If he is destined to die.

Then, he can only live for three months.

If he lives longer than three months, he will be the longest-lived host among the 108 hosts.


Mo Yu was terrified when he thought about it.

All the hosts seemed to be cursed, and each of them was short-lived!

Even if he lived longer than three months.

However, he would still face the risk of death every day.

"System, they died because you didn't fully assist them. Do you still want to perfunctorily treat me? Let me die!"

"If I die, you find other hosts, but they won't live long either. You will never find a permanent host. Is this the result you want?"

Mo Yu said in a deep voice.

Therefore, if the system does not fully assist him, he feels that he will not survive these three months.

Just as the system said, all the dangers he experienced were fatal.

He could die in every danger.

However, this good luck will not last forever.

If he dies accidentally, it will be game over.

After hearing Mo Yu's words, the system fell silent again.

Mo Yu's words touched him. He recalled carefully that he had not fully assisted the previous 107 hosts.

He set up an observation period for each host.

He would fully assist only the hosts who passed his observation period.

However, no host passed the observation period, and they all died during the observation period.

Now he agreed with what Mo Yu said.

If it continued like this, perhaps no host would be able to pass the observation period.

The system was silent.

He was weighing it in his heart.

In his opinion, among the 108 hosts, Mo Yu was the best one.

He had witnessed all the dangers that Mo Yu had experienced.

If it were any other host, they would probably die.

But Mo Yu survived.

"Host, you are the host with the strongest survival ability I have ever seen. You are right. I should fully assist any host. You have convinced me!"

"I have decided. From now on, I will fully assist you. However, if you die, I will still change a host. Of course, I will fully assist them!"

The voice of the system came, and Mo Yu breathed a sigh of relief. The stubborn system finally figured it out.

"That's right, that's how it should be done. Then, can you tell me how to choose abnormal abilities on my own!"

Mo Yu said expectantly.

The system has decided to fully assist Mo Yu, so naturally it is not hiding.

He also told Mo Yu how to choose abnormal abilities on his own.

"First, the host must find the SCP-500 panacea and eat it!"

The system said loudly.

"SCP-500 panacea, I have it!"

Mo Yu said loudly, and he took out a red medicine from his bag.

It was the panacea he got from Changshan Research Institute and from Zhu Long.

"Host, it is because you have the panacea that I decided to assist you with all my strength. This may be what you earthlings call destiny!"

The system suddenly sighed.

Then, the system continued to tell Mo Yu.

"Host, SCP-500 panacea can cure any disease. After taking it, you will never have to worry about getting sick, and you will even be immune to all poisons!"

"And my devouring power needs the assistance of the panacea. After the host takes the panacea, plus my devouring power, the host can choose abnormal abilities on his own. In short, I can eliminate those abnormal abilities that the host does not want to obtain together with the panacea!"

Mo Yu listened carefully. After listening to the system's words, he was very excited.

Then, he grabbed the panacea and threw it into his mouth without hesitation.

"Now that I have taken the panacea, can I choose abnormal abilities on my own in the future?"

Mo Yu said expectantly.

"Yes, host, there is one more thing. You can eliminate your abilities now."

The system suddenly said.

"You mean, I can eliminate the abilities I have now, is that so awesome?"

Mo Yu was shocked.

I didn't expect that the panacea plus the system's abilities would be so awesome.

However, he was very satisfied with his abilities, and he didn't want to eliminate any of them.

Of course, from now on.

The system fully assists him, and when he devours other anomalies, he can choose the abilities of the anomalies on his own.

Eliminate those abilities that he doesn't want to obtain.

For example, if he devours Peanut now, he canChoose the ability of Peanut to break the enemy's neck.

And eliminate the ability to break the neck of others who look at him in the eye and the other party blinks.

If he devours 096, he can obtain 096's teleportation ability, and eliminate the ability of others to kill the other party after seeing his video or photo.


Mo Yu rubbed his hands excitedly!

The problem that has troubled him for a long time has finally been solved. From now on, he can devour all abnormalities without restraint.

He wants to obtain good abilities and eliminate bad abilities.

"System, you should have done this a long time ago. I wasted a lot of abnormal abilities in vain!"

Mo Yu said depressedly.

The invisibility ability of the little green man, the ability of 049 to make people's heart stop, and the ability to revive corpses.

096's teleportation ability, the ability of Peanut to break the neck.

These abnormalities are because he does not want to obtain the other party's negative abilities, so he did not devour them.

He felt so sad that he missed 100 million.

"By the way, system, if I swallow anomalies, can I only gain their abilities without killing them?"

Mo Yu asked again.

He found that every time he swallowed anomalies, he would kill them.

Now, he and 096 are friends.

He wants to gain 096's teleportation ability. If he swallows him, he will kill 096. He doesn't want to kill 096.

"Of course, just leave them a breath!"

The system said calmly.

"Uh... why didn't you tell me earlier..."

Mo Yu said speechlessly.

"You didn't ask me either!"

The system said lightly.


Mo Yu rolled his eyes speechlessly. This system is really a pit.


Suddenly, a loud and earth-shaking sound came from the depths of the Rattlesnake Desert.

All the task force soldiers on the shore heard it, causing a commotion.

Mo Yu turned back in surprise and looked in the direction of the Rattlesnake Desert.

Although he couldn't see what happened, the earth-shattering roar was no less than that of a fission bomb explosion!

"What happened!"

He didn't know that someone had attacked the Rattlesnake Desert Base, nor did he know that the Rattlesnake Desert Base had been rebuilt. He felt that the Broken God Cult and the SCP Foundation were fighting a decisive battle in the Rattlesnake Desert!

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