"Don't worry, I'll take you away from here!" Mo Yu said calmly.

Then, he walked to an agent.

He grabbed the agent's hand and signaled him not to be nervous.

This agent also calmed down, and the other agents looked at Mo Yu curiously.

The next second, Mo Yu and the agent disappeared from the spot.

The other agents were all shocked.

And beside Ziyun, Mo Yu appeared here with the agent.

The agent brought by Mo Yu was confused, seeing that he suddenly appeared in a place, and there were more than a dozen agents around him, he also looked at Mo Yu in shock.

However, Mo Yu's figure disappeared from the spot in an instant.

Mo Yu used 096's teleportation ability to bring the seven or eight surviving agents to Ziyun one by one.

Soon, the number of agents around Ziyun exceeded 20.

All the agents gathered together and were very excited.

Mo Yu was searching for surviving agents on Midway Island.

As long as he found an agent, he would use 096's teleportation ability to bring them all to Ziyun.

Soon, the number of agents around Ziyun exceeded 50.

However, Mo Yu never found any surviving agents on Midway Island.

He felt that the other agents should have all died.

He also ended the search and returned to Ziyun.

Looking at the more than 50 agents around Ziyun, he also explained to them and asked them to assist Ziyun in the battle.

When Ziyun sealed the demon projection, they needed to attack the sealed demon projections next to them and kill them.

"We are not equipped enough!" an agent said in a deep voice.

Midway Island was destroyed by the demon projection. Although they were gathered together by Mo Yu, their weapons and equipment were seriously insufficient.

Many people were even empty-handed, and most of them only had a small pistol or rifle in their hands.

These weapons have no killing power for the demon projection.

"I'll bring you weapons!" Mo Yu said, and then disappeared.

When he was searching for the agents just now, he saw some large weapons on the road.

Now, he wants to take these large weapons back.

He came to a cannon, and then, holding the cannon, he disappeared instantly.

When he reappeared, he was next to the agent.

The agents were stunned to see Mo Yu bring a cannon so quickly.

Mo Yu was extremely strong, and it was very easy for him to hold this cannon.

Next, Mo Yu searched for that kind of heavy weapons everywhere.

Bring them all to the agents.

"Is that enough?" Finally, Mo Yu looked at the 50 agents around him and asked.

"Enough!" The agents nodded excitedly.

With these heavy weapons, they have confidence.

"Then, let's go fight the demon projection!" Mo Yu said solemnly.

Everything is ready, so we can start fighting now.

All the agents nodded heavily, and then they came outside with these heavy weapons.

Ziyun stood in front, and soon, a demon projection noticed them.

Dozens of demon projections came over here.

All the agents looked at the demon projections nervously. Ziyun came to the front, a hundred meters away from the agents.

Then, she waited solemnly for the demon projections to come over.

When the nearest demon projection came over, the sealing power in Ziyun's body burst out instantly, directly sealing the demon projection.

Then, 50 agents attacked the sealed demon projection frantically.

This demon projection was like a broken sculpture and was soon destroyed.


"It really can kill the demon projection!"

Originally, these more than 50 agents just had a try attitude.

They also didn't believe that they could kill the demon projection with more than 50 people.

Now, seeing a demon projection being destroyed by them.

Everyone's confidence soared.

The distances between the demon projections and them varied. Those new demon projections were sealed by Ziyun and then killed by the agents.

After watching for a while, Mo Yu found that the situation here was temporarily stable.

He found a helicopter.

Then, he controlled the helicopter to go towards the 50 space cracks in the sky.

Now, he needed to devour these space cracks.

He came to the most remote space crack.

At this moment, thisThere were still demon projections in the space crack.

Mo Yu parked the helicopter aside, and then jumped out of the helicopter.

He jumped towards the space crack and was instantly entered by the space crack.

As soon as he entered the space crack, he felt that he was locked by dozens of terrible auras.

Dozens of demon projections that had already taken shape were about to leave the space crack, but Mo Yu broke in unexpectedly.

The moment they saw Mo Yu, these dozens of demon projections rushed to him at the first time.

Mo Yu calmly released the dimensional space, and the terrible devouring power descended. These dozens of demon projections seemed to be trapped in the swamp, and they could not break free at all.

Then, the dimensional space dragged the demon projections in one by one, and decomposed them into part of the dimensional space.

After dealing with these demon projections, Mo Yu devoured this space crack frantically.

Five minutes later, this space crack was completely devoured by him.

His figure appeared in the sky, and then entered the helicopter next to him.

He looked down, Ziyun and 50 agents worked together to destroy demon projections one by one.

However, they also attracted the attention of the demon projections.

At this moment, they retreated to a valley.

The valley was surrounded by mountains, which could block the demon projections from coming in.

They resisted the approaching demon projections one by one at the entrance of the valley.

Mo Yu saw that the situation below was temporarily stable, so he continued to control the helicopter to a space crack next to it.

Then, he entered the space crack and continued to devour.


Suddenly, the entire Midway Island shook violently, as if there was an earthquake.

All the demon projections on Midway Island were staggering and almost fell to the ground.

Ziyun and more than 50 agents were also unstable and almost fell to the ground.

"It's him!"

"He's awake again!"

When more than 50 agents felt the earthquake around them, their eyes lit up.

This situation often happens in Midway Island, because the anomaly they have received is awakening.

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