Therefore, Mo Yu waited for time underground.

While waiting for the transport plane to land on the ground.

As time passed, people from various organizations and foundations were searching for the location of the time train with all their strength.

At the same time, they were also waiting for the time train to arrive.

Because Hanting City was bombed, no one could determine the location of the 59th Street subway station before.

Therefore, no one could find the location of the time train.

At present, Mo Yu installed several monitors at the location of the time train, but no one appeared there.

Trying to find the location of the time train in such a large pit is no less than looking for a needle in a haystack.

However, these organizations and foundations are not in a hurry.

They are just groping for a favorable position in this pit, and wait until night to fight.

The people of the SCP Foundation, they settled down in one place.

At this time, the sky had darkened.

The various organizations and foundations searched for a whole day, but did not find the time train.

However, everyone has almost searched this pit.

Each of them also found their own territory and settled down.

9 o'clock in the evening.

The transport planes suspended above the foundation finally landed on the ground.

The transport plane was surrounded by densely packed agents.

These agents protected the abnormalities inside the transport plane in three layers inside and three layers outside.

Mo Yu finally waited for the opportunity underground.

He almost dozed off underground.

He quietly moved towards a transport plane.

Soon, he came to the bottom of the transport plane.

At this time, if the transport plane was parked on the ground, he could pass through the soil.

Then, pass through the bottom of the transport plane and enter the transport plane.

Moreover, it was 9 o'clock in the evening, and it was dark.

Although the Foundation agents around the four sides installed lights, there were still many shadows.

He was hidden in the shadows, and these agents could not find him.

Therefore, he quickly passed through the soil.

Then, pass through the bottom of the transport plane and directly enter the transport plane.

Inside this transport plane, there was only a huge iron cage wrapped in black cloth.

Mo Yu frowned and took a look around the iron cage. The abnormality inside was not Peanut.

Then, he quickly left the transport plane.

Continue to the next transport plane.

He would never stay in any transport plane for too long.

Because these transport planes are equipped with monitors.

And they are all-round and have no blind spots.

Although he can hide in the dark, these transport planes are brightly lit, just like daytime.

He couldn't find a suitable place to hide.

So, he couldn't stay in the transport plane for too long.

Otherwise, he would be discovered by the agents in the monitoring.

He had just left the transport plane, and several agents who were monitoring the transport plane frowned.

They seemed to see a black shadow appear in the transport plane.

However, when they looked carefully, there was nothing in the transport plane.

They thought they were dazzled, so they didn't care.

Mo Yu hid in the darkness and soon came to the second transport plane.

At the same time, he also passed through the bottom of the transport plane from underground and entered the transport plane.

However, the abnormality in this transport plane was not Peanut.

He had no choice but to leave and continue to the next transport plane.

He searched for four or five transport planes in a row, but it was not Peanut.

He frowned, his luck was so bad.

He searched so many transport planes, but he didn't find Peanut.

Moreover, he took risks every time he entered the transport plane.

The agents in the surveillance could find him at any time.

Finally, when he came out of the sixth transport plane, he saw many agents rushing to the sixth transport plane.

And, they surrounded the transport plane, and the agents found him.


Mo Yu frowned, there were still more than 10 transport planes left to check, and now they were found.

However, he would never give up looking for Peanut!

Therefore, when these agents surrounded the sixth transport plane, he took a transport plane that was farther away.

After these agents surrounded the sixth transport plane, they opened the door and rushed in, but found nothing.

"Are you sure you saw clearly that there is a figure inside."

An agent said coldly.

"It's true, he has appeared several times, but we don't understand how he got in.How did he come and leave!" The agents who were monitoring the transport plane said confidently. They were sure that they were not mistaken and saw a person appear in the transport plane. If they saw it the first time, it was just because they were dazzled. Then, seeing it the second and third time in a row was not dazzled, it was 100% that there was someone. "It may be an unknown anomaly. Everyone, be alert and be careful that it is an agent sent by the enemy!" The agent said coldly. "Yes!" All the agents immediately strengthened their vigilance. Especially next to the transport plane, they even had to open the transport plane regularly to see the situation inside. At the same time, the situation here was also reported to Tom, the highest commander here. When Thomas knew that an unknown anomaly had sneaked into their transport plane, he frowned. "Next time you find him, turn on his surveillance screen for me!" Thomas said calmly. "Yes, sir! "

Mo Yu quietly entered the seventh transport plane. He did not dare to stay for too long.

He took a quick look inside the transport plane. It was not Peanut, and then he left quickly.

However, the scene of him appearing in the transport plane had been seen by the agent.

There was no shadow in the transport plane as if it was daytime.

So, his stealth ability had no effect at all.

Therefore, the scene of him appearing in the transport plane was also photographed.

However, he also dressed himself up, and his face could not be seen clearly in the surveillance picture.

Thomas also saw this surveillance picture.

Looking at the figure in the surveillance picture, it can only be seen that it is a human figure, but it is unclear who it is.

"He seems to be looking for something. Everyone pay attention and make sure to catch him. "

Thomas said coldly.

He became interested in this anomaly and felt familiar with it.

He already had a guess in his mind, because this anomaly could freely enter and exit the transport plane, which reminded him of Mo Yu.

Mo Yu, when he first met him, could freely enter and exit his room.

So, he was 70% sure in his heart that this anomaly was Mo Yu.

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