"The Abyss Air forms demon projections!"

Thomas was stunned, because according to the data they have detected so far, the Abyss Air has appeared in space cracks all over the world.

According to what Mo Yu said, then, demon projections may have been born in these space cracks.

Perhaps, these demon projections are preparing to find an opportunity to descend.

Thomas can no longer imagine that there may be dense demon projections coming out of the space cracks soon.

By then, it will really be the end of the world.

Moreover, this is just the vanguard of the demons.

Thomas also realized the seriousness of the matter, and he reported it to the 05 Council as soon as possible.

After the senior officials of the 05 Council learned of this news, they were all shocked.

At the same time, this news was also passed to GOC.

The GOC Supreme Command was also stunned.

"Next, the demon projection is our primary task. All troops must go to the nearest space crack and prepare to fight the demon projection."

The Foundation and GOC senior officials have reached a consensus.

The demon projection will soon come, this is their first battle with the demon.

They must hold off this wave of attacks.

If they can't hold off this wave of demon projection attacks, then they're doomed.

"We are developing weapons against demon projections. I believe they will be developed soon. When the time comes, we will mass produce them and will definitely be able to block the attacks of demon projections!"

The top executives of the Foundation also said in a deep voice.

Guidie has already counted the data of demon projections and is currently developing weapons against demon projections in the laboratory.

As long as Guidie develops the weapons, they can put them into use.

At this moment, they still have time.

The Foundation and GOC also sent the most powerful researchers to cooperate with Guidie. They must develop the weapons as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if the demon projections come, they don't have so many fission bombs and other weapons to resist the demon projections.

After all, ordinary weapons are ineffective against demon projections.

The top researchers of the Foundation and GOC all came to Guidie's laboratory.

At the same time, the Foundation and GOC also summoned powerful researchers from other organizations and asked them to come and help.

Suddenly, the top researchers from all over the world gathered in Guidie's laboratory to help Guidie research weapons to deal with demon projections.

These researchers are all people with high attainments in weapons and have already stood at the top of the world.

With their assistance to Guidie, the speed of manufacturing weapons against demon projections will be faster.

Moreover, with these people learning and watching by the side, they can also guide mass production in the future.

At the same time, agents and organization personnel from all over the world came to the nearest space crack.

Prepare to fight the demon projection here.

After Mo Yu swallowed the space crack, he also looked at the university campus next to him.

A staircase in this university campus is SCP-087.

He has been eyeing SCP-087 for a long time, because it is rumored that a young god is imprisoned in this staircase.

Therefore, he also quickly went to this university campus.

He took a helicopter and flew directly over this university campus.

At this moment, there was no one in this university campus.

He was also looking for the location of SCP-087, and soon saw it.

Below the campus, a building that looked ordinary.

However, Mo Yu saw a hard-to-distinguish reinforced iron door, which had been disguised to look like it was integrated with the building.

If you just pass by, you can't see that there is such an entrance to the building.

Mo Yu also landed the helicopter on the ground, and then walked in front of the iron door.

Looking at the entrance that was almost exactly the same as the surrounding walls, Mo Yu also admired the skills of the master of disguise.

This iron door is now blocked and can only be opened with a special key.

Moreover, it has to be rotated counterclockwise.

However, Mo Yu did not have a key.

However, he has the ability to pass through walls.

Behind the iron door, there is a 6-centimeter-thick industrial foam filling.

However, this did not bother him, his body instantly passed through the iron door and went directly inside.

SCP-087 is a completely dark platform staircase.

After Mo Yu entered SCP-087, the surroundings were completely dark.

He could only see 1.5 steps in front and behind, and could not see anything further.

There were no wall lamps or windows around.

Any moreThe remaining light sources were absorbed by the darkness.

Mo Yu looked down eagerly, and there were 13 stairs in total at a 38-degree angle.

Between the floors, there was a 180-degree semicircular platform with a diameter of about 3 meters.

Mo Yu walked to one of the platforms and looked down. SCP-087 was bottomless.

Mo Yu turned on an instrument on his body, illuminated the stairs in front, and then walked down the stairs.

In SCP-087, the light source cannot exceed 75 watts.

Light sources exceeding 75 watts will be absorbed by SCP-087.

The lighting instrument in Mo Yu's hand was only 75 watts.

It was just enough for him to explore down.

Mo Yu explored downwards vigilantly, and walked more than 100 meters in one breath, but did not reach the bottom.

In the meantime, he heard some vague sounds in his ears.

When he reached 200 meters, he heard a vague sound, like a child, or a girl asking for help.

From the sound, it seems that a child or a girl is trapped somewhere.

He was calling for help, and his brows were furrowed.

It is said that a young god is imprisoned in SCP-087, and this cry for help should be from that young god.

He may be trapped in here and unable to get out.

People from the Foundation have also come here to explore.

They tried to find the source of the cry for help, but unfortunately, everyone failed and no one succeeded.

In the end, there was no other way, so SCP-087 was sealed.

At this moment, Mo Yu heard the cry for help, and he continued to walk down.

He wanted to try to find the place where the cry for help came from.

However, when he continued to go down 500 meters, he still heard the cry for help in his ears.

The distance between him and the cry for help has never been close.

Moreover, SCP-087 is endless, and he feels that he will never find the end if he keeps exploring.

"What's going on?"

Mo Yu also asked the system in his heart.

SCP-087 is endless, how is this possible? There must be something weird going on.

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