They are very experienced in capturing and hunting anomalies.

No anomaly can escape their pursuit.

They don't believe that SCP-682 is as terrible as the rumors say.

They don't believe that SCP-682 can't be killed, and now they think Wang Ming is making a fuss.

"Are you blind? Didn't you see that SCP-682 can still survive after becoming like this? If it is fully resurrected, all of us will not be enough for it to eat."

Wang Ming said angrily.

Before, he was like Gao Han and others, thinking that SCP-682 was not very good.

However, after he fought with SCP-682, he realized the horror of SCP-682.

Now, Gao Han and others will suffer a great loss if they have the same mentality as before.

If they are not careful, SCP-682 will be resurrected.

At such a close distance, all of them will be eaten.

"Captain Wang Ming, what makes you so timid? Remember, we are the Skynet Task Force, the best task force soldiers!"

Li Xiang said loudly.

"Humph, in front of SCP-682, we are all ants. You are not allowed to put them together. Find a way to separate them!"

Wang Ming stood in front of the cage and did not allow other task force soldiers to throw the second meat ball into the cage.

"Captain Wang Ming, we are ordered to come to support you. Now I am in charge here. Do you dare to disobey orders?"

Gao Han looked at Wang Ming coldly.

Li Xiang and Zhao Kuo also looked at Wang Ming coldly, as if they were ready to take Wang Ming down at any time.

A dozen task force soldiers around Wang Ming came behind Wang Ming in an instant to support him.

At the same time, the task force soldiers brought by Gao Han and others also surrounded Wang Ming and his dozen people.

"According to the rules of the SCP Foundation, those who disobey orders will be killed without mercy."

Gao Han said coldly.

Wang Ming's face darkened.

"Captain, we support you!"

The dozen or so task force soldiers behind Wang Ming all supported Wang Ming, because they had witnessed the horror of SCP-682.

If all those meat balls were put together, SCP-682 would definitely be resurrected.

The resurrected SCP-682 could easily kill everyone here.

"Team 13, are you going to disobey orders collectively!"

Gao Han shouted.

Unexpectedly, the entire team of Team 13 was disobeying orders.

"SCP-682 must not be resurrected. Once he is resurrected, we will all die!"

Wang Ming shouted.

Many task force soldiers were moved.

The name of SCP-682 is also very famous in the SCP Foundation.

Anyone would be afraid of this kind of anomaly that cannot be killed.

"You are forcing me to kill people!"

Gao Han looked at Wang Ming coldly.

Moreover, the surrounding task force soldiers immediately pointed their guns at Wang Ming and more than a dozen people, ready to shoot at any time.

Wang Ming's heart trembled.

When his eyes met Gao Han's, he saw the murderous intent flashing in Gao Han's eyes.

He looked back at the dozen task force soldiers behind him. The entire 13th team had nearly 50 people, and now only 13 were still alive.

If they continued to disobey orders, all 13 of them would be killed.

Then, the 13th team of the Skynet Task Force would be wiped out.

He couldn't bear to see such a result, so he took a deep breath.

"Get out of the way!"

He quietly waved his hand, signaling everyone to make way.


His team members looked at him unwillingly.

"We must live!"

Wang Ming said in a deep voice.

"That's right, that's it, we are all colleagues, how nice it is to be in harmony!"

Gao Han instantly changed his face into a smile.

Wang Ming glanced at Gao Han coldly.

After Wang Ming and others stepped aside, the task force soldiers put the second meat ball into the cage.

And they looked for other meat balls of SCP-682 everywhere.

Soon, they found seven or eight meat balls and threw them all into the cage.

When these meat balls entered the cage, they slowly crawled towards each other like magnets attracting each other.

Finally, these meat balls merged into one.

Formed a three-meter-long strip of meat ball.

"Haha, if this is really SCP-682, we will get a reward if we catch him back, and even our status will change dramatically!"

Gao Han said excitedly.

SCP-682 has not appeared for many years.

Since the first SCP-682 escaped from the laboratory, they have not encountered SCP-68 in the countless years that followed.2.

At this time, they caught an SCP-682 alive.

If they bring it back to the SCP Foundation, all of them will be rewarded.

This is their chance to change their fate.

Many SCP Foundation researchers want to find SCP-682 for experiments, want to study him, and want to find a way to kill him.

Complete the scientific research tasks that have not been completed by their predecessors.

Wang Ming looked at the growing meat mass, and his heart became more and more uneasy.

"Captain, SCP-682 is about to be resurrected, what should we do?"

A task force soldier whispered to Wang Ming.

They all knew that once SCP-682 was resurrected, a ruthless massacre would begin.

It was very dangerous for them to continue staying here.

Wang Ming glanced at Gao Han and others.

"Wait a minute, let's go to a helicopter without SCP-682!"

A total of three helicopters came, and SCP-682 was taken on one of the helicopters, which was used to carry the cage.

"Yes, Captain!"

More than a dozen task force soldiers had no intention of looking for Mo Yu.

Now, their safety was threatened.

They thought they were waiting for support, but they didn't expect to be the messenger of the god of death.

Gao Han and others were simply unreasonable and too arrogant.

They would definitely pay a terrible price for their arrogance.

Of course, Wang Ming and others had already reminded Gao Han, and it was no wonder that they didn't listen.

Soon, all the SCP-682 meat balls at the bottom of the deep pit were found and put into the cage.

And these meat balls merged into one, gradually forming a vague figure, which was SCP-682.

"It's really the immortal evil lizard!"

"Is this the legendary uncle!"

Gao Han and others surrounded the cage, staring at the SCP-682 in the cage like a curious baby.

At this time, the body of SCP-682 had gradually taken shape, and it could be identified that he was the immortal evil lizard.

Perhaps it was the damage caused by the fission bomb explosion, SCP-682 was also severely damaged.

At this time, his body was only four meters in size, much smaller than his previous giant body.

Here are the fourth updates, please urge me to update, please give me gifts, please give me five-star praise


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Please urge me to update, please give me gifts, please give me five-star praise, I have already updated four times

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