After dealing with these demons, Mo Yu also found Ziyun and took her to the new space crack.

At this moment, the human world was in complete chaos.

Dense demons appeared from the space cracks, and many agents around the space cracks could not stop them.

Especially when dozens of space cracks appeared at the same time, the agents around them were simply too busy.

Although there were demon pistols that could kill ordinary demons.

However, facing those 100-meter demons and 1,000-meter demons, the agents had no way to beat them at all.

Facing the terrible attacks of 100-meter demons and 1,000-meter demons, humans could not stop them at all.

One by one, the defense lines were broken by the demons, and the demons occupied the human defense lines one by one. Using these defense lines as bases, they launched invasions in all directions.

Fortunately, the humans around the space cracks have been evacuated.

In a short period of time, the demons could not find these hiding humans.

However, the number of demons spreading around the world is increasing, and many demons are approaching the human world.

The humans who were hiding felt the breath of the devil, and even ordinary people felt uneasy.

Although the SCP Foundation and GOC have tried their best to stop the devil from invading the human world.

However, they have tried very hard, but they still can't stop it.

The devil's invasion of the human world has become an inevitable event. The only thing they can do is to kill the devil as much as possible to minimize the loss of mankind.


When the devil completely appeared in the human world, ordinary people also knew about their existence.

The Foundation and GOC also had to tell the human high-level the true heart of the devil, so that all humans knew about the existence of the devil.

The devil has threatened the survival of mankind, and even ordinary people soon knew about their existence.

After all, the whole world is connected to the Internet. When the devil appeared, someone took pictures of the devil with a mobile phone, and all the photos and videos were uploaded to the Internet.

Although the big data background constantly deletes these photos and videos about the devil.

However, more and more people saw the devil, which was simply out of control.

Later, the Internet exposed the devil's affairs.

The Foundation and GOC no longer concealed the matter and made the matter of the devil public through the Internet.

Everyone understood the matter of the devil and realized the seriousness of the devil's destruction of the world.

The devil came to destroy the world and slaughter humans.

If humans cannot unite and resist the invasion of the devil, then humans will be completely destroyed.

Human civilization will disappear completely, and human races will be completely annihilated.

All humans knew this news, and everyone was afraid in their hearts. The devil was too terrifying.

The Foundation and GOC called on humans all over the world to arm themselves. The devil is not the business of a certain organization or individual.

The devil is the business of everyone in the world.

The Foundation and GOC really couldn't stop it. They didn't want ordinary people to know these things.

They wanted to stop the devil with their own strength, or directly destroy the devil.

However, all this was too difficult.

They have tried their best and used various methods.

They are even willing to cooperate with former hostile organizations to resist the devil together.

Even if all prejudices are put aside, the enemy becomes a comrade-in-arms fighting side by side.

Even so, the demons cannot be stopped.

Humans are a race that reproduces very rapidly. If the human population is not controlled.

Then, the number of humans will increase exponentially.

The number of humans is very terrifying.

However, now that the demons have appeared, humans have an illusion.

The number of demons seems to be more, even more than humans.

Moreover, the speed at which demons are born is much faster than that of humans.

Humans need ten months of pregnancy to give birth to a child.

However, the birth of demons does not require ten months of pregnancy at all.

There are special fertility demons among the demons, and their mission is to give birth to little demons.

One by one, the fertility demons, which are hundreds of meters tall, give birth to demons in the abyss.

They give birth to densely packed demon eggs, and then demons crawl out of these demon eggs.

These newly appeared demons are very weak, but they can strengthen themselves by devouring humans.

When a demon is born, it is about two meters tall on average.

However, by devouring humans and other life forms, their size will continue to grow.

The demon's height will continue to increase, starting from two meters, and growing to a thousand meters, or even ten thousand meters...The strength of a demon can be judged by its height.

One hundred meters is a threshold, and a hundred-meter demon can project a demon projection to attack.

As for the thousand-meter demon, it is a demigod-level demon, and even among demons, it is a rare existence.

Each thousand-meter demon is a terrible demon that commands one side. They can fight alone and command the demon army to fight everywhere.

They have already stood at the top of the demons.

At this moment, thousand-meter demons have appeared all over the world.

Wherever they pass, agents and organization members can't stop them at all, and they are constantly killed by them.

Even the Seven Spear Warriors find it difficult to kill them.

Of course, the spears in the hands of the Seven Spear Warriors can also kill them once they hit the thousand-meter demons.

However, the combat effectiveness of the thousand-meter demons is very strong, and the Seven Spear Warriors are just humans. Their speed and quality in all aspects cannot catch up with the thousand-meter demons.

Therefore, it is difficult for them to hit the thousand-meter demons.

The thousand-meter demons have become the most dangerous existence on the battlefield.

They have become bad news for humans.

"We can only kill ordinary demons. We can't kill stronger demons. We must develop a new demon pistol to stop demons!" Jun Tiance roared. The demon pistol can only kill ordinary demons and demon projections. Once you encounter a 100-meter demon or a powerful demon above that, the demon pistol will be ineffective. Therefore, once a 100-meter demon or a 1,000-meter demon appears, they can't stop it. They will be destroyed by the demons. Therefore, the 05 Council is constantly urging researchers led by Guidie to develop a new demon pistol. "I need to collect data on a 1,000-meter demon..." Guidie also said solemnly to Jun Tiance. If she wants to develop a demon pistol for a 1,000-meter demon, she must get information about the 1,000-meter demon. After hearing what Guidie said, Jun Tiance fell into deep thought. Now, agents and organization members all over the world are frantically resisting demons. There is basically no extra manpower to help Guidie collect information about the 1,000-meter demon.

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