The explosion continued.

The power of the fission bomb was extremely terrifying. Everything within a radius of 10,000 meters was turned to ashes.

The terrifying mushroom cloud rose high into the sky, reaching tens of thousands of meters into the sky.

The explosion lasted for more than ten minutes before slowly disappearing.

When the mushroom cloud disappeared and the explosion ended, a deep pit of 10,000 feet appeared in the desert.

The task force soldiers came to the side of the deep pit and looked down at the deep pit of 10,000 feet in front of them.

Dense yellow sand continued to flow into the deep pit, trying to fill it up.

However, the deep pit was too big.

This deep pit was even bigger than the pit formed by the SCP base that exploded.

"Is SCP-682 dead?"

Seeing the deep pit in front, every task force soldier had such a question mark in his mind.

Such a terrifying explosion is enough to kill most of the anomalies in the world.

However, SCP-682 cannot be killed. He has a perverted regenerative power.

"Even if he's not dead, he must be seriously injured!"

They couldn't imagine what kind of creature could survive such a terrible explosion.

Even SCP-682 couldn't be intact.

"Go down and look for his broken bones!"

Wang Ming ordered.

Their mission was to bring Mo Yu back, whether alive or dead.

Now, Mo Yu should be dead, and they could only look for Mo Yu's remains, hoping to find some broken bones in the deep pit.

In their hands, an instrument appeared. This instrument was specially used by SCP to detect biological remains.

As long as there were broken bones and flesh of organisms around, they could be detected.

They used this instrument to enter the deep pit for detection.

"Be careful of SCP-682!"

Wang Ming said in a deep voice.

They all believed that SCP-682 was still alive. Although he might be seriously injured, he still had the ability to kill them.

They were about to enter the deep pit. The deep pit in front of them was bottomless and very dark.

If they go in, there may be considerable danger, and they may encounter SCP-682.


They fired a flare, and the flare instantly shot into the deep pit.


The bottom of the deep pit instantly became bright, as if it were daytime.

It can be seen that this deep pit is 300 meters deep, and they need to go to the bottom of the pit to find Mo Yu's remains.

Under the illumination of the flare, they saw that the bottom of the deep pit was empty.

Mo Yu and SCP-682 were gone.

" SCP-682 may be lurking at the bottom of the desert, be careful!"

Wang Ming shouted.

Then, they stepped on the skateboard and slid quickly along the edge of the deep pit towards the bottom of the deep pit.

Along the way, they slowed down and were careful, always on guard against the possible appearance of SCP-682.

At the same time, they released snake bombs one by one.

The snake bullet entered the bottom of the desert. They looked at the snake bullet on the control panel. The snake bullet shuttled through the bottom of the desert, looking for SCP-682.


They used the snake bullet to explore the way. The area where the snake bullet passed by was safe without SCP-682, so they could slide over safely.

Soon, they came to the bottom of the deep pit.

The bottom of the deep pit was also 10,000 meters wide. They needed to detect Mo Yu's wreckage bit by bit, hoping to find some broken bones.


After walking for a while, the instrument in the hand of one of the task force soldiers rang.

"The target appears!"

There was a piece of broken bone 20 meters ahead.

"Pick it up!"

Wang Ming was overjoyed. He didn't expect it to be so smooth.

The task force soldier happily walked towards the broken bone. As long as he picked up the broken bone, their mission would be completed.

However, when he came in front of the broken bone and was about to catch it, the broken bone suddenly drilled into the desert.

"What happened!"

The task force soldier was also shocked. How could a piece of broken bone move by itself?

He pulled away the yellow sand, trying to find the broken bone.

However, he dug a pit but couldn't find it.

"What happened?"

Wang Ming came over.

"Captain, the broken bone drilled into the desert by itself."

Hearing this, Wang Ming's face changed.

"No, it's SCP-682's bone. He's still alive. Be alert."

Even if SCP-682 cuts it into many pieces, it can slowly reassemble and heal.

Although Mo Yu mutated into an abnormality, he does not have the same ability as SCP-682.

So, the broken bone is notIt was not Mo Yu's, but SCP-682's.

"Oh my god, he's not dead even after this!"

The other task force soldiers were terrified. They were all blown to pieces, but they were still alive.

What kind of terrifying existence is this SCP-682? Is there really something in the world that can kill SCP-682?

They were a little skeptical about life.


The instruments in the hands of the task force soldiers kept ringing, and they found pieces of broken bones.

However, when they tried to pick up the broken bones on the ground, these broken bones would suddenly drill into the desert.

"SCP-682 should have been blown to pieces, and now it has become pieces of fragments. He is reorganizing and trying to revive. We must find the broken bones of SCP-1010 and leave this place of trouble before he reorganizes his body and resurrects."

Wang Ming said in horror.

He only brought one A-class fission bomb, and he didn't have a second chance to blow SCP-682 to pieces.

If SCP-682 reassembles its body and revives, then they will definitely be killed at the bottom of the pit.

"Spread out and expand the search range!"

The task force soldiers all dispersed and searched around the pit.

The instruments in their hands kept ringing, but none of them belonged to Mo Yu's broken bones.

There were broken bones of SCP-682 everywhere, but these broken bones would suddenly enter the desert.


Suddenly, a snake bomb exploded under the desert, and it hit the target.

"It must be SCP-682!"

The task force soldiers all looked at the place where the explosion occurred in horror, where a 10-meter deep pit appeared.

There was a mass of flesh and blood at the bottom of the pit, which was wriggling wildly. It was the body of SCP-682.

However, this mass of flesh and blood was only half a meter in size.

"Blow it up!"

Wang Ming's face changed. SCP-682 was reassembling its body and resurrecting. It was now half a meter in size. He couldn't let it continue to reassemble.

Suddenly, one snake bullet after another hit the ball of flesh and blood, once again blowing him to pieces, turning him into fragments that flew in all directions.

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