To truly restore it, one must first start from the lowest level of structure and construct the laws of physics as the laws of one's own spiritual realm.

As we all know, there are four fundamental forces in the universe, strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, electromagnetic force, and gravity.

It is very simple to conceive of gravity with the mind. It is nothing more than exerting a force that decays with distance between objects, and this force can be easily simulated.

Just rely on imagination.

But for Su Yun's small spiritual space, the gravitational force between objects is negligible, so he simply constructed a downward gravitational force.

As for the electromagnetic force, its nature is similar to that of gravity, except that there is a distinction between positive and negative charges.

But at the macro level, there is no need to show it for the time being.

As for the strong nuclear force and the weak nuclear force... not to mention it being reflected at the macro level, even with his divine soul, Realm, he couldn't complete such a nuanced calculation.

So Su Yun simply put the emphasis on the material construction.

Thanks to the tireless exploration of the composition of matter by previous generations of scientists, Su Yun's understanding of the nature of matter is far beyond that of the cultivator in Immortal World.

Matter is not a homogeneous whole as recognized by the Immortal World theory—like an empty box, but is composed of finer structures.

Quarks are the smallest known elementary particles. Quarks of different properties form hadrons such as neutrons and protons under the action of the strong nuclear force. The two form atomic nuclei, attract electrons, and form atoms.

Simply put, an atom is the smallest unit of matter.

Even though the internal composition of matter is so rich, since the volume of the nucleus only accounts for a very small part of the atom, and even the electrons mostly exist in a wave function state, the interior of the atom is actually empty. Under the investigation of the divine mind, naturally the mystery cannot be discovered , will only think that the interior of matter is nothingness, an empty box with nothing.

What props up matter is actually the electromagnetic force between protons and electrons in atoms, and even the friction and elastic force at the macroscopic level are also a manifestation of electromagnetic force.

The quality of matter is provided by the static mass of the atomic nucleus and the part of energy that firmly nails the neutron and proton to death.

But if you really want to restore the substances in the spirit realm according to the rules of the real world, Su Yun must "overload the pig's brain"!

He can only retreat to the next best thing, try to start building with atoms as the smallest unit.

It was the same small square, Su Yun concentrated his thoughts, and began to divide the small square into smaller basic units evenly from the inside.

One divided into two, two divided into four, four divided into eight, eight divided into sixty-four...

The number of small cubes to be divided increased almost exponentially. Su Yun gradually felt that it was difficult, and he could bear it at first, but the more difficult it became to control it with his mind.

And it is far from reaching the scale of atoms.

At this time, the soul has already started to feel the pain of tearing, the feeling of dizziness came, and the consciousness began to blur...

Before fainting, Su Yun had only one thought, "Uh... sure enough, I made a fool of myself..."

With today's Realm wanting to have the same means as the Creator, it is really whimsical.


I don't know how long it took before Su Yun regained consciousness, and a warm and soft feeling came, followed by a woman's faint flower-like fragrance, which must have come from Wenbai.

When I opened my eyes, the light was not dazzling, and what greeted my eyes was a warm, sweet and gentle smile, "Wake up!"

Only then did Su Yun realize that he was lying in Wen Bai's arms, to be precise, leaning on Wen Bai's knee pillow.

"How long have I been dizzy?" Su Yun continued to lie down and asked.

"Look for yourself!" Wen Bai's face suddenly changed color, and he said with some complaints.

As soon as Su Yun turned his head, he saw that the flying boat was empty, and the group of Outer Sect disciples had long since disappeared.

"What? We're the only ones left!" Su Yun sat up straight and accidentally bumped into the bulge on Wen Bai's chest.


He didn't care, but Wen Bai blushed with embarrassment.

Su Yun began to think that if he had to take a detour to send more than ten teams to their destination, it would be impossible to do it in two days.

Just trying to deduce and restore the internal structure of the matter emptied his soul power, and he was dizzy for two days. If he really wants to create a real object in the spiritual space, what kind of Realm is needed to do it!

Su Yun felt a little disappointed.

Before he could say anything, Wen Bai crossed his waist, his face was ashamed and annoyed, and he said angrily: "Su Yun, don't you have anything to explain? You fainted suddenly, if it wasn't for Jiang Mu saying that you are just the power of the soul If you run out, I thought you were dead!"

"It's just a small deduction, ha ha!" Su Yun didn't know how to explain it, and he failed in the end, so there was nothing to say.

At this moment, Jiang Mu shook his little head, puzzled and said: "No, no, although brother Su's strength is good, but after all, the Soul Realm is relatively low, and his understanding of everything in the world should be quite superficial. In the spiritual realm, it is impossible for such a situation where the power of the soul is emptied in an instant!"

"Kids go!" Su Yun didn't want to explain too much, and he didn't understand.

Instead, he began to comfort Wen Bai, "Ann, I have my own measure, and there will be no next time, but why are you blushing so much?"

"Hmph, it's nothing." Wen Bai covered his face, spewing out a puff of hot air from his nose, avoiding Su Yun's eyes.

But the more she avoided, the more she could recall what had just happened in her mind, and her face became hotter and hotter, like a boiling kettle, steaming.

Su Yun only thinks that because of her anger, she failed to control the fire Spiritual Roots in her body, and the Spirit Power became disordered!

Afterwards, Su Yun boarded the sword tip of the flying boat and stood with his hands behind his back, overlooking the scenery ahead.

Apparently, it was approaching the imperial capital of Rui Kingdom, and now the flying boat had descended below the clouds, and as far as the eye could see, it was the vast expanse of land.

It's just that the sky is cloudy, and thunderclouds are brewing ahead.

Thick black clouds cover the undulating mountains and plains, the clouds are surging, and the thunder dragon is rolling and swimming in it. The two sides of the sky and the earth are at war, as if they are going to war at any time!

Only a ray of light can be seen on the very distant horizon.

When he came back to his senses, the flying boat had already entered the range of the thunder cloud, and the bursting thunder rang out all around, and the lightning arc kept hitting the flying boat, fortunately it was blocked by the shield.

But this is the first time that Su Yun has come into contact with lightning so closely.

That kind of tyrannical power made Su Yun yearn for it, and he couldn't help but think of the purple thunder crystal he bought at Qianlao's last time.

"Perhaps it's time to tame this manic energy."

Su Yun sat cross-legged on the spot, and his consciousness entered the sea of ​​consciousness again. This time, he didn't dare to try things beyond his ability, but honestly deduced the new Magical Item design.

Soon, Su Yun got up contentedly and stretched.

After mastering the spiritual realm, the speed of scientific research doubled, and it is not an exaggeration to say that technology exploded.

At the same time, it also exposed the shortcomings of Su Yun's own lack of Realm, and the use of the spirit realm still relies too much on the strength of the soul. The easiest way to increase the strength of the soul is actually the breakthrough Cultivation Base.

"It seems that my Qi Refining fourth-floor Realm is still too weak, so let's break through it casually!" Su Yun turned his head and shouted at Wen Bai at the sword tail: "Wen Bai, come to help the breakthrough Medicine Pill!"

"Okay!" Wen Bai readily agreed, took out a light blue Medicine Pill, used Spirit Power, flicked his jade finger, and threw the Medicine Pill to Su Yun across a distance of 100 meters.

The Medicine Pill presents a warm light blue color, like blue and white, and the Spirit Power flows, and it is haloed with a layer of brilliance!

It has actually reached the peak level of a third-order medicine pill!

"This is the Spiritual Breakthrough Pill, which can open up the breakthrough bottleneck of Realms below Foundation Establishment, and is also quite good for the breakthrough of Realms above Foundation Establishment!"

Su Yun stretched out two fingers, and easily cut off the Medicine Pill. After observing for a while, he swallowed the Medicine Pill.

Feeling the dissolving power of the medicine, Su Yun started to practice the Cultivation Technique, without even needing to enter the state of meditation.

Because he doesn't need to borrow the Spiritual Qi of heaven and earth for his breakthrough, he only needs to call a little Spirit Power in the spiritual core at will.

The spirit power in the spirit core is already pure and condensed enough, it can be poured directly into Dantian's inner palace without further refinement.

With a thought, the surging Spirit Power in the spiritual core gushes out, rushing through the long-desired Meridians until it merges into Dantian.

Su Yun's long-sealed Realm began to loosen.

Afterwards, the physical body, Meridians, and even the soul all began to absorb Spirit Power and obtain Enhancement.

Su Yun increased Spirit Power output in due course to meet the needs of Realm's upgrade.

It's just that Su Yun is the most complicated Five Elements Spiritual Roots, and needs to absorb five times the Spirit Power to complete the breakthrough.

However, five times the difficulty of breakthrough can not get five times the strength, Five Elements mixed with Spiritual Roots is a kind of drag, broad but not refined, there will be interference between different attributes, resulting in the unsmooth switching of Spirit Power attributes, which in turn makes Cultivation Technique display hysteresis.

This is one of the reasons why Five Elements miscellaneous Spiritual Roots is called the worst Spiritual Roots.

Not to mention the slow practice, the strength is still weak, the only advantage is that you can learn a few more Cultivation Techniques.

Fortunately, Su Yun has a spiritual core, so he doesn't have such worries.

It's just that Su Yun discovered that own Realm breakthrough is imminent, but the Meridians and Shenhun don't seem to be full of Spirit Power, so there is no harm in letting them absorb more Spirit Power!

So Su Yun deliberately suppressed the Realm, and only let the Realm breakthrough continue when the Spirit Power was no longer consumed by them.

Soon, Su Yun breakthrough reached the fifth floor of Qi Refining.

After that, it is still the same method!

At this time, several teammates had already gathered around. In their eyes, Su Yun broke the Realm standing up, and he was advancing all the way, without any signs of stopping, taking the fifth, sixth, and seventh floors of Qi Refining... …

Up to the peak of Qi Refining Nine Levels!

"Break five layers of Realm in a row? The top single Spiritual Roots genius doesn't have this speed of practice!" Wu Siyue said in surprise, a little hard to believe what happened before her eyes.

Hearing Wu Siyue's exclamation, Wang Chong was a little unhappy, "It's just Qi Refining Realm, if he can break five realms in a row during the Foundation Establishment period, I will be willing to be his follower!"

And Yunyao shook her head slightly, and sighed: "What kind of monster is Su Yun! I have worked hard for two and a half years to reach the peak of Qi Refining. Did it take him an hour?"

"Hehe, you are also very strong, don't compare yourself with others, compare yourself!" Wen Bai covered his mouth and smiled.

And Su Yun is consolidating Cultivation Base.

After this breakthrough, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the gap between mixed Spiritual Roots and single Spiritual Roots is actually not as huge as everyone thought! At least in terms of Meridians width and spirit strength.

The crux of the problem lies in the part of the Spirit Power absorbed by the body, Meridians, and spirits during breakthrough.

Since the ability of miscellaneous Spiritual Roots to absorb the Spiritual Qi of the world is much weaker, most of the Spirit Power flows to Dantian, which is used to impact the shackles and go to the breakthrough Realm.

The rest, the Spirit Power that can be used to Enhance the body, Meridians, and spirits is very little. After several breakthroughs, the gaps continue to accumulate, resulting in a huge gap in final strength.

And the most indispensable thing for Su Yun is Spirit Power!

It can feed the flesh, Meridians, and spirits.

Su Yun is confident that in these respects, there is not much difference between him and the genius cultivator who only has Spiritual Roots!

It's just that Su Yun doesn't know the Cultivation Technique in the Foundation Establishment Realm, and today's breakthrough can only end here. In fact, the remaining medicinal power of the Medicine Pill is still enough to go up a breakthrough level or two.

I can only go back and find a suitable Foundation Establishment Cultivation Technique.

Out of the state of cultivation, Su Yun found himself surrounded by crowds, he couldn't help frowning, shook his head and sighed: "Hey, there are only a few of you here, it would be great if all the hundreds of people were here!!!"

Everyone: "..."

"You still think you haven't got enough limelight, don't you?" Yun Yao rolled her eyes at Su Yun and said.

"Hey, I just want everyone to observe the process of my breakthrough, so that I can understand something, which will be good for future breakthroughs." Su Yun said with a guilty conscience.

Wang Fu took a step forward, got away from the crowd, and cupped his hands slightly, "Congratulations to Junior Brother Su Yun for making breakthroughs one after another. You can be said to be peerless five times in a row! He is indeed a rare genius cultivator in mainland China!"

"Don't dare, it's still senior brother Wang Fu's Cultivation Base is profound, I'm still far behind, I need to practice hard and keep catching up!" The two began to brag about each other.

However, suddenly the sky brightened, and the flying boat flew out of the large thundercloud area, and saw the deep blue sky again.

"Yanyun, the imperial capital of Ruiguo, has arrived." Yunyao said with complicated eyes, looking forward.

Although this is the place where she grew up, returning to her homeland still caused some indescribable emotions in her heart.

Su Yun turned around, and could vaguely see the majestic city of smoke and clouds appearing on the horizon.

According to legend, the city wall of Yanyun City is five hundred miles away, with tens of millions of people under its jurisdiction, the water system in the city is twelve hundred miles away, and there is a thousand-foot peak that goes straight into the sky.

This peak is now standing on the horizon, and it is as abrupt as the crest of an electrocardiogram on the vast plain.

And below the Flying Sword, there are sparsely dotted towns.

After thinking for a while, Su Yun looked at Wang Fu and said, "Senior Brother Wang Fu, the flying boat is too eye-catching, why don't we go to the imperial capital with our swords, and we can also find out some information in the nearby towns first."

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Wang Fu nodded.

Su Yun: "..."

He was speechless for a moment, and after a while he smiled and said: "Brother Wang Fu, you are the team leader..."

"Hahaha! I almost forgot." Senior brother Wang Fu showed his embarrassment with a smile, and he also realized that he was a little too superstitious about Su Yun, and didn't have the poise and assertiveness that a team leader should have.

Then he collected himself and looked solemn, "Actually, my thoughts and those of Junior Brother Su Yun coincided with each other."

Pausing for a moment, "Junior Brother Su Yun, report to the fifth Elder!"

"Yes, Senior Brother Wang Fu!" Su Yun respectfully possessed his cupped hands.

Su Yun found five Elders and explained his purpose.

"Exactly! At first I was worried about where such a big flying boat should land!" Fifth Elder smiled.

Then the flying boat stopped suddenly, Su Yun staggered and almost fell.

Five Elder stepped on the brakes hard.

Then Su Yun hesitated for a moment, then smiled and said: "Five Elder, really don't you want to stay in Yanyun City for a while? Yanyun City is notoriously prosperous, don't you want to experience the city life of feasting and feasting?"

"When our mission is over, we can pick us up, so that you don't run back and forth!"

"No!" Fifth Elder waved his hand indifferently, "You have your responsibilities, and I have mine. With your little thoughtfulness, how can I not know?"

"Hahaha, as expected of the Elder." Su Yun originally wanted to ask the five Elders to sit in Yanyun City, so as to provide support at any time, and also suppress the undercurrent of the Swiss country.

I have no choice but to give up now.

"You just want to play with this flying boat again! It's a heavy weapon, it's hard for people to play with it at will!" Fifth Elder had a comprehensible expression on his face.

"Okay..." Su Yun smiled helplessly.

Five Elder is really open-minded, and he doesn't have any calculations in his heart.

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