At this moment, the area of ​​his dimensional space has exceeded 100 miles.

It is already a giant space, and the devouring power of the dimensional space is also very strong.

However, if you want to create a new small world.

A space of 100 miles is simply too small.

He needs to devour more space cracks.

The demon projection under his feet was soon devoured by him.

He also continued to devour the space cracks.

A few minutes later, the space cracks were completely devoured by him.

In the air, his figure appeared.

The space cracks were completely gone, and his body was also free falling. He saw the agent below.

Coordinates also appeared in his mind, and he randomly selected a coordinate.

The next second, he appeared next to an agent. He looked around, as if he had experienced a war.

However, he did not find the demon projection.

Wang Ming walked over, and Mo Yu also looked at Wang Ming.

The two were "old acquaintances".

"Where is the demon projection?" Mo Yu asked.

After he devoured the space crack, he came out immediately to find the demon projection and devour him to prevent him from harming everything around him.

"We have solved it!" Wang Ming said in a deep voice.

"That's good!" Mo Yu nodded with a smile.

Since the demon projection has been solved, he can continue to devour the next space crack.

Mo Yu nodded to Wang Ming, and then took a helicopter to leave here.

He needs to devour more space cracks as soon as possible.

Wang Ming looked at the helicopter where Mo Yu left, and his eyes were also very complicated.

Mo Yu almost grew up step by step as he watched.

At the beginning, the young man he was chasing.

Now, he has grown to a point that he looks up to.

At this moment, he is nothing in Mo Yu's eyes.

The gap between him and Mo Yu is really too big, the two are not on the same level at all.

Even just now, Mo Yu had no hostility towards him, as if he didn't care about him at all.

This made him feel very hurt, but he could do nothing about it, this was reality.

After Mo Yu left, Wang Ming and others also left here.

The space crack here was solved, and they needed to support other places.

Mo Yu took a helicopter alone and headed for another space crack.

And that space crack happened to be near that university.

Mo Yu was also very excited.

He originally wanted to find 087 after the matter in the deep pit was over.

Now, there is a space crack on the campus near 087, so he went there.

See if he can explore 087 after swallowing the space crack and see if he can swallow the anomaly inside.

"Mo Yu, why don't you reply to my message!"

After Mo Yu turned on the communicator, a lot of messages came.

Most of them were from Passerby A.

Passerby A couldn't contact Mo Yu after he entered the space crack.

Passerby A didn't know what Mo Yu was doing, so he frantically sent messages to Mo Yu, worried that Mo Yu would get rid of him.

After Mo Yu recovered, he also contacted Passerby A.

Passerby A was very happy after receiving Mo Yu's message.

Mo Yu also asked Passerby A about his current situation.

Suddenly, Passerby A complained to him that the homeless old man was still chasing him.

At this moment, they were already over the sea.

Passerby A was going to take the homeless old man to the seaside, so that the homeless old man could not go into the sea, and he could get away from the homeless old man through the sea.

Unfortunately, the homeless old man entered the sea without hesitation.

Moreover, after going into the sea, he still chased him down at a constant speed.

The sea could not stop the homeless old man's footsteps.

Passerby A saw the homeless old man chasing him down on the sea as if walking on flat ground, and his heart collapsed.

Even the sea could not stop the homeless old man's footsteps, and the homeless old man was going to chase him to the ends of the earth.

Moreover, when the wandering old man walked on the sea.

The sea also underwent terrible changes.

Typhoons, tsunamis, huge waves, and large numbers of creatures in the sea died.

All this is because of me, the wandering old man.

The wandering old man brought bad luck and disaster to everything around him.

However, the wandering old man has long been numb.

He is used to life and death.

His heart has changed from kindness at the beginning to coldness and numbness now.

He has only one goal, which is to find the third god of death.

He wants to catch him with the bag of extinction and force the third god of death to lift the curse for him.

Let him be likeNormal people die like normal people.

At this moment, he turned a blind eye to the disasters around him.

He just stared at the helicopter in front of him.

Passerby A was going crazy at this time. He couldn't get rid of the homeless old man.

No matter where he went, the homeless old man was chasing him.

He also kept asking Mo Yu for help, hoping that Mo Yu would help him.

Mo Yu was also helpless. He could only let Passerby A continue running. Anyway, the homeless old man couldn't catch up with him for a while.

"Mo Yu, where are you? I'll come to find you!"

Passerby A suddenly said to Mo Yu.

Mo Yu frowned. He was going to devour the space crack now. If Passerby A came, the homeless old man would follow.

The homeless old man might bring him bad luck and disaster.

"Mo Yu, please, help me, I don't want to be chased by him anymore." Passerby A begged, almost screaming in grief.

"Take him around for a while. I'm going to deal with something first. Come back after I'm done!" Mo Yu said in a deep voice.

Now, he had to devour the space crack, and he also had to deal with 087's matter. He couldn't let Passerby A bring the homeless old man here.

What if something went wrong?

Passerby A begged Mo Yu, but Mo Yu asked him to continue circling and let him come after another hour.

Passerby A finally compromised, so he continued to circle the homeless man in the deep sea.

Mo Yu went to the coordinates in his mind, and soon came to the side of the space crack.

At the same time, his eyes looked at a university next to him.

This university was where SCP-087 was.

However, he had to devour the space crack next to him before he could find SCP-087.

After he came to the side of the space crack, he saw the agent.

At this moment, all the people around the space crack had been evacuated.

There were only a few Foundation agents here, and when they saw Mo Yu coming, they took the initiative to welcome him.

They had already received the news that Mo Yu was coming, and everyone had seen Mo Yu's image, so they recognized him when they saw him.

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