Moreover, dense demon projections surrounded them.

They also had to leave their original place. If they stayed here, they would be killed by the demon projections.

Under the protection of the task force soldiers, they left their original place and failed to perform against 2845.

In the end, only three groups were still performing.

However, their situation was still threatening, and the demon projections had surrounded them.


In the end, the last three groups of containment experts still failed.

There were too many demon projections. Without solving the demon projections, they could not contain 2845 at all.

At this moment, 2845 fell into madness, and he frantically destroyed large areas of demon projections around him.

The containment experts also kept changing directions, trying to attract 2845's attention in different locations.


Suddenly, the land in front of them disappeared in an instant, turning into a bottomless pit.

Thousands of demon projections above the land disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The containment experts next to them all took a breath of cold air.

"2845 is getting out of control..."

2845 destroyed thousands of demon projections in a single thought.

Moreover, he made a deep pit in the earth, which was terrible.

If he continued to develop, he would even destroy the entire Tianlao base in a single thought.

"Keep performing!"

Finally, all the containment experts quickly dispersed and performed the ritual from different directions to attract the attention of 2845.

Even the backup experts took the stage.

A total of 72 containment experts were divided into twelve groups.

Each group was accompanied by four task force soldiers to protect them.

They ventured close to 2845, and even got very close to the demon projection.

However, they wanted to attract the attention of 2845 and could not let 2845 continue to go crazy.

If 2845 got angry and directly destroyed the Tianlao base, then all the demon projections and people would be wiped out.

12 groups of containment experts performed hard in 12 locations, and 2845 was destroying the demon projections around him.

With a thought, hundreds of demon projections were wiped out.

At this moment, there were only 3,000 demon projections around 2845.

Moreover, the land around him suddenly disappeared piece by piece.

2845 went crazy and became more and more powerful.

Finally, with a thought, he made all the demon projections disappear.

The four surroundings were quiet in an instant, and the 12 groups of containment experts also stared at 2845 in amazement.

"Keep going, don't stop!"

Then, all the containment experts performed hard.

At this moment, without the demon projections, they could also perform for 2845.

2845, who was going crazy, saw one of the containment experts performing a ritual, and his violent eyes instantly calmed down.

Then, his figure instantly disappeared from the spot.

When he reappeared, he came to the group of containment experts and looked at them calmly.

The six containment experts were a little nervous because they had never really faced 2845 before.

Although they were very familiar with this performance and had even rehearsed it hundreds of times in private.

However, they were still a little nervous when they really faced 2845.

Especially when they thought of how 2845 had just destroyed hundreds of demon projections and destroyed the surrounding land in a single thought, they were all a little scared.

However, now they had no way out. If their performance ritual went wrong.

If they were discovered by 2845, they would be killed instantly.

Therefore, the six containment experts mustered up their courage and began to perform according to the ritual they had rehearsed before.

Now, they had to be thankful that they had rehearsed hundreds of times before. Although they were afraid in their hearts, their bodies still performed along with their instinctive memories.

They insulted each other, and 2845 looked at them quietly, and gradually attracted their attention.

At the same time, the containment experts from other groups breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that 2845 was finally no longer violent and was quietly watching the performance.

2845's attention was attracted, so now they only needed to follow the performance ceremony to basically contain 2845.

Therefore, all the containment experts came nearby, ready to replace the group of containment experts above at any time.

The 50 task force soldiers also breathed a sigh of relief. They stood aside to guard and did not dare to approach.

Only the containment experts could approach 2845.

At the same time, inside the space crack,Mo Yu swallowed up a space crack again.

When he appeared outside, he entered the helicopter next to him.

He looked down and saw that the containment experts were containing 2845.

2845 stood quietly on the side, and he was relieved.

It seems that the containment experts have taken effect on 2845.

However, Mo Yu was shocked to see that there were deep pits everywhere around him, and no demon projections could be seen.

The only thing he could think of was that all the demon projections had been killed by 2845.

Although he did not see the scene of 2845 killing the demon projections, it would take him a long time to kill the tens of thousands of demon projections.

In just less than a minute, they were all killed by 2845.

2845 is as terrifying as it is said to be.

"Ziyun, be careful!"

Mo Yu said to Ziyun in the helicopter.

Ziyun had been waiting for him in the helicopter and did not go out to fight.

In the situation just now, even if Ziyun went down, she couldn't help.

After all, there were tens of thousands of demon projections, and it would be dangerous for Ziyun to go.

Her sealing power could not seal so many demon projections, and the most important thing was 2845.

2845 could kill everyone with just one thought.

So, Mo Yu asked Ziyun to stay and wait for him in the helicopter.

"That god is so powerful!"

Ziyun stared at 2845 intently, and she could feel how powerful 2845 was.

Only a god stronger than her could be so terrifying.

And Ziyun couldn't see through 2845's realm.

Originally, she thought that the gods in this world were basically dead.

Unexpectedly, Ziyun was very shocked to suddenly see a supreme god like 2845.

Even in her era, 2845 was the most powerful supreme god.

However, she found 2845 a little stupid. He was so powerful, but he was confused by a few human containment experts.

Now, 2845 looked so quiet that it was hard to imagine that he had just destroyed thousands of demon projections with a single thought.

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