Mo Yu felt that some GOC supernatural members around him showed murderous intentions towards him, and his brows were also frowned.

Could it be that Jun Tiance asked for the spear from him and did not deal with the aftermath?

Or, Jun Tiance directly killed a seven-spear warrior and snatched the spear.

Therefore, these GOC supernatural members showed murderous intentions towards him.

In the crowd, some GOC supernatural members also uploaded the news that Mo Yu had a spear to the GOC Supreme Command.

They were requesting an order from the GOC Supreme Command. If Mo Yu really killed the seven-spear warrior and snatched the spear.

Then, they would request to fight and attack Mo Yu here.

However, they received an order from the GOC Supreme Command.

"We gave him the spear, and no member is allowed to attack him!"

The order from the GOC Supreme Command also made these GOC members tremble in their hearts.

Moreover, all GOC supernatural members around the world received this message.

They all knew that the GOC Supreme Command had awarded Mo Yu a spear.

"New Seven Spears!"

Some GOC supernatural members looked at Mo Yu and said blankly.

They thought that Mo Yu was now a new Seven Spears.

The Seven Spears were not immortal. After all, they were human beings.

Although they were the most powerful among human warriors.

However, they would die for some reasons.

Die of illness or death in an accident, so the death of the Seven Spears was normal.

When GOC created the Seven Spears, it naturally had a backup plan.

The Seven Spears only refers to a team, and the human warriors in the Seven Spears team can be replaced.

When the original human warriors of the Seven Spears died, there would be a substitute to fill the position.

For example, the current 7 human warriors all died.

Then there would be 7 new human warriors to replace them and become the new Seven Spears.

Since GOC created the Seven Spears, it naturally took into account the factor that human bodies would die.

Therefore, they had prepared a lot of substitutes.

When the human warriors of the Seven Spears died, there would be a steady stream of substitutes to fill the positions.

Now, these GOC supernatural members think that Mo Yu is a substitute, and now he has become the new Seven Spears.

Even, many people look at Mo Yu with envy.

Any GOC supernatural member hopes that he can become a Seven Spears Warrior one day.

Although most people do not meet this requirement and cannot pass the first level assessment.

However, this is also their dream.

The Seven Spears Warrior is almost the most powerful human warrior.

After the order issued by the GOC Supreme Command, the GOC supernatural members around no longer looked at Mo Yu with murderous intent.

Instead, they looked at him with envy.

Mo Yu also frowned, not understanding why the attitude of these GOC supernatural members towards him suddenly changed.

However, he was too lazy to think about it, and he needed to devour more space cracks now.

Therefore, he held Ziyun and moved instantly, leaving here and coming to a new space crack.

At the same time, the video of Mo Yu killing the demon projection with a spear next to the space crack was also transmitted to the GOC Supreme Command by some GOC supernatural members in the form of a video.

At the GOC Supreme Command, all the senior officials gathered together.

Everyone was watching the video on the screen in front.

Everyone was silent as they watched Mo Yu holding the spear and quickly killing the demon projections one by one.

After a long time, after watching all the video images, Long Lao also looked back at the GOC senior officials behind him and said in a deep voice.

"What do you think after watching it?"

"He is the most powerful Seven Spear Warrior I have ever seen!"

"He is more powerful than any Seven Spear Warrior we have ever had, even more than 10 times more powerful..."

"He is the person who is most perfectly matched with the spear so far!"

"He is a natural Seven Spear Warrior, and no one is more suitable for using the spear than him!"

All the JOC senior officials praised Mo Yu.

Before, many people were very dissatisfied with Mo Yu.

When Jun Tiance proposed to give Mo Yu a spear, they were all opposed.

Now, after seeing Mo Yu kill the demon projection with a spear, their attitude towards Mo Yu changed 180 degrees.

"Very good, you finally realized this. If he has a spear, maybe it can protect"It is still Long who has foresight. We are short-sighted..." At this moment, the GOC Supreme Command is convinced by Long, and no one dares to question Long's decision. At the same time, they are full of expectations for Mo Yu. "Among humans, no one can resist him, and even few abnormalities can do anything to him." Long said in a deep voice. "We must prepare for the worst. If the devil really comes, we need some super strong abnormalities to fight for us, and Mo Yu is the best candidate. Now that he has a spear, he is like a tiger with wings, and he will be able to contribute more to us in the future." "Long is wise! ”

Everyone at the GOC Supreme Command was convinced.

The Foundation 05 Council, Jun Tiance and others had just watched the scene of Mo Yu killing the demon projection with a spear.

Seeing the demon projection being killed by Mo Yu like cutting melons and vegetables, all the high-level members of the 05 Council were shocked.

"He is almost super god!"

This is what everyone thinks in their hearts. The ability shown by Mo Yu is no longer in the category of human beings.

"He grows too fast. It took less than a year from being weak at the beginning to being strong now. I believe he will become stronger and stronger in the future. I hope that when the demon comes, he can turn the tide. "Jun Tiance has high expectations for Mo Yu.

The more he knows about Mo Yu, the more he understands why God wants him to win over Mo Yu.

At the same time, Mo Yu had just swallowed a space crack.

His communicator rang, and Jun Tiance's voice came out.

"Mo Yu, please support the Tianlao base!"

"Tianlao base! "

Mo Yu frowned.

Then, Jun Tiance passed the coordinates of the Tianlao base to Mo Yu.

Mo Yu also had a new coordinate in his mind.

With a thought, he disappeared instantly holding Ziyun.

When he reappeared, he was already in a strange place.

Here, a terrible battle took place!

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