"You are really lucky, but since you are here to die, don't blame me for being rude!" Zhu Long said coldly. Then, he pressed a red button next to him. "Click!" Outside, the door in front of Chopin suddenly opened. He looked inside the door vigilantly, and then flashed into the door. He aimed the rocket launcher in his hand at one of the walls inside the door, and with a bang, he fired a rocket. The rocket directly opened a big hole in the wall. "Roar!" As soon as a big hole was opened, countless zombies rushed out, and the door behind him suddenly closed, and he was drowned by the zombies. Zhu Long sneered, and then stopped looking at Chopin. He thought Chopin must have died at the hands of zombies. His eyes swept over hundreds of control panels and locked onto one of them. Mo Yu was in this control panel. "So you are here!" He saw Mo Yu running away from Changshan University. At this time, Mo Yu was in Changshan University, and zombies kept attacking him from all sides.

"Mo Yu, you can't run away!"

At this moment, SCP-035's voice came.

Mo Yu turned around and looked at SCP-035 coldly.

SCP-035 was still haunting him.

He had to deal with SCP-035.

He gently put his right hand into his trouser pocket and took out the photo of SCP-096.

And, he instantly pointed the photo at SCP-035.


SCP-035 screamed, and caught off guard, accidentally saw SCP-096.

"You wait to die!"

Mo Yu smiled.

It only takes one or two minutes for SCP-096 to come and kill SCP-035.

After SCP-035 saw SCP-096, he knew that SCP-096 would come to kill him soon.

This time, he didn't know if he could avoid being killed by SCP-096.

Mo Yu took the photos of SCP-096, and then pointed them at the zombies around him so that they could see the photos.

All the zombies rushing towards him saw SCP-096.

A minute later, SCP-096's figure instantly appeared beside SCP-035.

SCP-035 had no time to react at all, and SCP-096 punched him in the chest, blowing up his body.

SCP-035 moved to the face of a zombie next to him in fear.

Then, SCP-096 frantically killed the zombies around him.

All the zombies who had seen his photos were killed by him with one punch.

Mo Yu took his photos and kept showing them to the zombies around him, and saw a phantom moving among the zombies.

Wherever SCP-096 passed, the zombies' heads either exploded or their bodies exploded directly.

As if being hit by a high-speed train, the zombies around were being destroyed crazily.


SCP-049 hid in a group of SCP-049-2, and he had already closed his eyes.

After SCP-035 occupied a zombie, he also quickly closed his eyes and dared not look at SCP-096.

Mo Yu rushed among the zombies with his eyes closed at this time, and his body was very strong.

He held the photo of SCP-096 in his hand and kept showing the photo to the zombies around him.

SCP-096 was directly a killing machine. Anyone who saw his photo would be killed by him.

At this time, the zombies in the campus of Changshan University were constantly killed by SCP-096.

On the ground, there were piles of corpses and rivers of blood, just like the Shura Hell.

Suddenly, Mo Yu could no longer hear the sound of the zombies in his ears.

He put away the photo of SCP-096, and then heard a vague voice of annoyance from the side.

"I killed someone again..."

He heard the voice of SCP-096, and he followed the voice and came to SCP-096.

"Friend, I'm sorry, I really have no choice but to ask you to save me, and you saved me again!"

Mo Yu said to SCP-096.

SCP-096's emotions have slowly calmed down, and he looked at Mo Yu and said.

"It's okay, friend, I'm used to it. As long as you are in danger, you can always let me help you!"

"Thank you, friend, Changshan City is now surrounded by the zombie virus, and countless people are in danger. I'm afraid you need your help, friend!"Ah!"

Mo Yu said in a deep voice.

SCP-096's combat power is very abnormal. All the zombies in Changshan University were slaughtered by him in such a short time.

If he can join the ranks of suppressing the zombie virus, the zombie group in Changshan City is likely to be suppressed.

"Friend, I can't take the initiative to kill people unless they see my photo."

"That's a pity."

Mo Yu sighed.

"Friend, is there anything else? If not, I'll leave first."

"No, you go."

SCP-096's figure disappeared instantly.

After SCP-096 left, Mo Yu opened his eyes and saw a picture that he would never forget.

At this time, the surrounding blood flowed like a river, the corpses were mountains and seas, and the corpses of zombies were everywhere.

"It's so terrifying! "

Mo Yu took a breath of cold air. The killing power of SCP-096 was too strong.

In the sea of ​​blood and corpses, Mo Yu saw SCP-035 standing in front of him with his eyes closed.

A hint of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"System, can you devour SCP-035!"

"Theoretically, if SCP-035 occupies the host's body, the host has an 80% chance of devouring it, but there is a 20% chance of failure. Host, do you dare to take the risk?"

The voice of the system came.

"Devour! "

Mo Yu said without hesitation, even if there was only a 1% chance of success, he would give it a try.

If he didn't devour SCP-035, SCP-035 would keep chasing him and he would never have peace.

Therefore, he quickly rushed towards SCP-035.

After SCP-035 felt that SCP-096 had disappeared, he boldly opened his eyes and just saw Mo Yu rushing over.

"If you don't take the road to heaven, you will come to hell without a door!"

SCP-035's hoarse voice sounded.

Then, at the moment when Mo Yu approached him by two meters, he moved directly to Mo Yu's face.

The next second, Mo Yu's body trembled, and he stood there, like a piece of wood, motionless.

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