Although the snake bullet cannot kill SCP-682, a big explosion will occur after the snake bullet hits SCP-682, and they can clearly determine the location of SCP-682.

The explosion is getting closer and closer to them, which means that SCP-682 is also getting closer and closer to them, and it also means that Mo Yu is approaching them quickly.


Five meters in front of a task force soldier, a figure suddenly rushed out, it was Mo Yu.

Mo Yu finally caught up with a task force soldier. As soon as he rushed out of the ground, SCP-682 rushed out of the ground and swallowed the task force soldier in one bite.


The skateboard under the feet of the task force soldier slid a few meters by inertia, just in front of Mo Yu.

Mo Yu's eyes lit up.

Then, he jumped on the skateboard without hesitation.

However, this skateboard turned out to be artificial intelligence, and it requires a password.

"System, docking the skateboard's artificial intelligence..."

"Dock in progress, time 0.5 seconds!"

Mo Yu jumped forward holding the skateboard, just avoiding the attack of SCP-682.

At the same time, the skateboard was unlocked.

He stood on the skateboard and quickly slid forward, chasing the task force soldiers in front.

Wang Ming looked back and saw Mo Yu following them, and his brows frowned.

He wanted to blow Mo Yu to death with a flying bomb, but if Mo Yu was blown to death, their mission would fail.

They would not be able to bring Mo Yu back, and Mo Yu's body might be eaten by SCP-682, so they would not even get the body.

So, he resisted the urge to blow Mo Yu to death with a flying bomb, and could only delay time as much as possible. It would take an hour for the support to reach the Rattlesnake Desert.

They needed to deal with SCP-682 for an hour.

SCP-682 chased them closely, and anyone who fell behind would be swallowed by him.

"Deadly King Snake!"

Wang Ming thought of something.

He led the remaining task force soldiers to quickly turn around and head towards the place where the deadly king snake appeared before. He wanted the deadly king snake to fight SCP-682.

Mo Yu followed the task force soldiers.

He thought about escaping, but if he separated from the task force soldiers, SCP-682 would definitely chase him down as soon as possible, because he felt that he was completely locked by SCP-682.

"What is the reason? Why is he always locking me?"

Mo Yu's heart was also full of confusion. There were more than a dozen people here, and SCP-682 only locked him.

He had no doubt that if he separated from the task force soldiers, the task force soldiers would not be chased by SCP-682, but would chase him.

"Is it because of the immortal power in me?"

The only thing he could think of was his immortal power, which he got by devouring the immortal lion.

The immortal lion, like the immortal evil lizard, possesses immortal power, and the regeneration power of the two is essentially the same.

"System, what's going on?"

"SCP-682 will devour each other and gain each other's regeneration power to strengthen its own regeneration power. The immortal power possessed by the host is the most delicious food between heaven and earth for SCP-682!"

After hearing the system's explanation, Mo Yu also suddenly realized that just as he wanted to devour SCP-682 to gain its regeneration power, SCP-682 also wanted to devour him to gain his immortal power.


SCP-682 instantly crawled out from the ground and ran directly on the surface of the desert to chase them. On the surface of the desert, its speed seemed to be even faster.

"Use flying bombs!"

Wang Ming finally waited until SCP-682 ran out of the ground. Suddenly, the task force soldiers launched flying bombs one by one.

The flying missile locked onto SCP-682 and instantly hit his body, creating pits of varying sizes on his body.

However, these pits quickly recovered under the recovery of SCP-682's abnormal regeneration power, and could not hurt him at all.

"Damn it!"

The task force soldiers also cursed.

SCP-682 is really too abnormal.

"Use hydrochloric acid, idiot!"

Mo Yu shouted loudly to Wang Ming.

"SCP-1010, you are the idiot!"

Wang Ming was furious.

However, after hearing Mo Yu's reminder, he also understood it instantly.

SCP contains SCP-682 by putting them in a containment container, which is filled with hydrochloric acid.

Hydrochloric acid will make SCP-682 calmed down.

"We don't have hydrochloric acid!"

But after thinking about it, they seemed to have gone out without hydrochloric acid, and hydrochloric acid had no effect on other abnormalities.

How could they expect that they would encounter such a perverted abnormality as SCP-682.


Mo Yu cursed, how to deal with SCP-682 without hydrochloric acid.

He can only be hunted down!

"Captain, let's cut him into pieces!"

A task force soldier suddenly said to Wang Ming.

Wang Ming's eyes lit up.

"Wire bomb!"

Then, one by one, the task force soldiers took out bombs covered with wires from their backpacks.

The wires were wrapped around the surface of the bombs, and the wire bombs were different from other bombs.

The wire bombs would not explode. The moment the wire bombs were ignited, they just needed to be thrown out.

Then, the wires on the surface of the wire bombs would instantly straighten, forming straight wires.

Then, under the influence of the huge thrust, the iron wire bullet rushed towards the target like an electric fan blade, and cut the target into pieces.

One by one, the iron wire bullets were thrown at SCP-682.

Mo Yu saw that the iron wire bullets, which were spinning like electric fan blades, hit SCP-682.

The next second, the scene became very bloody, and the iron wire bullets hit SCP-682's body.

Instantly cut countless blood lines on the surface of his body, and pieces of flesh were cut off.

SCP-682 was like being cut into pieces!

It was really cut into pieces, and even the white bones were exposed.


SCP-682 was in great pain. His flesh and blood were torn apart by the iron wire bullets, and pieces of broken flesh flew in all directions, and his flesh and blood were all over the ground.

However, the scene that happened next was shocking.

SCP-682 grabbed the pieces of meat on the ground, and then the pieces of meat automatically merged into his body, and then his body healed crazily.

Moreover, the flesh and blood around him also automatically moved towards his body and finally merged into his body.

"What a horrible perverted regeneration power, I must get it!"

Mo Yu was greedy, and wanted to devour SCP-682's heart even more fiercely!


Author has something to say:

Push for more, gifts, five-star praise, let's go, love you

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