known for refining weapons. What kind of skills can an Outer sect disciple have? It's just nonsense!"


The more people said the more outrageous, Su Yun listened carefully, their caliber was so unanimous that Su Yun had to start to wonder if he was wrong...

Although I am well versed in the art of refining, I only know the prices of various refining materials, and I don't care about the price of the final refined product at all.

He helped Sect refine the standard formula Flying Sword, and a sword was only a piece of labor cost for low-grade Spirit Stones. It stands to reason that spirit weapons should not be expensive.

Yin Niang was caught in the middle, trying to calm things down, but at the same time had to pay attention to Su Yun's face.

She had no choice but to put on a graceful figure, and said in a charming tone: "Fellow daoists, calm down, there must be some misunderstanding."

Then he turned around and whispered to Su Yun: "Su Yun, you have been helping Sect refine weapons all the time, so there are some things you don't know!"

"Different from Sect, for Rogue Cultivators, few people study the art of refining. Looking at the entire Immortal World, there are very few refiners, so the price of Magical Item will naturally be higher."

"Even if it is the standard Flying Sword in Sect, it is worth forty or fifty Spirit Stones if it is placed outside."

"Can a low-grade spiritual weapon be worth so much money? The cost is only one or two Spirit Stones, and I think five Spirit Stones is worth it!" Su Yun was quite shocked, feeling that the worldview he had been seeing all along had collapsed. .

Yin Niang couldn't help frowning, seeing Su Yun's performance, she also found it incredible, thinking: "As far as I know, your refining room refines a standard Flying Sword, and the minimum labor cost is five Spirit Stones, aren't you Take so much?"

"Oh, I understand." Su Yun sneered.

In the refining room, apart from the teaching period in the first year, starting from the second year, one must complete the refining performance assigned by Sect in order to get the cultivation resources they deserve.

And Su Yun was driven to Cuizhu Peak at the end of the first year, and after that, he communicated with the refining room through deacon disciples.

What Magical Item to smelt, how much labor fee to get, all depends on deacon disciples!

It is self-evident where the problem lies.

"Good Zhang Li!" Su Yun gritted his teeth, "It's a shame that I still respect you so much. I regard you as a senior brother, but you treat me as a seed of hatred!"

Originally, he thought that only the new-style Magical Items he owned could be sold at a higher price, but from this point of view, ordinary Magical Items are also worth a lot!

Only now did he know that the refining tool made so much money, and he felt like he had lost a hundred million yuan! !

Go back and settle the score with Zhang Li!

But in the current situation, Su Yun was indeed wrong. He turned around, bent down to the crowd, and cupped his hands, "Sorry everyone, my view on money is distorted. I was deceived by some treacherous people, so I offended you. Please forgive me."

At the same time, Su Yun made a small calculation in his heart, such a good opportunity should not be wasted!

"But..." Immediately afterwards, Su Yun changed the topic, with a cold expression on his face, "One yard Return to Self, everyone should give an explanation for the slander against me!"

Saying that, Su Yun pulled out his own Five Elements sword, the Spirit Power flowed on the pitch-black sword body, the momentum was overwhelming, and the edge of the top-grade spirit weapon could be seen at a glance!

If it weren't for the limited material, the power that the Five Elements sword can display would not be inferior to a treasure!

The stall owner was startled by Su Yun's sudden change of attitude, especially when he saw the black sword, his legs were trembling a little, "Why...how? Although it is in your Luoyunzong's territory, you still You can't kill people in full view!"

Even the onlookers were frightened and couldn't help retreating a few steps.

"Oh, kill you?" Su Yun snorted coldly, and then, the coldness on his face suddenly melted away, and a warm smile appeared, "Why did you kill you?"

"Come here, brother, what do you think of my sword?"

The stall owner was also taken aback, how can someone be vicious one second and smile all over the next second!

"It's...it's amazing to have a top-grade spiritual weapon!"

Su Yun handed the Five Elements sword to Yin Niang, motioning for her to show the sword to others.

"Thank you."

Yin Niang was confused for a while, but she still did it, and began to change various angles, showing the long sword in front of everyone, and her graceful figure also matched the black sword, which seemed a bit like a sales girl!

Su Yun explained from the side: "It's nothing special to have a top-grade spiritual weapon, but I forged this sword myself! What do you think of my level of forging?"

Of course, the quality of the Five Elements sword is undeniable. Su Yun also controlled the spirit core and released a subtle Spirit Power, so that the sword would flow with colorful brilliance and faintly overflow with pressure.

Quite a few people stared straight into the eyes, almost drooling.

At this time, the people who were still attacking Su Yun just now were like grass on the wall, nodded suddenly and said: "This fellow daoist just pointed out the inadequacy of my Magical Item, but it makes sense, I am narrow-minded!"

"Judging from the fluctuation of Spirit Power, this sword is not bad!"

Others are also full of praise.

And this is still in the case of only knowing the outside but not the inside! If they knew the true power of this sword, they would be shocked to what extent!

"That's right!" Su Yun withdrew the Five Elements sword from Yin Niang's hand, turned his back, and smiled.

Now the atmosphere is pretty much the same, Su Yuntu saw it and said: "You have also seen my refining level, if everyone still agrees, I will sell a batch of spiritual weapons at the 'No. 1 Merchant in the World' in a month. Golden Autumn Huge Benefit, the price is only 70% of the market price, no, 60%! I hope you will support me a lot! Repost it more!" "60%? It can't be a shoddy and defective product!" Someone doubted.

"Just so, now that the price of Magical Item keeps rising, why are you still discounting it? I'm afraid it's just rubbish that no one wants!"

Hearing this, Su Yun patted his chest to pack the ticket and said: "Don't worry, I guarantee with Luoyunzong's face, the Magical Item I refined is definitely a work of ingenuity!"

"The quantity is limited, first come first served, it's not bad for personal use or reselling!"

"Forget it, let's wait for you for a month!" Someone nodded in support.

Many people are also very excited. After all, it is a 40% discount, so you can’t take advantage of it!

Yin Niang next to her was a little stunned, why Su Yun started to sell the Magical Item he refined for no reason!

"Everyone, see you there then!" Su Yun greeted with a smile and dismissed the gathered crowd.

Smiling to the stall owner in front of him, he said, "Brother, I'm sorry! I'll leave you a priority to buy at that time, remember to come!"

"Forget it, it's up to you!" The stall owner couldn't say anything if he stretched out his hand without hitting the smiling face.

After Su Yun left, the stall owner came to his senses, "I came to sell the spiritual weapon, how can I buy it now?!"

After thinking about it again, "If you really bought it at 60% of the price, it wouldn't be a loss..."


After turning around and leaving, Su Yun found that Yin Niang was following him. After walking out for a long time, he asked, "So what's your business when you come to find me?"

Yin Niang paid attention to her surroundings for a moment, then she lowered her voice and said, "I want to remind you that you are being watched."

"You should have said it earlier!" Su Yun covered his mouth and said, at the same time, he couldn't help but look around.

"Don't look, and don't use Divine Sense to investigate." Yin Niang seemed to know the way of investigation very well, with a calm expression, she took the initiative to lead Su Yun to pretend to visit the stall.

Then he said naturally: "If you use Divine Sense to investigate, it will attract their attention, and they also use the naked eye to observe when they follow. Using Divine Sense to detect will directly expose them."

"I wanted to let you know, but I saw that you had an unpleasant quarrel with the stall owner. I was afraid that there would be another trouble and it would be bad for you, so I wanted to help you reconcile it."

Su Yun randomly picked up a bottle of Medicine Pill, smelled it, and then chatted, "Is the person still there?"

"Yes, there are five people in total, two of them are behind the wooden pillars in the northwest, one of them is on the second floor of the wine shop in the south, and the two of them are next to the opposite stalls, separated by three rows of stalls." Yin Niang said with her head buried.

Su Yun couldn't help raising his head, and glanced at the opposite side indiscriminately, which was not easy to be noticed.

I saw two men in short Taoist robes talking about something. The two men's clothes were exactly the same, and the style didn't look like Sect's uniform.

Two words popped up in Su Yun's mind - domestic servant!

Both of them are Foundation Establishment Cultivation Base, so they must come from a good family of cultivation.

"When did you catch up?" Su Yun asked.

"When I saw you in the booth area, they were there!" Yin Niang frowned suddenly, "Although there is another person wearing an ordinary Taoist robe, I have seen him before. He is the inner disciple of Sect, surnamed Chen."

"Could things have been exposed?" Su Yun was stunned for a moment, and he couldn't help but start to worry and fell into deep thought.

He recalled all the past, there should be no possibility of leaking the news, the only variable is - Yin Niang!

Did she take the initiative to inform or was she discovered when she spread fake blueprints?

Su Yun suddenly felt that Yin Niang's appearance was also very suspicious. Could it be that she was trying to lure him into a trap?

"So, you are with them now?" Su Yun tentatively asked.

Yin Niang: "???"

Seeing Yin Niang frowning, her complexion ashen, as if she kindly fed the donkey's liver and lungs, Su Yun hurriedly added, "Hahaha, just ask casually, you must be cautious!"

Yin Niang explained with a serious expression: "If I inform Chen Zhen of the news, is there still a need to deal with it?"

"Well, I think so too." Su Yun thought.

This is also what made Su Yun feel strange, if Chen Zhen knew that the real picture scroll was on him, with the means of a Gold Core real person, he would not engage in these little tricks of stalking!

He came directly to kidnap people.

"In short, let's take a step and see!"

The enemy is dark and we are clear, and there is no other way.

Afterwards, Su Yun continued to go shopping leisurely, without any panic, and just looked at Yin Niang with appraising eyes.

"You are still following me, shouldn't you just come to remind me of this?"

Hearing this, Yin Niang paused, and then slowly followed up, so she was one body behind Su Yun.

When Su Yun turned around, Yin Niang knelt on the ground with one leg, bent her body, her head was buried very low, her thick long hair drooped, and her posture was quite low.

"You are..." Su Yun suddenly felt puzzled, what did Yin Niang do?

Yin Niang raised her cupped fist with both hands above her head, ignoring the eyes of others, and said loudly: "Su Yun, please let me be your subordinate!"

Let alone Su Yun, the passers-by were all surprised.

"A Qi Refining late stage cultivator wants to be a Qi Refining fourth stage cultivator's subordinate? Does this man have any background?"

"Isn't it? This woman has an outstanding appearance and a good figure, hehe...why!"


Su Yun looked down at Yin Niang, he had already been calculating in his heart, and his face turned cold, "If it's just because of the kindness of a Yuanling Pill, then there's no need to do this, you deserve it for helping me."

He doesn't like the way others humiliate him in front of him, and he doesn't like making things so complicated, entrusting others to do things, giving money to leave, and "clearing money and goods" is his style of doing things.

"I just did a small thing..." Yin Niang said in a low tone.

"The matter is not troublesome, but the risk and cost are high. Get up and don't kneel." Su Yun helped Yin Niang and waved her hand casually, "You can go."

Then with his hands behind his back, he swayed away.

Seeing that Su Yun didn't intend to keep anyone at all, Yin Niang stopped beating around the bush, "Su Yun, I want to hang out with you! I have nowhere to go."

"Yo, you are sincere." Su Yun looked back and smiled, showing a playful expression, "Let's go, let's take a stroll."

"Okay." Yin Niang felt that she had grasped the straw to save her life, trotted a few steps, and followed Su Yun respectfully, like a servant or a guard.

When Su Yun saw him, he didn't say much, but asked with a smile, "It seems that you are very good at investigation?"

"Yes, I used to be a spy when I was Rogue Cultivators." Yin Niang replied with a nod.

"Before... when we were Rogue Cultivators?" This made Su Yun a little confused. Didn't Yin Niang just get eliminated by Sect and become Rogue Cultivators?

Yin Niang nodded slightly, her red lips pouting, and she said later: "Actually, before I joined the Luoyun Sect, I had already become a cultivator by coincidence. Being able to become a disciple of Sect Outer Sect is more or less due to luck."

"Unfortunately, in the end, I was expelled from Sect because of my lack of strength."

"No wonder you are so much older than us." Su Yun nodded, feeling Dao suddenly.

Yin Niang: "..."

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