Mo Yu and others had to sigh that SCP-035 was simply a zombie killer.

No, it was simply a killer in group battles!

He fought a group of zombies alone.

Soon, he came to the seventh floor.

The teaching building where he was located had 7 floors, but there was no elevator.

Students went up and down the stairs during class.

At this time, hundreds of students were on the rooftop.

They blocked the door with desks to prevent the zombies from entering.

Mo Yu's figure also came to the door of the rooftop, and there were zombie corpses lying on the ground beside him.

The surroundings suddenly became quiet, and all the zombies in this teaching building were killed by him.

He frowned, walked up and knocked on the door.

The sudden knock on the door scared the hundreds of students behind the door.

Everyone held their breath in fear.

Now, the sound of the zombies disappeared, and the surroundings became quiet, and Mo Yu's knock on the door seemed very loud.


A few brave male students stood behind the door and asked in fear.

"Hello, the zombies in this building have been eliminated by me. You wait here for a while and don't come out. I will eliminate the zombies in other buildings. I will call you out after the zombies in Changshan University are completely cleared!"

Mo Yu's voice came.

The hundreds of students behind the door were stunned, and everyone's brain was instantly blank.

"Who are you?"

After a few seconds, the students who reacted asked loudly.

However, it was quiet behind the door, and there was no sound.

Many students looked down from the edge of the rooftop and saw that there were no zombies around, but there were more corpses on the ground.

"Look, he's there!"

A female student pointed down excitedly.

Suddenly, everyone gathered at the edge of the rooftop and saw Mo Yu in the campus.

Mo Yu wore a white ceramic comedy mask and walked through the campus.

His breath attracted the attention of the zombies.

Suddenly, countless zombies rushed towards him.

However, after these zombies surrounded him, they suddenly became docile when they were two meters away from him, and then he killed these zombies with his hands.


"Is he a human or a ghost!"

"It's so scary, a zombie killer!"

"What happened to those zombies? Why did they suddenly become quiet? Does his hand have magic? Those zombies fell down when he touched their heads."

"It was really a touch on the head, this..."

Hundreds of students were stunned, watching Mo Yu touch the heads of zombies one by one.

Then, these zombies fell down inexplicably.

"Touch the head to kill!"

"This is the real touch on the head to kill!"

Hundreds of students were very excited, as if they had seen a legend.

Mo Yu killed countless zombies, and the zombies in other buildings were also attracted out by him and killed, and the students on the roof were safe.

Suddenly, thousands of students on different rooftops stared at Mo Yu patting the zombies to death.

"What on earth did he do to the zombies? How could a human be so powerful!"

After being stunned, there were countless question marks.

In the world of these students, humans are very fragile, and these zombies can easily tear human bodies apart.

However, everything Mo Yu did now completely violated common sense and overturned their worldview.


"He has special abilities!"

"We are all ordinary people, it should be impossible for anyone to have special abilities..."

"Then how do you explain this!"

For these students, Mo Yu patting the head to kill opened a new door.

They began to doubt whether special abilities really exist in the world.


In the sky, several helicopters flew.


The task force soldiers in the helicopter saw Mo Yu patting the zombies to death below.

"Should we contain the anomaly?"

The first reaction of these task force soldiers was to contain Mo Yu.

"No, he is saving students!"

Someone said in a deep voice.

"He is destroying the zombies, and the students are safe. We can't touch him now, but we can record his data. When SCP-008 subsides, we will find a way to contain him!"

"These students saw the anomaly, and we must clear their memory!"

Someone saw the students on the roof, and the densely packed students were excitedly watching Mo Yu patting the zombies to kill them.

This is not correct for the SCP Foundation.

The SCP Foundation does not want ordinary people to see the abnormal side, and now these students have seen it.

"But, if all the memories of so many people are deleted, isn’t it a bit of a workload…”

Someone whispered.

“The memories must be deleted, otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous…”

Someone said firmly.

Now is different from the past, now is the Internet age with advanced technology.

On the Internet, information can be easily spread. If these students know about it, then the SCP Foundation may be exposed.

So, they must erase the memories of these students.

“This workload is a bit heavy…”

The other task force soldiers are all tingling.

Deleting the memories of so many students, and deleting the data in his mobile phone, this is not an ordinary workload.

“It has to be done, and we will start to arrange it after this matter is over!”

“Yes! "

Three helicopters circled over Changshan University for a while.

Many students waved at the helicopters, but the task force soldiers on the helicopters could not take all the students away.

They could only circle for a while, especially above Mo Yu's head, before they left.

Most of the zombies in Changshan University were eliminated by Mo Yu, although zombies kept coming in from outside.

However, Changshan University is much quieter now than before.

"Goodbye, classmates!"

After Mo Yu solved the zombies in Changshan University, he left Changshan University.

The students on the roof looked at his back reluctantly, hoping that he would stay to protect them.

However, Mo Yu still has more things to do.

"People from the foundation, why don't you control the outbreak of the zombie virus! "

Mo Yu frowned. There were too many zombies on the street.

It had been several hours since the SCP-008 outbreak.

It was enough for the 05 Council of the SCP Foundation to know the situation here. They should send people to suppress the zombie virus here!

But why are they still nowhere to be seen?

"Stop, put your hands up!"

At this moment, a task force soldier shouted loudly to Mo Yu.

Mo Yu turned around, and the white ceramic comedy mask on his face instantly turned into a smiling face.

The next second, Mo Yu came to the side of the task force soldier.

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