After the helicopter above his head left, Mo Yu stayed in the mountain for a while.

He also headed towards the deep pit where Hanting City was located.

He was very fast.

He quickly headed towards Hanting City. On the way, he kept encountering many helicopters flying in the sky.

There were even large transport planes.

The numbers on the outside of these helicopters were all different, belonging to different organizations.

Mo Yu was also surprised.

Now, it seems that organizations from all over the world are heading towards Hanting City.

There are many agents and members of supernatural organizations gathered here.

Mo Yu also put on a mask, sunglasses and a baseball cap.

So that his appearance is not easy to be seen.

When he came to the huge deep pit where Hanting City was located.

He stood on the edge of the deep pit and looked at the endless huge deep pit in front of him.

His heart was also full of shock!

This is like a huge meteorite crater formed after an asteroid hit Panlong Star.

At this time, there were people everywhere on the edge of this deep pit.

They were scattered in different locations and belonged to different organizations.

Mo Yu also saw people from the SCP Foundation.

At this time, the people from the SCP Foundation were in the northeast direction.

There were densely packed agents and task force soldiers there, and Mo Yu saw many large boxes.

These boxes should contain some powerful anomalies if nothing unexpected happens.

It seems that the S CP Foundation has made sufficient preparations this time.

Prepare to let the anomalies help them fight, and they must get the time train.

Of course, other organizations have also made sufficient preparations.

These organizations also came to the edge of the deep pit with their own anomalies.

Now, everyone is at peace, and no fighting has broken out yet.

It seems that every organization is waiting for something.

At the same time, various organizations and foundation agents from all over the world continue to come to the edge of the deep pit.

Now, everyone seems to be calling each other.

After everyone arrives, there may be a huge melee.

In the sky, helicopters and transport planes continue to come.

Soon, the sky above the pit was filled with helicopters and transport planes, all belonging to different organizations.

Mo Yu looked up at the dense helicopters in the sky, and his heart was also very shocked.

It seems that a plane war will break out here soon.

At this time, Mo Yu stood alone in a corner of the pit.

He was alone, and seemed to be alone and very inconspicuous.

However, no one was looking at him now.

Each organization was staring at each other, trying to find out the strength of the opponent.

A wasp flew past Mo Yu's ear, and he was too familiar with the sound of the wasp.

However, he was not afraid of the wasp now.

He looked at the wasp calmly, and the wasp flew past him, as if it was here to find out what was going on with him.

However, he was wearing sunglasses and a mask.

The wasp could not find anything, but his photo should have been sent to the Foundation agent.

Suddenly, the wasp tried to get close to him.

Even, it got close to his face, a distance of one meter.

Mo Yu frowned. The wasp actually tried to get close to him. This had violated his bottom line.

He quickly made a move and caught the wasp in an instant.

After the wasp was caught by him, it exploded instantly.

His hand was instantly blown into a bloody mess.

However, it healed in a moment.

In the northeast direction, an agent looked at the screen in front of him, which suddenly went black.

His face was also very ugly. Finally, he looked up in the direction of Mo Yu.

Just now, he controlled the wasp and wanted to see what Mo Yu looked like.

Unexpectedly, Mo Yu killed the wasp directly.

People who can kill the wasp with one hand are no longer ordinary people, but abnormal.

Therefore, he determined that Mo Yu was a humanoid abnormal.

At this time, Mo Yu was not with any organization, so Mo Yu was a free abnormal.

The agent also quickly reported Mo Yu's situation to his superiors.

Immediately, it attracted the attention of Thomas who was sitting here.

"Where is he? Show me the photo!"

After hearing about such a powerful anomaly, Thomas instantly became interested.

Then, he took a look at the photo of Mo Yu that the agent took from the wasp's eyes.

Seeing Mo Yu wearing sunglasses, a mask, and a baseball cap.

Thomas instantly felt familiar, and he also confirmed his inner guess.

"It's him, he actually came here!"

Thomas instantly recognizedHere it comes, this anomaly is Mo Yu.

His mind also became active.

Now, Mo Yu appeared here alone, and here gathered a large number of agents, as well as anomalies of the foundation.

If they want to capture Mo Yu, it should be relatively easy.

However, thinking of Mo Yu's magical ability.

Thomas frowned, now everyone is gathering manpower.

Moreover, no force wants to expose their power now.

They are all staring at each other, wanting to see the details of the other party.

If they make a big move against Mo Yu now, then they will definitely lead to many anomalies before they can capture Mo Yu.

At that time, their details will also be known by the other party.

Now, the anomalies brought by each party are all covered with things, so that each other does not know what the anomalies brought by the other party are.

If they want to capture Mo Yu, at least several anomalies must be dispatched.

These anomalies are their trump cards, and other organizations don't know at all.

They are ready to release them at the critical moment, unexpectedly.

If these anomalies are exposed in order to capture Mo Yu now, the gains will outweigh the losses.

So, Thomas took a deep breath and calmed himself.

They can't expose the details of these anomalies now, and can't let those enemies know.

"Let him go, but keep a close eye on him and report his situation to me at any time!"

Thomas said calmly.

"Yes, Commander!"

Thomas decided to give up the capture of Mo Yu temporarily. Now is not the time.

They have more powerful enemies.

Those organizations are very well prepared at this time.

Even with so many people from the Foundation, Thomas also felt the pressure.

It is not so easy to take back the time train from so many organizations.

He has messed up the matter of Hanting City.

This time, he must take back the matter of the time train, so that he can make up for it.

He is sure that the 05 Parliament is very dissatisfied with him.

This time, assigning him to snatch the time train is also to give him a chance to make up for it.

If he fails to seize this opportunity, he will definitely be executed by the 05 Council.

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