Suddenly, the Chaos Insurgency and the Broken God members behind them turned around and locked onto No. 1, attacking him frantically. "Cain, you can't run away this time!" No. 1 shouted. The voice pierced the sky and reached Cain's ears. Cain's face also changed. Before, he had a chance to escape because Mo Yu devoured No. 1 and other members of the Samsara team. At this moment, no one around could stop No. 1. Even if the Chaos Insurgency and the Broken God attacked together, they couldn't stop No. 1. No. 1 was too fast and rushed directly into the crowd. Suddenly, there was a mess, and many people were killed by No. 1. The members of the Samsara team are worthy of being the strongest team of the Foundation. Even in the core of the enemy, they can kill the enemy and no one can stop them. Thomas saw that No. 1's target was Cain, and his face sank. "Cain, hurry up, let's stop him!"

Thomas shouted.

With No. 1's current state, they might not be able to stop him.

After Thomas finished speaking, he rushed to No. 1 as soon as possible.

Although he was not No. 1's opponent, he had to buy some time for Cain.

Cain looked at No. 1 unwillingly.

If No. 1 hadn't come, then they would have been able to break through the defense line of the Foundation soon.

At that time, they could go straight to the time train.

Now, he couldn't stay here if No. 1 came.

The people around him couldn't stop No. 1 at all, and No. 1 could come directly to him.

Cain took a deep look at No. 1.

Then, he turned around quickly and left here under the escort of a group of Chaos Insurgency.

And Thomas took the Broken God Church members and a group of Chaos Insurgency to frantically stop No. 1.

"Cain left, you find a way to catch him!"

No. 1 said to other members of the Samsara team through the communicator while charging.

They had already made a plan, and he would come to force Cain away.

The others were waiting for Cain in the dark.

No matter which direction Cain ran from, there would be a member of the Samsara team waiting for him.

Tonight, they must control Cain.

"Got it!"

The other three members of the Samsara team also answered at the same time.

Cain and a group of Chaos Insurgency members were hiding from No. 1 in the dark.

But they didn't know that the other three members of the Samsara team had already set their sights on him.

At this moment, the four members of the Samsara team didn't care about other places.

They only cared about Cain!

Because the news had come from the 05 Council.

They learned the true identity of Cain, and Cain was the real mastermind behind the Broken God Cult.

He is the Son of God.

The Broken God Cult has been secretly working for Cain for so many years.

They searched for the body fragments of the Broken God according to Cain's will.

And Cain's purpose was to release the Broken God and let him come.

So, at this moment, this battle for the time train.

Cain is the mastermind.

If Cain is taken down directly, at least most of the problems on the Broken God side can be solved.

Moreover, the Chaos Insurgency also obeys Cain's command.

Then, kill Cain.

Both the Broken God and the Chaos Insurgency may retreat.

"Decapitation operation!"

This is Thomas' latest strategy.

They are going to carry out a decapitation operation at this moment!

Take down all the commanders of all the organizations here.

In this way, these organizations without a leader will become a mess.

They can easily defeat them one by one.

At that time, this battle can be ended.

And Cain involves two organizations.

The commander of the Chaos Insurgency here has been killed by them.

Cain now takes over the Chaos Insurgency.

The commander of the Broken God is Thomas.

However, No. 1 came to the front line.

Seeing Cain commanding both the Chaos Insurgency and the Broken God Cult at the same time.

Then I understood that even Thomas was under Cain's orders.

So, they had to take him down.

At this moment, No. 1 was running rampant between the Chaos Insurgency and the Broken God Cult members!

His goal was to force Cain away!

However, his real goal was to kill Thomas.

He forced Cain away, and the other three members of the Samsara Squad dealt with Cain.

And he stayed here to deal with Thomas!

As long as Thomas was killed, then the Broken God Cult and the Chaos Insurgency would be leaderless.

Everything was in their plan.

In other battlefields, the Foundation and GOC members also launched a decapitation operation!

They wanted to kill all the high-level commanders of various organizations here.Let all organizations fall into a state of leaderlessness.

Number 1 looked at Thomas coldly.

Thomas suddenly felt a chill on his back.

Looking at the eyes of Number 1 staring at him, he felt something was wrong.

He calculated at high speed in his mind.

"Could it be that his target is me!"

Thomas suddenly thought of such a terrible result.

Looking at Number 1 again, he did not chase Cain at all, but changed direction and rushed towards him directly.

At this moment, he realized that Number 1's target was not Cain, but him.

He found that he seemed unable to run away.

Just now, because he was too anxious to help Cain resist Number 1.

The distance between him and Number 1 was too close at this time.

Even if he turned around and ran away now, he couldn't run away.

He might even be hit directly in the back by Number 1.

So, he also took a deep breath and ordered the surrounding members of the Broken God Church to come and fight side by side with him.

Since there is no escape.

Then, let's fight desperately!

No. 1's goal was clear, to kill Thomas!

Therefore, he didn't even look at the Broken God members and Chaos Insurgency that attacked him on the battlefield, and he dodged whenever he could.

He approached Thomas at the fastest speed.

Thomas's arms and hands were constantly switching forms, and he turned directly into a small missile.


Two small missiles were fired directly at No. 1.

However, No. 1 directly grabbed the two Broken God members next to him and threw them at the two missiles.

The two missiles hit the two Broken God members on the way.

There was a bang and it exploded.

Thomas's face was extremely ugly.

No. 1 was so cunning that he couldn't do anything about it.

His hands kept firing missiles.

Unfortunately, they were all blocked by No. 1 using the people around him.

No. 1 was intact.

Moreover, the distance to him was getting closer and closer.

Thomas also switched the form of his hands.

The left hand became a shield, and the right hand became a long sword.

This shield and this sword were made of the strongest alloy on Panlong Star.

However, Thomas still had no idea.

No. 1 was too intimidating to him.

No. 1 quickly knocked away the people around him and came directly in front of Thomas.

The two were three meters apart, looking at each other face to face.

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