The moment the Samsara Squad rushed over, Li Si left without hesitation.

The target of the Samsara Squad was Pete, and it was very dangerous for him to stand next to Pete.

Therefore, Li Si left, leaving Pete alone.

Pete looked coldly at the Samsara Squad jumping on helicopters.

The information of the Samsara Squad also appeared in his mind.

The Samsara Squad was immortal and could be resurrected infinitely.

Almost unkillable.

Now, the Chaos Insurgency around him tried their best to protect him.

However, the Samsara Squad rushed towards him directly.

He looked at the helicopters falling to the ground around him, and he felt despair in his heart.

However, it was too unwilling to give up the time train that was finally snatched.

"Cain, save me!"

Pete sent a distress signal to Cain, but Cain was now tightly entangled by 096 and could not get away at all.

So, he could do nothing to help and could only let Pete fend for himself.

Pete looked at the Samsara team getting closer and closer.

He ordered the Chaos Insurgency around him to continue guarding the time train.

And he was ready to leave here.

The four members of the Samsara team locked onto Pete coldly and rushed towards him without hesitation.

Pete's helicopter flew high into the sky, as long as it kept a distance from other helicopters.

Then, the Samsara team would not be able to get close to him by helicopter jump.

His helicopter rose up and instantly rose a hundred meters.

However, he still underestimated the Samsara team.

The four members of the Samsara team moved at high speed.

One of them stood in place and stretched out his right hand.

A person next to him ran over and grabbed his right hand.

Then, the members of the Samsara team standing on the spot turned around instantly and threw the man directly into the sky.


It was like throwing a shot put.

The body of the Samsara team member shot into the sky like a cannonball.

Soon, it approached Pete's helicopter.


Pete was so scared that his face turned pale. The Samsara team member instantly grabbed a corner of the helicopter.

Then, he climbed onto the helicopter and punched through the glass of the helicopter.

Then, he entered the helicopter.

"Da Da Da!"

There was not only Pete in the helicopter.

There were other Chaos Insurgency members.

They fired crazily at the Samsara team member.

However, the bullets hit him but could not kill him.

The Samsara team member slowly pulled out his rifle.

He fired at the Chaos Insurgency members, and all of them died instantly.

Only Pete was left.

"Don't kill me!"

Pete begged for mercy in horror.

Unfortunately, the member of the reincarnation team shot him in the middle of his brow with a cold face.

Pete's body fell to the ground.

Then, the member of the reincarnation team walked to Pete's body and took out a bottle from his body.

Then, some liquid was poured out of the bottle and sprinkled on Pete's body.

The next second, Pete's body was corroded.

In just 10 seconds, it was corroded into a pool of white liquid.

In addition, a big hole was corroded in the floor of the helicopter, and the liquid fell down.

This member of the reincarnation team also controlled the helicopter and went into the darkness.

Soon, they arrived at a place.

Pete, who turned into 056, was waiting for the return of the reincarnation team here.

At this time, the reincarnation team controlled Pete's helicopter to come over.

056 was also very excited. He opened the door of the helicopter and went up directly.

The members of the Samsara team handed Pete's communicator and some other things to 056.

056 also disguised himself as Pete.

Then, the members of the Samsara team controlled the helicopter and returned to the Time Train again.

Next to the Time Train, the densely packed helicopters of the Chaos Insurgency were still resisting other members of the Samsara team.

After 056 arrived here, he also took a deep breath and imitated Pete's order.

"Everyone, I am the Supreme Commander Pete, I now order you to retreat!"

After 056 disguised as Pete gave the order, all the Chaos Insurgency were full of confusion.

Although they are now under attack by the Samsara team.

However, they still have control over the Time Train.

"Commander, why did you suddenly order a retreat?"

"Yes, commander, we haven't failed yet, how can we give up the Time Train."

"Commander, did you give the wrong order! "

Almost immediately, all the Chaos Insurgency protested strongly.

They had worked so hard to get the time train, and now they were ordered to retreat.

They were all unwilling.

"I said, retreat, those who disobey the order will be killed without mercy!"

056, disguised as Pete, said coldly.

Suddenly, all the Chaos Insurgency dared not resist.

Although they were very unwilling in their hearts, they still obeyed the order of "Pete" and began to retreat.

The densely packed Chaos Insurgency helicopters left the time train directly.

Li Si, who was next to him, saw the Chaos Insurgency retreat suddenly, and he was also full of confusion.

Then, he contacted Pete through the communicator.

"Pete, what are you doing? Why retreat?"

"Didn't you see that the Samsara team has appeared? We can't stop them. We can only avoid the sharp edge temporarily. You, the Sarkic Sect, can only wish for your own good fortune. We will go first! "

Pete said calmly.

"You can't do this!"

Li Si shouted.

But Pete had already hung up the communicator.

Li Si angrily punched the table next to him. He never expected that at this critical moment, the Chaos Insurgency would abandon them and leave alone.

Once the Chaos Insurgency left, their Sarkic Cult could no longer withstand the attack of the Samsara Squad.

In addition to the Foundation agents next to them and the GOC supernatural members, they had to retreat.

If they continued to guard the time train, they would be wiped out.

"Retreat! "

Therefore, Li Si had to order a retreat.

Immediately, the helicopter of the Sarkic Cult also left here.

The Samsara Squad took over the control of the Time Train.

Foundation agents and GOC supernatural members also came to the Time Train.

Two powerful organizations, working together to control the Time Train.

In the darkness, other organizations were also shocked.

I didn't expect the reversal to come so quickly.

The last second, the Chaos Insurgency and the Sarkic Cult were still controlling the Time Train.

The next second, it was taken away by the Foundation and GOC.

"All Chaos Insurgency listen to the order, the Supreme Commander Pete has been killed, go back to fight! ”

Not long after the Chaos Insurgency left, an order from the Chaos Insurgency high-level officials sounded in the communicators of all Chaos Insurgency members.

PS: Thank you for your gifts, it's great. Let's keep up the good work today and let the gifts exceed 600. I believe in you!

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