The agents who had been waiting for a long time beside him also understood what Guidie meant.

They surrounded the 100-meter demon with murderous intent, ready to execute him.

Guidie also took the collection equipment and left here with satisfaction.

The rest was left to these agents.

After waiting for Guidie to leave, the 100-meter demon in the cage also felt something.

He roared angrily and cursed humans as ants.

He never thought that as noble as he was, he would be used as a guinea pig by humans for experiments.

He felt that this was a huge humiliation for him, and he wanted to break free, but at this moment he was weak and powerless, and he had no power to resist at all.

He roared madly and struggled hard.

Unfortunately, everything was in vain.

The agents around him surrounded him and tried to kill him.

As soon as Guidie left, he heard a scream of unwillingness.

Then, no more sound came out.

She also understood that the 100-meter demon was dead.

She took a deep breath. Next, her task was still very heavy.

Although she had collected information data about the 100-meter demon, she needed to use this data to develop a second-generation demon pistol.

This was a huge challenge, and she didn't know if she could develop it.

However, she already had a plan in her mind.

She had no choice now, she could only develop according to this idea in her mind.

If a second-generation demon pistol could be developed for the 100-meter demon, then humans could find a way to kill the 100-meter demon, and humans might be able to survive this genocide war.

Therefore, Guidie felt a lot of pressure on her shoulders.

She needed to take on everything. If the research and development failed, you, humans, might not have a chance.

You can only succeed, not fail!

Guidie walked into the laboratory next to her with a firm look in her eyes. She needed to hurry up to make the second-generation demon pistol.

Moreover, after the second-generation demon pistol was made, she also needed to make the third-generation demon pistol.

However, Jun Tiance also told her clearly that even if the foundation tried its best, it might not be able to catch a thousand-meter demon.

Therefore, Guidie knew in her heart that she could only make the second-generation demon pistol as much as possible.

As for the thousand-meter demon, it was up to Jun Tiance to find a way.

Coincidentally, before the thousand-meter demon was caught, she had enough time to develop the second-generation demon pistol.

She just hoped that she could make the second-generation demon pistol as soon as possible, so that more human deaths could be reduced.

Of course, if the thousand-meter demon was caught after she made the second-generation demon pistol, it would be perfect.

Guidie was in seclusion, and she needed to develop the second-generation demon pistol.

Jun Tiance also tried to capture the thousand-meter demon.

Foundation agents contain all abnormalities, and once they find that they cannot contain them, they will take execution measures.

Now, they need to capture a thousand-meter demon, and they are not sure.

However, this is related to the life and death of mankind, so they can only capture as much as possible.

With the Samsara Squad as the capital Foundation task force soldiers, they search for thousand-meter demons all over the world.

Once a thousand-meter demon appears, they will go and capture it immediately.

The number of thousand-meter demons is very rare.

However, if the communication is developed, as long as a thousand-meter demon appears, it will be discovered by humans immediately.

The Samsara Squad and other task force soldiers also received information about the thousand-meter demon from all over the world.

If a thousand-meter demon appears, they will know it immediately.

They chose the nearest thousand-meter demon to go.

They soon approached a thousand-meter demon.

At this moment, this thousand-meter demon is next to hundreds of space cracks, and he is guarding here.

In hundreds of space cracks, demons continue to appear, and the demon army appears densely.

The members of the Samsara Squad and the task force soldiers hiding in the dark are all looking solemnly at the thousand-meter demons next to hundreds of space cracks.

Their target is the thousand-meter demon.

However, the number of demon armies appearing in the space cracks makes their scalps numb.

The dense army of demons formed square formations, arranged like the battle formations of ancient wars. At a glance, it was a huge black mass.

"How can humans defeat the demons!"

Even the Samsara team felt despair, there were too many demons.

Although the number of humans was also very large, due to racial disadvantages, most of them were unarmed and ordinary people.

They were not like demons, who were born warriors.

PeopleIf humans want to become a warrior, they need long-term training and experience blood and fire to become a strong warrior.

However, in modern society, humans are greedy for pleasure, and their physical fitness is getting worse and worse. Most people are sub-healthy.

Let alone let them fight, even a pull-up, many people can't do it.

How can humans fight demons with such poor physical fitness?

Moreover, demons are very powerful. Even demons that have just been born can easily kill humans.

The demon race is like a natural warrior. After they appear, they have strong single-soldier combat capabilities.

Moreover, the number of demons is increasing.

At a glance, all demons are combatable, and their number is not bad compared to humans.

Moreover, there are still countless demons appearing in every space crack.

Humans don't know how many demons there are. Demons are endless and constantly appear from the space cracks.

At this moment, seeing the dense demons coming out of the space cracks, the members of the reincarnation team and other task force soldiers all felt despair.

"Our mission is to catch the thousand-meter demon, don't worry about other demons!"

The members of the Samsara Squad all looked at the thousand-meter demon solemnly.

"But how can we catch the thousand-meter demon from so many demons?" The others said fearfully.

Although they came to capture the thousand-meter demon, they all knew that they were just here to die.

I'm afraid that among the task force soldiers here, except for the Samsara Squad, who have a chance to survive, the others are cannon fodder.

Because the Samsara Squad can be resurrected infinitely, even if they die here, they can be reborn.

However, these ordinary task force soldiers have only one life, and they die.

"Don't be discouraged, only if we catch him can we turn the tables!"

The members of the Samsara Squad said in a deep voice.


The task force soldiers all nodded solemnly. Since they chose to come here, they were naturally prepared to die.

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