This noise can cause subjective tinnitus in people around, just like hearing the "buzzing" sound of an electrical appliance.

This behavior will continue to repeat, and humans themselves don't know it.

Even if someone tells them, they will strongly deny that they have ever behaved in this way.

In the next three to four months, human behavior will become more and more serious.

The duration of this cycle will be extended little by little until it completely replaces human daily life.

Unless they are hungry and need to eat, they will return to normal.

Most of the other time, they are in a daze in the cycle.

In the end, SCP-813-1 stays in the host's visual center until humans slowly die in a long cycle.

Mo Yu also took a breath of cold air.

813 is simply a chronic poison that poisons humans bit by bit.

Unfortunately, this ability of 813 is a bit useless to Mo Yu.

Because it is those glass fragments, that is, those SCP-813-1, that cause harm to humans.

These SCP-813-1 can continue to hurt people.

Even if they are forced to undergo surgery and taken out of the human brain.

They can also find humans to continue attacking.

Of course, after they are taken out, those humans will die.

"Forget it, I won't swallow this one!"

Mo Yu shook his head as he looked at 813. This 813 would only be used if he had these glass fragments.

Because it is mainly these glass fragments that kill people.

Thomas saw Mo Yu staring at 813 in a daze for a few seconds and did not go forward to touch 813.

He also looked at Mo Yu in confusion.

He thought that Mo Yu was going to touch 813 this time like he touched 217 and 1139.

Unexpectedly, Mo Yu did not react.

"System, this thing is useless if I swallow it!"

Mo Yu also asked the system in his heart.

The system also told Mo Yu that 813 was indeed not of much use to him, and he didn't need to swallow it.

Then, Mo Yu also said to Thomas.

"Let's go."

Thomas also looked at Mo Yu in surprise.

Mo Yu stayed in 813 for the shortest time, almost just entering the transport plane to look for a few seconds.

Then, he was ready to leave.

He was getting more and more confused about Mo Yu's thoughts.

Thomas took Mo Yu and walked to the sixth transport plane.

Mo Yu looked at a total of 5 anomalies and only swallowed two anomalies.

In his heart, he was also full of expectations for the sixth anomaly.

Soon, Thomas took Mo Yu to the side of the sixth transport plane.

Then, they opened the door, entered, and saw the anomaly inside.

Inside the transport plane, there is a six-meter-long, seven-meter-wide, and seventeen-meter-high storage box.

This storage box is made of ten-centimeter-thick polyvinyl chloride and covered with twenty-five-centimeter-thick sound-absorbing cotton.

In addition, a wooden sound insulation facility is built three meters away from the storage box.

"SCP-808, mechanical choir!"

Inside the containment box, there is a large mechanical building.

It is made up of some complex steel, brass cables and other parts. On top of it is a humanoid entity, like a woman in a wedding dress.

When the mechanical choir is running, it will make a high-decibel cry.

When the mechanical choir begins to decay due to rust, or someone tries to decompose its components, or applies external force to it, the mechanical choir will cry, and the volume of the cry will increase sharply.

The mechanical choir will automatically adjust the cry to resonate with the metal in the building.

When the cry of the mechanical choir reaches 70 decibels, the non-electronic parts of the machine affected by the cry will automatically operate.

As long as the mechanical choir is derusted, the cry will stop instantly.

When the cry of the mechanical choir is strong enough, it can kill people around it, or at least make people deaf!

"Crying to kill people is also a kind of ability!"

Mo Yu's eyes lit up.

He decided in an instant that he wanted to devour the mechanical choir.

He wanted to obtain this way of killing people by crying.

This way of killing was a bit like the song of the Siren of Death.

But this cry was much stronger than the Siren of Death.

The song of the Siren of Death could only confuse people, but could not kill people.

And the higher the decibel of this cry, the greater the possibility of killing.

As long as he mastered this ability, he should be able to control the decibel, and he would not be as passive as the mechanical choir.

He could actively kill people!

"System, swallow it!"

Mo Yu also said to the system.

Mo Yu smiled at ThomasHe nodded.

"I'll go take a look!"

Then he walked to the side of the mechanical choir and put his hand on the storage box.

Started to let the system devour.

The system also devoured the mechanical choir crazily.

Thomas looked at Mo Yu in confusion. This time Mo Yu touched the mechanical choir again.

His brows knitted tightly. Mo Yu's behavior made him confused.

Mo Yu looked at 6 anomalies in total, but only touched three of them.

As for the other three anomalies, he just looked at them a few times and left.

Mo Yu was like picking goods!

However, Mo Yu did nothing except putting his hands on the surface of these anomalies.

What on earth was he doing?

Thomas's doubts grew more and more.

If he knew that Mo Yu was devouring the power of these anomalies.

I'm afraid he would be shocked.

At the same time, he would definitely stop Mo Yu from doing all this.

Because these anomalies are the body fragments of the Broken God.

The Broken God Cult believes in the Broken God very much!

Mo Yu's behavior is considered to have violated the Broken God and their beliefs.

Unfortunately, Thomas didn't know all this.

After more than ten seconds, the system devoured the mechanical choir.

Mo Yu also gained the ability of the mechanical choir to kill people with crying.

He can control this ability by himself, and he can control the decibels freely.

If he wants to make Thomas deaf, he can directly use the decibel crying that can make Thors deaf.

If he wants Thomas to die, he will increase the decibels to a terrifying level.

Thomas can be killed instantly.

After Mo Yu devoured the mechanical choir, he also walked to Thomas and signaled Thomas to leave.

"Can I ask, what are you doing?"

Thomas looked at Mo Yu puzzledly, he really couldn't help his curiosity.

"I am very curious about all anomalies. I want to remember their appearance. For some anomalies, I can remember them in a few glances, but for some anomalies, I have to observe them closely."

Mo Yu said to Thomas calmly. Of course, he was fooling Thomas!

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