Li Xiu learned from the man in the suit that the old man's clone No. 2 died, but Mo Yu was still alive.

He couldn't calm down for a long time.

He told Wang Ming about this.

"The old man died, but Mo Yu was still alive!"

Li Xiu asked Wang Ming to continue tracking Mo Yu.

"This is the second clone of 682 to die. The clones are really flawed. They can't really clone the immortality of 682!"

Wang Ming also sighed.

Only the task force soldiers knew that the old man was a clone, because they were the only ones who knew about it.

They were responsible for arresting Mo Yu and transporting the old man.

Others didn't know. This was a secret project, and they were responsible!

"Commander, he is still alive, please do your best to search for him!"

Wang Ming also found Thomas and told Thomas that Mo Yu was still alive.

Thomas knew that Mo Yu was still alive, and his heart was very calm.

He knew that Mo Yu would not die.

So, he said to Wang Ming calmly.

"I have given the order to search the whole city. If he appears, he will be arrested immediately!"

"What should we do with these people?"

Wang Ming glanced at the members of the supernatural organizations in their encirclement.

Although the fission bomb just now killed many people.

However, other members of the supernatural organizations are hiding in the dark.

At the same time, they are also searching for Mo Yu.

"Kill as many as you can."

Thomas said coldly.

This time, they dealt a huge blow to these organizations.

Killed a lot of people.

Giving a huge blow to these supernatural organizations can also be regarded as revenge for these organizations' attack on the Hanting City base.

"Catch them alive, find out the whereabouts of those anomalies, and do our best to recover all the anomalies!"

Thomas also gave orders to the agents around him.

Now, the time for the battle is almost up, and they need some living people to find out the whereabouts of the anomalies that were snatched away.

These supernatural organizations took away many anomalies in this attack.

They must chase them all back, so they must leave them alive.

In the encirclement, the Broken God Cult and the Serpent's Hand naturally walked together.

They also suffered heavy losses this time.

They never thought that the Foundation would use such a destructive weapon as the fission bomb.

As a result, they were caught off guard.

Fortunately, they were just blocking the members of the supernatural organization who were chasing Mo Yu from behind.

They were not too close to Mo Yu, so the loss was relatively small.

"What should we do if we lose his trace?"

The Death Siren said to Thomas beside him.

They had searched everywhere around, but they could not find Mo Yu.

Thomas frowned, and he suddenly said to the Death Siren.

"He is still alive, let's retreat!"

Hearing Thomas say this, the Death Siren was very confused.

"How do you know he is still alive!"

Thomas smiled calmly.

"If he dies, the Broken Order will also break and disappear."

The Death Siren also suddenly realized that the Broken Order is basically one with Mo Yu.

If a person dies, the order will break!

The Broken God Cult has a specific method to sense the Broken Order.

If the Broken Order is broken, the Broken God Cult will know.

Although, the identity of each Broken Order owner is kept secret.

Even the Broken God Cult members do not know each other.

However, they can identify each other's identity as the Broken Order.

At the same time, the Broken Order can also know whether the vice presidents of the Broken God Cult are dead or not.

As a result, a Broken Order suddenly broke.

Then, it means the death of the owner.

Although this is not absolute, but 90% can be judged in this way.

However, if the Broken Order is still there, then the owner must be alive, there is no doubt about this.

The Broken God Cult and the Serpent's Hand members also left here quickly.

It is no use to stay here, Mo Yu may have left.

Mo Yu carried the little girl on his back and came to a temple.

This temple is called Guangming Temple, and many people come here to burn incense every day.

At this time, ordinary people here were not affected at all.

Although the explosion of the bomb just now caused a shocking explosion and attracted their attention.

However, after a brief curiosity, the surroundings returned to calm.

At this time, Mo Yu was walking in the temple with the little girl on his back.

He took three incense sticks at the door and followed the crowd to line up to go in.

He planned to blend into the crowd to hide.

Now, there were agents searching for him everywhere outside.

Only by blending in with ordinary people could he be safe.

Even if the agents wanted to catch him, they couldn'tCan do it in front of the public.

He wore sunglasses, a cap, and changed his clothes.

The little girl wore a big hat and sunglasses, which blocked her eyes and basically blocked her little face.

Mo Yu followed the crowd and entered the hall.

There was a big tripod in front.

There were a lot of incense sticks in the tripod, and the incense ash filled half of the tripod. The temperature inside the tripod was a bit high.

There were a lot of burning incense sticks, all of which were inserted by the passing crowd to make wishes.

Mo Yu stood in front of the tripod and made a wish like everyone else, bowing.

Then, he inserted the incense sticks into the tripod.

"Big brother, what wish did you make?"

The little girl asked curiously.

"I only have one wish, to go home as soon as possible."

Mo Yu smiled.

"Where is big brother's home?"

The little girl tilted her head and asked curiously.

"On a distant planet, too far away from here, in fact, I don't know where it is."

Mo Yu said helplessly.

He is now on Panlong Star, but he asked the system to obtain the information in the computer.

He did not find any information about the earth.

So, he was completely confused about where the earth was.

"A distant planet, is the big brother an alien?"

The little girl said in surprise.

"Shh, don't say it loudly, be careful of being heard!"

Mo Yu shushed, and the child's words were innocent.

"Yeah, I will keep it a secret for the big brother!"

The little girl covered her mouth, her big eyes rolling.

"I will keep it a secret for you too!"

At this moment, an old voice appeared in Mo Yu's ears.

Mo Yu turned around like a cat with its fur standing up, and saw God standing in front of him.

God appeared beside him again without anyone noticing.

He stared at God angrily.

God's ability to come to him without anyone noticing was really terrible.

If God attacked him, he would not even have time to react.

"System, can you swallow God!"

Mo Yu hated God so much that he felt uncomfortable with this terrifying existence staring at him.

He wanted the system to swallow God.

But before the system could speak, God said to him.

"You can't swallow me."


Mo Yu was speechless for a moment, not knowing what to say, God even knew this!

PS: There are five more chapters to come, and they will be updated soon

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